Explore The World
Is this a future you would want to live in? Take a moment to share your thoughts about the future and the world described below by clicking the feedback button.
The world outlined below is familiar to today’s world in many ways – nation states still exist, the promise of fusion energy continues to elude, and climate change dictates much of the political, economic, and social world. That said, twenty-three years has changed much about how the world and its people operate. The globalized world community has been replaced with a system of geographic blocs similar to – yet distinct from – the European Union. Polarization and divisiveness have declined, and the moral enlightenment of 2040 has shifted people’s individualism towards a community mindset.
One more distinction from today: in 2045, humans have achieved Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). In the United States, the Orangenie AGI is controlled by a private corporation. The European Union has created the Nicomachus AGI, and the Chinese Communist Party has nurtured its Guangqi AGI into maturity.
These AGIs have changed the world in many ways – Nicomachus AGI ushered in the global moral enlightenment which decreased animal suffering and improved community cohesion. The Chinese traded access to Guangqi AGI for resource rights allowing developing countries to provide higher quality public services to more people. And in the US, the commonsense logic behind Orangenie AGI bared the burden of decision making for the wealthy.
Along the way, developments in AI have rid the world of Malaria deaths, increased the life expectancy of the world’s poorest by 30%, and brought to fruition climate resiliency projects impossible to imagine today.
A Day In the Life in 2045
Alejandra, San Francisco, California, North American Bloc, 37
It is October 25th, 2045, in San Francisco, California where Alejandra is an artificial intelligence engineer at Orange Train. Alejandra who is 37 identifies as a woman, is in a polyamorous marriage, and is a dual citizen of the United States and Uruguay. She immigrated to the US in 2030 after her family was forced to abandon their farm due to climate change.
Alejandra was most productive in the final hours of the four-day work week. On Thursday afternoons the office was empty, and she could talk with the Orangenie, the AGI machine she had helped build. Orange Train (OT) – the company behind Orangenie – had entered uncharted territory in AI when it decided to build a commonsense AGI machine whose purpose was to do the heavy lifting of difficult decision making. “Where should I raise my family?” “Which meetings can I skip that will anger the fewest people?” “Who should I support for school board?” Climate change, disease, and the increasing complexity of everyday life, politics, and culture had made answering questions like these ever more difficult.
To build Orangenie, OT engineers had developed a new technique for harnessing BCI implants to map the brain’s neuronal pathways. These pathways combined with a better understanding of sub-atomic randomness informed Alejandra’s discovery of the new neural network on which Orangenie was built. The business model followed quickly: give the ultra-wealthy answers and explanations for the hardest decisions they have to make.
Despite loving the technical aspect of her work, Alejandra had become disillusioned. OT executives were militant about keeping Orangenie to themselves, their wealthy customers, and the American government – and strong American IP laws and North America Bloc export allowed them to do so. Alejandra believed that OT did not share Orangenie more broadly because the executives enjoyed the social capital that accompanied its exclusivity more than monetary gains. She hated this decision. Back in Uruguay, her family had to balance paying for her grandpa’s dementia treatment while also saving for retirement. She felt decisions her family had to make were more complex and had far greater consequences than those of the wealthy Americans who sought Orangenie’s help.
Leaving work for the weekend, Alejandra swung her car – or rather, the car swung itself – into the self-driving lane of the highway. She still drove because she liked being able to switch into human mode and feel the uncertainty and risk that comes with human judgement. As her car drove, Alejandra passed the Bay’s floating barge nuclear power plant. She was initially skeptical about nuclear, but the Department of Energy’s “Nuclear Near You!” campaign had shifted her – and 85% of the population’s – thinking.
Alejandra met Mills and Unity (her husband and wife) at their favorite bar – Spotless – for dinner. Spotless was the first restaurant in San Francisco to have a fully robotic kitchen and serving staff but was also the first to comply with legislation that relegated robotic workers to menial tasks. They had re-hired human workers for skilled and customer-facing roles. Like many restaurants, Spotless was entirely vegan. The European Union’s release of the Nicomachus AGI touched off a global moral revolution whose chief result was a surge of support for animal rights. Imbued with the values of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights, Nicomachus swayed visitors in favor of actions that would reduce animal harm. Moreover, because Nicomachus effortlessly understood visitors’ motivations, values, and beliefs it could tailor responses to be more effective for each visitor.
After dinner, Alejandra put in her AR contact lenses and called her parents. “Calling” was still used colloquially even though it was more like experiencing. The AR overlay was so realistic that she truly felt as if she was sitting across from her parents on the couch. Her mom explained that Brazil would increase grain shipments to Uruguay in 2046, and that more young Uruguayans continued to migrate to Brazil and Chile. This economic migration was a major factor contributing to why her 65-year-old father still had to work, even when adults usually retire at 55.
Alejandra started her weekend with an all-in-one pill which depressed her genetic predisposition for Alzheimer’s and a mug of hydroponically grown coffee. Like most people with more free time than in the past, Alejandra found fulfillment through volunteering. She was the lead trainer for Care For All, a nonprofit which trained people who had lost their jobs to automation for new jobs in older adult care. As she arrived at the Corporation Power hospital the soles of her shoes shifted to be more structurally supportive for a standing posture.
Care For All was never short on participants because the newly unemployed were attracted to the high wages and job security that accompanied older adult care. As the North America Bloc’s population aged and fewer young people were born, society placed a growing reverence on older adults. Those eighty years and up were seen as the physical link to a simpler era and the holders of knowledge needed for societal improvement and rejuvenation.
One of the programs that Alejandra taught was the Health and Human Services (HHS) Memory Capture imitative. Memory Capture’s goal was to archive as much older adult knowledge as possible and store it in an easily accessible database. HHS hoped that younger generations would use the stored knowledge to learn different ways of thinking and apply new approaches to solving contemporary problems. Alejandra trained Care For All workers to properly facilitate conversations with older adults to capture this critical information.
Leaving the hospital, Alejandra thought about her grandpa who used to work six days a week just to make ends meet and considered how different her life was from his. She was grateful – the world in 2045 was much more holistic and balanced than when her grandpa was young. Her days were relaxed, fulfilling, and full of variety.
Musa, Lagos, Nigeria, African Union Bloc, 23
It’s April 15th, 2045 in Lagos, Nigeria. Musa is a 23-year-old day laborer who works alongside robots at a solar farm outside of Lagos, and lives in an experimental public housing complex called Hope. Outside of work, Musa campaigns for universal access to electricity and healthcare, and his sister Esther is a high-ranking government official in the Office of Digital Transformation.
Musa’s day begins at four in the morning to beat the midday heat – which now reaches dangerous climate change induced levels. From his Lagos apartment, Musa and his co-workers take African Union sponsored buses to their worksite – which is also where their Machine Intelligent Work Partners (MIWPs) live. Musa’s current project is hardening an existing solar farm against ever-increasing flooding and sandstorms. The MIWPs do most of the heavy lifting, shuttling materials and tools between the long rows of Chinese-made solar panels. The human workers are there for trouble shooting, jobs requiring dexterity, and to fulfill the government’s promise to employ people and robots in equal numbers. The morning darkness make headlamps a necessity.
After four hours of work, Musa heads to the worksite barracks for eight hours of medically aided sleep. When he awakes, he’ll work for four more. Many Nigerians who work outdoors have adopted a nocturnal lifestyle – not out of choice but for safety. When the humans rest so do the MIWPs – intense heat damages their circuitry. The Swiss company that built them did not predict that temperatures would rise so dramatically in the African Union Bloc. To be fair, neither had the Bloc. By the time 2035 had rolled around, the compounding effects of global warming, desertification, and species loss had made climate change a reality to be engineered around and mitigated, not a problem that can be completely solved.
When Musa finishes work, Hope is abuzz with others returning home for their eight hours of free time. Hope is comprised of low-cost high-density apartments (enough to comfortably house 100,000 people), government-subsidized grocery stores and health clinics, an art center, sporting fields, and a large community center. Hope was Nigeria’s first community planned and built entirely with China’s Guangqi AGI. The buildings and programmable walking paths are laid out to engender chance interactions between residents. Additionally, ubiquitous IoT sensors help Guangqi plan dynamic bus routes and automatically transmit pollution and disease data to government officials.
Musa was proud to live in Hope because he knew his sister’s work was paramount to the project’s success. Esther’s hiring to the Office of Digital Transformation was remarkable considering that her family is Tiv, an ethnic minority. Tivs only comprise 5% of Nigeria’s population and were typically passed over for key government jobs in the past. In 2027, however, the government settled on a fair hiring model which gave equal job opportunity to all members of Nigeria’s 250 different ethnic groups. Esther’s team lobbied the African Union to grant Nigeria access to China’s Guangqi AGI program. The African Union agreed and gave China generous mineral rights in return. China had built Guangqi to provide common sense insight into city planning, social service administration, and job placement. Facing a demographic cliff, these were necessary objectives for China to maintain geo-political and economic prominence, and also worked well for Nigeria’s need to address an exploding population.
Besides planning communities like Hope, Guangqi also helped with the dispersion of Nigeria’s universal basic income and with placing citizens in government jobs. Job placement is a critical application of Guangqi as more and more citizens seek stable employment either from the government or the countries’ biggest corporation, Nexticity. Musa’s roommate Charlie is employed by the government as a peer counselor. Even though Charlie was orphaned at a young age, he continued to score well on government administrated aptitude and attitude tests. Combing this knowledge with Charlie’s stated desire to work with struggling youth, a Guangqi-powered placement algorithm hired him as a peer counselor knowing he would excel at the job.
After a brief dinner of instant yams, rice, and protein mulch (what young people called the government protein and vitamin ration), Musa and Charlie head out to the nightly Nigerians Demand Basics (NDBs) rally. NDBs campaigns for the electrification of all buildings and to ensure that every Nigerian has access to basic preventative healthcare. As Lagos’ population balloons, the government has struggled to provide equal access to these services. In fact, Musa and NDBs argue that the pace of quality-of-life improvement is slower than it could be – and needs to be – especially now that Nigeria has access to Guangqi AGI.
At the protest outside Hope’s electrical utility office, Musa and others from NDBs are met by Union For The Future (UFTF) electricians. The electricians are also protesting the slow pace of electrification, albeit for an entirely different reason. They were dismayed that due to a continent-wide shortage of copper and high tariffs on imported copper, there is not enough raw material to keep UFTF members employed electrifying homes. On top of that, Nexticity had begun using robotic electricians in direct violation of Nigerian law and UFTF principles. The UFTF electricians were doubly upset that corrupt officials were doing nothing to stop Nexticity.
As the crowd convenes around the utility office, Musa shares a special announcement, Esther is here to address the group. He welcomes her to the stage. “Hello, brothers and sisters. I come to you tonight not as a government bureaucrat but as your fellow Nigerian and as Musa’s sister – I’ve come to hear your concerns. But before I open my ears to you, let me say this: I believe that Nigeria is on the right path towards the future and that life today is better than ever before. Today we have no malaria. Today all our people can read and write. Today our nation is powered by clean renewable energy. If we keep working together, tomorrow will only get better.”
Answers to prompts
Q. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?
A. In 2045 there are three AGI systems: Orangenie which is controlled by a private American corporation (Orange Train), Nicomachus which was developed by the EU, and Guangqi owned by the Chinese Communist Party.
To control Orangenie, Orange Train (OT) boxed it by building its server with a proprietary, localized power supply, and not allowing it access to the internet. OT’s goal was to control the questions asked of Orangenie so that (a) the response was specific to the questioner, (b) the response required human action, and (c) the response would not enlighten Orangenie to its own capability.
Nicomachus was built as an approval directed agent. When asked for advice, it tailors its response to align with the values laid out in the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Europeans believe that the values, beliefs, and norms enumerated in the Charter give Nicomachus sufficient knowledge to base responses upon and that those values, beliefs, and norms will stop Nicomachus from expensing advice or taking action that could cause harm to humankind.
Guangqi has the goal of helping the Communist Party create a Chinese Socialist Utopia aligned with the party leader’s values. This ambiguous goal places the AGI on a path of continual learning as rules, beliefs, and values change over time. It must always optimize China’s path from its current position to the pre-defined end goal. However, this approach is not foolproof as it can easily be aligned to objectively negative values.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. In 2045, AI is a general-purpose technology that is necessary for the majority of technologies, goods, and services – yet it’s unevenly distributed. The highest quality AI (best performance, most efficient, largest impact) is found in the North America, European Union, and China Blocs. These three Blocs have the most capital to invest in quality data, compute power, and ambitious applications. By 2045, the forefront of AI in the developed world tackles problems such as tailoring cancer vaccines to individual patients and automating the carbon tracking and offset market. In the developing world, the forefront of AI is focused on applications relating to equitable access to basic resources like a quality education and food that provides enough critical vitamins and nutrients.
As migration becomes more difficult and some Blocs become more authoritarian, AI talent continues to congregate where there is capital, compute power, and academic support. Blocs with limited AI talent institute policies that limit brain drain, protect intellectual property, and incentivize domestic corporations. In those Blocs, however, programmers’ work is less likely to be operationalized. This has a two-fold effect of (a) creating an unregulated global black market for programmers and access to their code as well as (b) a related loss of unrealized high impact algorithms. Further complicating matters, in some areas like the European Union, China, and MERCOSUR Blocs, government controls the industry to monitor its development and increase the capacity for state control, making these more or less optimal AI environments for certain people.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. In 2025, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Principles for Safe Development of AGI (PSDAGI). Though few believed AGI was possible, enough nations and corporations thought being the first to develop it could lead to a decisive power asymmetry. The off chance was reason enough to become party to the PSDAGI and signal one’s support for AI regulation. Moreover, the PSDAGI was a platform for corporations, nations, and Blocs to seek international consensus on AI regulation. Signatories did not relinquish the ability to achieve AGI, but rather agreed that (a) AGI should not be used for violence, (b) that AGI should benefit humankind, and (c) that signatories bear responsibility for the actions of their AGI in accordance with international law.
More practically, the North America, European Union, and China Blocs have avoided an AGI arms race because of the lack of political competency in the United States to achieve national AGI capability. The European Union decided that AGI regulation was the best tool to ensure that AGI would not tip the geo-political power balance and instead would improve human flourishing. Finally, China was open with the fact that its AGI ambitions were purely social and economic, not militaristic. Thus, all major geo-political forces tacitly agreed not to compete for AGI dominance. In reality, the only two players competing for dominance were China and the American private sector, and luckily, they did not share common goals – thus avoiding an arms race mentality.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. In China, the Communist Party remains the sole political force and after fully incorporating Hong Kong and Taiwan it has effectively squashed any possibility of political upheaval. The percent of the population employed by the government has grown and each province has greater autonomy from Beijing. However, provincial governors – hand-picked by the party leader – must use Guangqi AGI to build their five-year plan, increase the efficiency of work, and improve the material quality of life in their province.
The European Union has become a more ideologically cohesive political body after welcoming Ukraine, Norway, and Iceland and removing Poland and Hungary. Additionally, to address the increased decision-making power of the European Commission President, the Parliament introduced Polis Populari. Polis Populari is a Nicomachus AGI sub-model that gives individual Europeans a personalized voting slate and the ability to vote directly on legislation. If EU citizens reach a 75% majority opinion on legislation, their vote overrules the Commission and Parliament.
In the United States, national decision-making power still rests squarely with the president, yet Congress has become more emboldened to challenge presidential power. This is possible through NIST’s creation of a prediction algorithm to model the real time impact of laws, regulations, speeches, and decisions. The algorithm’s goal is to allow citizens to hold their representatives more accountable and give congresspeople and senators more foresight into their decisions. Practically, however, congress uses this tool to check the president’s power by knowing and broadcasting the consequences of every presidential decision.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. In 2045, the international Gini coefficient has fallen to 56 from its 2013 level of 63. This increasing equality is attributed to large GDP gains and increased economic power of the African Union, ASEAN, and MERCOSUR Blocs. These Bloc’s economic gains are the result of protectionism and internal Bloc trading. In addition, the economies of the United States, Europe, and developed Asian countries have steadily declined in terms of growth and output. That being said, the American, European, and developed Asian economies still have large advantages over the developing world in terms of established wealth and degree of economic development. Decreased global trade and increased economic isolation have continued to protect the economic gains made by countries who benefited from globalization from 1990 to 2020.
Despite this, quality of life and economic resilience has improved across the board. Many nations (73% of UN members to be exact) have started universal basic income (UBI) programs which have helped slash the number of people living in poverty worldwide to 150 million from 700 million in 2017. The current global poverty rate is 1.5%. As people came out of poverty, economic growth accelerated due to increased economic participation and the fact that less money was spent on addressing problems caused by poverty (i.e., paying for universal healthcare is cheaper than covering the costs associated with not having healthcare).
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. In 2020 more than 240 million people contracted malaria and 627,000 died from the disease. Malaria is highly contagious and deadly, but through the use of insecticides, vaccines, and gene drive it is also preventable. With the help of AI, the world in 2045 has seen a 99.9% reduction in the number of malaria infections and a 100% reduction in deaths. Experts consider malaria a problem of the past. Insecticides are one of the most effective tools to combat malaria, but they are only effective until malaria-carrying mosquitoes become resistant to them. Machine learning has helped scientists better predict when current insecticides will become ineffective and what new chemical or biological structures and formulas will be newly effective. Moreover, AI-enhanced protein folding prediction has allowed the WHO to coordinate the public-private production of five new malaria vaccines including the most effective – a mRNA vaccine. The WHO coordinated a massive vaccination campaign, using AI to decide which groups would receive the vaccine first and how to tailor public health messaging to promote the vaccine. Finally, scientists used AI to create an effective plan for executing an anti-parasite effector gene drive amongst malaria-carrying mosquitos. The anti-parasite effector approach eliminates the malarial vector in female mosquitos but allows the effected mosquito population to persist. The anti-parasite effector approach kills two birds with one stone by reducing the amount of malaria in mosquitos while not dramatically disrupting mosquito populations and the natural ecosystem.
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Founded in 2024 by workers in Jersey City and its sister city New Delhi, the Union For The Future’s (UFTF) mission is to improve laborer’s lives in the most effective and time efficient manner possible. The UFTF is unique because its members are decidedly in favor of AI and automation – but only when used in limited and specific settings. For example, the New Delhi chapter supports automating trash recycling and social media content reviewing because its members see those jobs as low skilled, unsatisfying, and unfit for human labor. On the other hand, the UFTF argues against automating jobs that it sees as skilled and rewarding like those in the service industry and manufacturing.
While it is a global organization, the UFTF maintains growth and influence because regional, national, and local chapters have different initiatives and abilities. All chapters, however, are united in their common guiding principles that (a) human labor is sacred (b) when used correctly AI will improve the laborer’s life (c) meaningful work leads to a meaningful life. In addition to its labor activism, the UFTF focuses on promoting friendship and human connection. The UFTF’s local nature has made it an important pillar in many communities hosting social events, seminars, and offering advice on how to live a moral and involved life. Finally, and especially in the developing world, the UFTF provides essential services that the government cannot, mainly community health clinics and job training services.
Q. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. In the past decade, the programmable material field has experienced a renaissance with major applications being utilized in the industrial, consumer goods, and transportation industries. In an effort to minimize mining of new raw materials and build self-sustaining national stockpiles of important metals, many developed nations have invested in re-programmable metals. New chemical formulas and physical structures for metals like steel and copper alloys have led to improved recyclability and longer usable lifetimes. Further, being able to reprogram their structures allows these metals to be repurposed into more settings and use cases than ever before.
Programmable materials are also found in the consumer economy by way of customizable clothing and durable goods. Color-changing and shape-shifting clothing allows consumers to spend less money and own fewer items while still owning a vibrant and dynamic wardrobe. In terms of home building, many new structures are built with integrated IoT sensors allowing for more accurate and energy efficient heating and cooling and other features like automatically dimming windows, self-cleaning textiles, and conductive surfaces. The norm in furniture is multi-use programmable pieces which maximize space efficiency and aesthetic enjoyment. Finally, in the transportation industry programmability is the norm in personal transport (car, bike, scooter etc.) exteriors allowing consumers to pick and choose the color of the preferred mode of transport on any given day.
The popularization and improvement of programmable materials allows private sector interests like innovation, scaling, and profit to also be sustainable and suit the 2045 anti-consumeristic mentality.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A. As the world becomes less globalized and nations solidify around the shared cultural, economic, and social norms of their Bloc, new approaches to governing the development and usage of nascent technology have emerged. In the China Bloc, the government continues to have the most influence in deciding what technologies get developed and how resulting in less R&D freedom. The government’s goal is to protect citizens’ economic well-being and to ensure that new technology will not undermine its power. Because of this extreme state control, Chinese technology begins to progress more slowly.
The North America Bloc continues its hands off approach to technological development but increases spending on foundational hard science R&D with the explicit goal of passing discoveries onto the private sector. The North America Bloc has increased spending on state universities and creates generous fiscal incentives to produce critical technologies (steel, semiconductors, medicines etc.) at home.
The European Union Bloc strictly regulates new technologies but has less global impact than in 2010s since globe spanning technologies have been replaced with Bloc specific regional ones. Finally, Blocs with more developing nations have adopted a laissez faire approach to regulating new technologies with the hope that limited intervention will boost rapid economic growth and encourage firms to incorporate in the Bloc. That said, considering the global trend towards authoritarianism and greater government control, developing nations strictly regulate new technologies which enhance social engagement and political organization, in an effort to maintain political and social control.
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. The climate crisis, a need for renewable and local energy production, and the advent of AI-powered grid management has had a profound impact on the energy sector. The increased frequency of extreme weather events caused by climate change has stressed the electrical grid causing more power outages and delays. As a result, many communities have adopted microgrids and localized energy production. In relation to the microgrid, AI manages the flow of energy within the grid and optimizes battery storage for peak usage times. Utilities and car manufacturers have incorporated electric vehicles into microgrids allowing them to add surplus electricity into the grid and power homes if electricity is lost.
In terms of the global green energy landscape, AI is integral in managing the global carbon offset marketplace run by Corporation Power. The AI checks for fraud, alerts institutions who have not sought compensation for their carbon sinks, provides fair and accurate pricing for unique greenhouse gas emissions, and tracks and calculates corporations’ and individuals’ emissions across the supply chain.
In addition to optimizing the flow, operation, and safety of modular fission reactors – which are now almost entirely automated – AI is used to shift the public’s negative perception of nuclear power. Governments and corporations use AI to understand which messages will be most persuasive in shifting people’s opinion to favor nuclear power. Finally, when planning future reactors, governments use AI-powered demographic analytics to target populations and geographic areas that will be receptive and appreciate of nuclear power.
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. For the wealthy 1% of the world the average life expectancy is 107 years old. For most of these wealthy, 3D printed, or animal grown human organs allow them to extend their bodily functioning through readily available organ replacement. Further, it is common to seek care from genomic doctors who sequence the most wealthy’s genome at an early age in order to tailor preventative healthcare interventions to problems before they arise. Personalized cancer vaccines, AI enhanced X-Ray and MRI interpretation, and improved chemotherapy and radiation techniques have effectively ended cancer deaths for those who can afford them. Most deaths which occur before 94 are the result of trauma or suicide.
The lifespan of the least wealthy 20% of the world has increased by 30% to 84 years old. This increase is largely attributed to the drop in deaths from lower respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, Malaria, and HIV/Aids as well as the enhanced access to basic preventative healthcare, improved nutrition, and better education. Better access to education has vastly decreased early childhood death further boosting the least wealthy’s lifespan. A child born to a literate mother has a 50% greater chance of surviving past five years old than one born to an illiterate mother. The least wealthy 20% of the world who historically have worse health outcomes had the most to gain from improved access to – and quality of – basic healthcare.
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
A. Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” In the United States in 2045 this right is worse respected than in 202. Due to increasing migration from the climate effected and authoritarian developing world, more people are applying for asylum in the United States. The United States has long turned away asylum seekers, but the trend has increased as greater isolationism collides with a higher numbers of migrants and the increasing cost of many resources. The United States, however, places importance on attracting educated and skilled migrants. The rights enumerated in Article 23 of the UN Declaration relating to the freedom to work and form trade unions are better respected in 2045 as compared to 2022. The percent of the unionized workforce has increased to 27% from 10.3% in 2021, and government programs to minimize unemployment have effectively placed anyone seeking a job in an appropriate position. The Union For The Future is credited with a majority of this increased unionization.
Cambodia, like many other nations has begun to better respect Article 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights granting their citizens more national holidays and passing laws encouraging private employers to offer more time away from work. As Cambodia’s economy boomed thanks to the government instituted UBI and ASEAN trade protections and privileges, sustainable economic growth is maintainable with fewer working hours. With more time off and holidays, Cambodians spend more money on consumption, enjoy a higher quality of life, and have an increased general appreciation for the government. While Cambodian’s have more free time, they also have fewer freedoms to assemble and protest in direct opposition to the rights outlined in Article 20 of the UN Declaration. Cambodia has become increasingly authoritarian in order to combat the effects of climate change and protect the nation’s economic interests. This authoritarianism means there are fewer instances where protests are tolerated. People continue to protest, yet greater numbers of protestors are arrested than before and more “protests” are sponsored by the ruling party. Lastly, only protests with a vast majority of popular support are effective in creating change.
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. The furthest reaching impact of Nicomachus’ release was a resulting global moral enlightenment. As a commonsense machine trained on the EU’s Fundamental Human Rights Charter, Nicomachus quickly became a trusted advisor to many people looking to make sense of the world. Honing responses to the essence of the EU charter, Nicomachus, for example, advised visitors to free themselves and peers from slavery (be it slavery to work, to an addiction, or to an unjust ideology). Nicomachus specifically emphasized the Charter’s proclamation that “enjoyment of these rights entails responsibilities and duties with regard to other persons, to the human community, and to future generations.”
In emphasizing this proclamation, Nicomachus encourages visitors to view answers to questions through the lens of selflessness, community, volunteerism, and collaboration towards a common goal. When asked “What should I do for my career?” a pre-Nicomachus response might center around high pay or personal enjoyment. Nicomachus, however, would advise the questioner to choose a career that would support their community while helping the most amount people. Thus began the gradual shifting away from an individual mindset to a group oriented voluntaristic model of fulfillment. Families using Nicomachus spend more quality time together serving others, civil society flourishes, and religion sees an increase in participation. Related, after Nicomachus’ release more people realized the negative impact consumerism had on their lives. Consumer spending began a steady decline and when people did purchase goods, they sought out items which were well crafted and had a long productive life.
Media Piece
“Interview with Kimoto Henderso”, audio format
Kimoto Henderso
The Team

Julian Dreiman
Julian is a Senior Analyst at Accenture Labs in San Francisco. He researches and writes about emerging technology trends that will dramatically impact how businesses operate in the next five to ten years. While his research spans a wide range of technologies, he’s especially interested in the effects of AI on society and the ethical considerations of robotics in older adult care. Julian graduated from Santa Clara University with a B.A. in AI Ethics and Political Science and was a Hackworth Fellow at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.