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A Day In the Life in 2045
Raphaëlle, Paris, FRANCE, 31
Somewhere in Paris, France. May 19th 2045
The sun was shining intensely that morning, and a ray passing through my shutters came to wake me up. I got out of bed with the pleasant feeling of starting a beautiful summer day. We were on Friday, the first day of the weekend! As I grabbed my coffee cup, I felt relieved: my thumb was no longer hurting, the stem cell treatment had worked quickly and my tendon had completely regenerated. I remembered there was a vote today, about the cultural activities the state would fund. I decided to take it in the morning to free up the rest of my day. I logged in to the national blockchain, cast my vote, and wrote my suggestions. Let us hope they will have an impact! With my duty done, I looked at the sun outside and had a thought about my beloved grandfather. He has recently passed away, and I felt once more the need to interact with him. I put on my virtual reality headset, settled comfortably into my chair, and connected to my personal metaverse. The program, designed specifically for me, took me to my childhood home, and I chatted for a while with an avatar of my grandfather before it slowly faded away. These sessions greatly helps me to accept his disappearance. I am an atheist, and yet I cannot resist hoping his spirit is still somewhere, watching after me. This comforting session ended, I collected a few objects that I no longer needed in order to take them to the exchange center of my neighborhood.
Few minutes of walking and I reached the place, greeting the employees whom I knew well by now. I dropped off my items and wandered the shelves in search of new things to get home. I enjoyed this place, and was always amazed at the creative decorations people were offering for free. I took a pretty 3D printed lamp, made of biomaterials, and slid it in my bag. It is lighting my apartment as I am recording this! Back to my story: at lunchtime I met my friend and co-worker Camille, at a small restaurant down the street. We ate a delicious veggie meal, discussing the future of ANGIL, the company we work for together. This very new company provides users with an affordable, personalized emotional and psychological AGI monitoring. It acts like a psychotherapist that can be messaged at any time by text or audio. We are part of a team in charge of refining the learning parameters of the AGI, so as to make it more relevant to French users. AGIs are, for the time being, unable to decide for themselves on ethical issues, and there are therefore great opportunities for jobs in the field of AGI value alignment. We both talked about our dream of perhaps someday joining the highly prestigious National Institute of Value Alignment.
After the meal, we headed to the park to get some fresh air and enjoy the nice weather. The streets were all green, the facades being covered with climbing plants and flowers that scented the air. The passersby strolling along the busy streets seemed relaxed. In the center of the square overlooking the park, children were petting goats through a fence while their parents bought the milk from the shopkeeper. At the park, we went to the meditation pagoda that sits at the edge of the pond. It is a meeting place for many atheists who want to have spirituality and communion, and who desire to get closer to nature and to themselves. We sat there in silence, closing our eyes to meditate for a while. We let ourselves go to this precious moment, in the smell of incense and the singing of the birds. Later on, we passed through an animated gallery. A virtual portal standing in the gallery allowed people to see and interact with, as if through a glass window, other people in a mall somewhere in Sweden. We had such a good laugh with it! Shortly after we sat, and I gazed at workers in a store under renovation. Two male and one female workers, all wearing AI-assisted goggles, were moving heavy loads with the help of construction robots. They looked satisfied of this technological help and I felt glad for them.
At the end of the day, we joined a group of friends on the other side of the city, by subway. We went to a cooperative’s headquarters that serves food and good beers, which we particularly enjoy. We discussed the incredible times we are living in, with the rise of general artificial intelligence, and the risks and promises humanity is facing. “What an incredible time to be alive!”, I said to myself, looking at my friends drinking and debating on the dawn of new civilization. A shiver ran through my body as I had these thoughts. We had lived through the first labor revolution in our teens, which had rapidly integrated artificial intelligence into the economy and massively transformed jobs. We were now living through a second, even more profound revolution, where highly intellectual tasks were being automated. Over dinner, we witnessed a scene: as night fell, in the street where our window was located, a fight almost broke out. A drunken guy had attempted to touch a young woman. Fortunately, as soon as the tone rose, a fast intervention drone appeared on the scene. It had followed an emergency call from the victim’s smartphone, and had come in less than half a minute. The police remotely frightened the offender via the drone’s loudspeaker, and the machine also filming him was enough to make him flee.
I returned home quietly, satisfied with my busy day. I sinked into my sofa and started recording my day on my vocal diary. Now, it is late. The placid and starry night sky whispers me that I should get to sleep!
Adama, countryside, MALI, 11
Somewhere in the countryside of Mali. 1st of October 2045
The village was still sleeping in the quiet before dawn as I woke up this morning. I live in a multi-story house with my parents, grandparents, and siblings. I was told it was printed in one go by a big machine when I was still an infant! My father says our home is magical, because the walls can regenerate when a crack appears, something related to living organisms sleeping in the cement. It also has a system that refreshes us without air conditioning, and it produces electricity all by itself! This fascinates me, and when I am grown up, I want to build smart houses too. But first, I need to study well!
It was very early, my classes being set in the morning to avoid the heat from the afternoon. I put on my clothes, grabbed some mealworm cookies for breakfast, and rode my squeaky bike to school. Our teacher, Miss Daou, was waiting for us. She had already prepared her presentation screen, and the AI assistant was connected. She was in a good mood, and explained us once again how lucky our generation was. Unlike her, we have internet thanks to the satellites covering our region, and we benefit from good computer equipment. We also have an AI assistant called Stoody, that regularly tests our knowledge with quizzes, and answers our questions on topics in the program. It has a funny voice and is always very friendly. When I was younger, it took me some time to understand it is not a real person! Today’s first class was on ecology. Our area has undergone a reforestation program, and we studied how it had been planned. Miss Daou taught us what animals had reappeared and what positive impact it had on our local economy. The local economy, I think, is the money adults in the village earn from their work, and it has increased a lot over the years. A second class introduced us to the renewable energies used in the community. Solar panels covering our roofs and a solar tower installed in a close desert area convert the sun’s light into greenhouses. It all feels like magic to me!
My other lessons in math and language finished, I had lunch with my classmates Adama and Nana. Most of our food is plant-based or prepared from insects grown on a large farm near here, where my dad works. I heard they eat a lot of something called artificial meat in northern countries. I sounds odd, I really wonder what it tastes like! Afterwards, we carefully did our homework in the study hall, monitored by the supervisor and assisted by Stoody. Before going out, I stopped by the school medical center to get my quarterly checkup on the autodoc. It is a small room filled with intriguing devices and a big chair in the middle, where we sit and follow the instructions from a voice. Each time, I have fun timing myself to complete the session as quickly as possible! I follow the instructions before the voice even has time to finish telling them. I was told the machine performs an analysis, and if something comes up, it notifies my parents. If needed, it will even advise them to take me to the city’s hospital. Fortunately for me, as usual, everything went fine. My friends and I are in good shape, but my mother told me that many people were sick back in her time. She explained me that health care was very expensive and they did not have a medical center. Everything seemed more difficult for my parents. They were poor, did not have the internet, and were abandoned by the government. What’s more out region was threatened by very bad men, some extremists she said. Now, they have jobs, the forest is back, and the government is present thanks to the internet and the train station. Security and hope have returned. According to them, I am still too young to realize how fortunate I am! But I think I do understand, at least a little, because I saw documentaries of the past.
We played for a while with my friends at the soccer field, despite the hot weather, and then we headed to the youth media center. In the main room, a huge hologram was projected. The older kids had met on a metaverse with a group of Europeans, and they were chatting while competing in a dance game. Those Europeans are so funny, with their straight hair of all colors! After the game, we isolated ourselves to indulge in one of our greatest passions: the creation of animated movies. We use the free version of a website that takes in text and our drawings, and generates from them an animated video. We are very proud of our few creations: they are short but intense, and above all very funny!
I then went home to attend the family dinner. My older sister had invited her girlfriend, whom my father looked at rather disapprovingly. This fortunately made us both laugh. My mother was tapping away on her tablet, checking the family expenses on our blockchain account, while my brother and I played with our DoggyBot. We ate a delicious meal that my grandmother, who walks again thanks to an exoskeleton, had cooked with the help of her husband. I spent the rest of the evening in bed listening to with the automatic narrator of Wikipedia’s youth, talking about Africa’s history. I fell asleep as the cool night air penetrated my room.
Answers to prompts
Q. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?
A. AGIs are not considered as living organisms, because they don’t have a closed body (they run on super computers) nor a unified mind (they are more a gathering of expert modules). As they are subject to bugs and require lots of resources, they are dependent on human assistance. They are understood as having some consciousness when they are run, but without, for now, emotions such as pleasure or pain.
AGIs think and act according to representations deduced from moral values that are written as plain text in their core. They make decisions but are not responsible. They are transparent by design, and they are controllable because they think rationally and can justify their decisions in summarized text.
It is forbidden to:
try to evolve AGIs so as to make them desire reproduction or self preservation, or make them have their own volition
make non transparent AGIs that could not be audited or probed
try to make them sentient. This is to avoid their suffering and also the need to give them rights
Children are educated on the risks of mind manipulation by malevolent AGI designers, who are indeed considered much more dangerous than AGIs on their own. AGIs become really powerful only through continuous interaction with other AGIs, and illegally designed AGIs are either very isolated and little dangerous, or rapidly spotted in the network. The security of AGIs comes from the regulation of their designing and use that is ensured by international cooperation.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. Since the first AGIs were made in 2035, there have been many top tiers AGIs in the world. As individual intelligence grows only through collective interactions, isolated AGIs did not grow clever nor powerful. The more connected to the world (with non restrictive data) and the more they communicated and interacted with humans and other AGIs, the more they could develop their own inner models and also the more they could specialize and have impact.
AGIs require huge hardware installations to run, such as quantum hardware, and they also require human technical and legal teams to monitor and run them.
The richer a country is, the more powerful and numerous AGIs it could afford. There has been until now several public AGIs deployed within a single government in big countries like the US, and there have been many private AGI deployed in companies, with frequent audits to ensure their legality.
Some small communities have also been recently granted help to develop their own (more generalist) AGI, which represents them and defends their culture and rights, and it made the overall AGI network collectively richer.
Some AIs were designed to self reproduce, but they ended up behaving as dumb virus or competing against their own copies and never succeeded at becoming powerful, though they became quite problematic and got hunted down.
Some AIs were illegally designed for malevolent purpose, but until now they have been quickly spotted and ostracized by the majority, or even hunted down and destroyed.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. Automatic translation and AI assisted diplomacy have improved international cooperation.
More women at power, more empathy in leaders and less popular desire for authoritarian regimes have lowered the warmongering behaviors.
The fight against climate change and biodiversity destruction has united countries around a common objective and it improved collaboration.
Also, the rise of AI has made information and knowledge all the more precious, more than any land ressources, decreasing the interest in major conflicts.
There has been big political and economical tensions between the US and China around year 2035 when the first AGIs appeared, because of their disagreements on AGI development safety measures. However, the nuclear (fewer missiles but still present) and spatial (targeting of satellites) dissuasions prevented any direct conflict escalation.
Tensions about the military use of AGI and about its further development are not over though, and new issues are expected with the next generations of AGIs.
Cyber war has become much more used but it has also shown for now to result in far less human casualties than real world conflicts.
Fight against Terrorism has also greatly improved with worldwide internet covering, satellite imaging and AI assisted investigation tools. Islamic fundamentalism has diminished in poor countries thanks to rural development.
An international treaty on the regulation of self reproductive AIs has been signed.
Automation in armies has been restricted to prevent from potential AGI empowerment and from remote-controlling cyber attacks. AGI are systematically deprived of any direct military decisional power.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. US and EU are more democratic as the constitutions have been revisited and include a broader participation from citizens and localities.
The development of blockchain technology has allowed people so safely and regularly contribute to local and national decisions by voting from their home.
AI has also enabled all citizens to easily provide their opinion and make grievances. Indeed a governmental language model automatically, transparently and apolitically compiles and analyzes the citizens’ messages to present a summarized report to the decision-makers. AI is also used to automatically fact-check politicians and prevent fake news from spreading on social media (not only on their contents, but also on their spreading patterns).
AI has also greatly improved diplomacy, allowing decision makers to talk directly and smoothly with automatic translation, and by assisting them in their decisions.
AI has increasingly been used to provide analysis and advice for decision making, law making, as well as to make justice (automatic law and legal precedents analysis, assisted ruling and assisted public defenders).
In China, the communist party still leads, helped by AI systems to repress opposition, but it is more and more internationally isolated and contested by the population. Chinese are now very well educated, they can see the benefits of democracy, and wish for a democratic transition. Furthermore, the AGIs used by the Chinese government have only access to limited and censored data, and they are thus penalized in comparison to those in free countries.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. Gini coefficient had increased in some regions for a time in the 2020 decade (see timeline) because of AI driven inequalities, but it has globally decreased since 2022, for the reasons below:
China: After massive riots against AI billionaires and inequalities, the state has condemned the richest and has established an anti-capitalistic planning. Huge accumulation of wealth is now prevented (nationalization, taxation, inheritance) and massive redistribution is done to prevent poverty. Workers are granted a right to vote regarding the local means of production which are for most of them now public goods.
EU: most EU countries have increased taxation on very high revenus and inheritance to prevent big wealth accumulation. Human augmentation is financially promoted instead of full automation which is taxed.
USA: the country has adopted social democracy with higher taxations, massive redistribution and free health care.
In both EU and USA, more power is held by workers who participate in votes concerning the company decisions and salary distribution, and a lot of companies are entirely owned by workers instead of shareholders.
Around the world:
The development of blockchain decentralized services and finance helped spread wealth among population.
AI is used for large scale automatic tax fraud detection and international agreements have eradicated most of fiscal paradises.
Wide access to cheap and qualitative education thanks to AI tutoring has redistributed the chances of success for lower social classes.
The third world has developed and counts more democracies, and mentalities have evolved making rich people more altruistic.
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. Mass education has always been a big problem for humanity, and it can be considered solved with the help of AI:
Regarding children education, AI is widely used in schools for teaching assisting, monitoring, test automation and question answering. The number of workers in education has raised after AI employment refactoring. This changed drastically the academic success of poorer areas and allowed to rebalance the chances of success of young people across regions in countries and in the world. Almost all children in the world have now access to cheap educational materials.
Students in university also benefit from better teaching materials, personal follow-up and have more teachers as well as more scholarship funds.
For workers, the employment refactoring caused by AI’s rise has led to better formations and systems for professional reorientations.
Concerning citizens, automatic apolitical fact checking and fake news spreading limitation have improved their citizen education. What’s more, automation of grievances accounts has led to more democratic participation and more responsible citizenship.
All people have also now access to automatic question answering on various subjects thanks to wikipedia’s AI assistant and narrator, and have become more aware of how the world works and of the major issues in their countries. AI has also allowed more custom access to art, literature, and culture in general.
This mass education has lead to more economical independence, democracy and independence of mind across the world. Many experts expect mass education improvement to become the deepest effect of AI on civilisation.
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Knowledge concerning the relations and intricacies between the domains of ecology, mind/body health and social health has progressed. This led in several countries to the creation of a ministry of well-being, merger of previous ministries of health, ecology and social cohesion. Well-being of people has become the new major objective of the governments in these countries. Well-being is more prioritized than economy which was recognized to be only partly correlated to well-being.
This ministries aim at maximizing well-being of citizens by:
Defending citizens fundamental rights to well-being.
Defining what should get more or less governmental funds regarding impacts of well-being.
Governing health care with a holistic approach. Mind, social and ecological environments are considered important for health.
Defending the natural environment and promoting a symbiotic relationship with human activity.
Defending small communities, fights for social justice or social diseases like loneliness.
Defending all sorts of minorities and promoting tolerance.
Helping people to integrate in beneficial communities (virtual and real) and help them escape from local toxic communities (religious communities, gangs etc.).
Protecting women from violent men and helping them get security and autonomy.
Q. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Blockchain technology has lead to major improvements in several crucial domains:
Blockchain voting being both safe and easy, it has been integrated in the voting systems of many countries, both for national and regional consultations. This led to greatly empowering citizens who can now participate frequently to local and national decision making, and made them more aware of their responsibilities and aware of governing issues, as well as more willing to participate. In companies too, the voting increased democratic participation to the company decisions and led to new horizontal company governance, some companies being entirely decentralized with independent workers spread all around the world.
Blockchain also brought decentralized finance services, allowing notably savers to decide themselves of their investments, and provided new ways for poorer countries to get small credits and develop.
All numeric transactions being now held on blockchains, they became transparent and with perfect traceability. This drastically decreased fraudulent and opaque transactions in high finance banking operations, money made under the table, money laundering, tax fraud etc.
Applied to media (video, image and sound) forgery which AI increased tenfold, it allowed the authentification and traceability of real media with blockchain signature of certified hardware such as connected cameras or microphones. This gave back credibility to media and prevented AI media faking.
Further more it revolutionized other domains, such as healthcare data privacy, products traceability and services transparency.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A. In the EU and US:
– Well-being and sustainable technologies are funded, what opposes it is generally taxed.
– AI based companies that have a big automatized/human labor ratio are also taxed.
– All citizens have the right to a minimal free AGI assistance for justice, education and healthcare.
In China:
The monitoring of the population has never been higher.
Around the world:
– AI custom tutoring and better follow-up led to massive educational success in lower classes and poorer countries, and is the aspect that contributes most profoundly to the evolution and improvement of society.
Blockchain decentralization and open source technologies allow most people to easily access basic knowledge and goods (with 3D printing).
AI assisted research has substantially increased the rate of patent creation and scientific discoveries.
Prisons have been drastically emptied as convicted citizens can chose to be monitored by AI and trade their privacy for more liberty during their convicted period.
A paradigm shift has occurred: companies now tend to lend goods rather than selling them, and thus they have an interest in designing them to be repairable, reusable and recyclable.
Less work and more help for raising children have stabilized birth/death ratio in developed countries.
Asteroid mining has started to provide cheap rare ores and prevents land mining, saving large land and marine ecosystems.
The UN declaration of rights includes new articles:
AGI must be transparent and integrate UN declaration of rights in its core value texts
AGI cannot be used against people’s interest
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. Healthcare:
– A conceptual revolution has occurred in modern medicine, that integrates the body with the mind and the social life in a holistic approach. AI has made the integration of all these aspects easier, and made custom therapies possible.
AI data analysis power has led to great improvements in:
• genetics: gene therapies, detection and prevention of genetic diseases
• microbial analysis: custom medications adapted to intestinal or skin floras
• autonomous surgical robotic: better, cheaper and less invasive surgeries
• automatic diagnosis in remote regions with Autodoc (see A day in the life).
• RNA vaccines design
• antiobiotic resistant bacteria: design of new molecules and also bacteriophages
– Hospital care and elder care have virtual reality relaxing rooms and robotic companions available that greatly improve the moral of patients and help them heal faster.
– Mental health care with cheap personal AI therapist provides personal follow-up for people and helps them overcome their mental distress. This results in a drop of depression, addictions, suicides and agressions.
Cerebral implants allow disabled people so see, hear, speak, walk.
People in a coma can communicate thanks to AI mind reading. Also people in locked-in syndrome are now detected.
Custom AI-made animation movies help cure traumas like ptsd, nostalgia and phobias.
AI has boosted bio-engineering for making materials that are more ecological and better for the health.
AI coaching on smartphones help more people feed better and do more sport.
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. The life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% has raised from 87 years to 95 years, mostly because of custom healthcare and improvements in treatments against heart and respiratory diseases. Despite the desire for immortality of some billionaires, aging and death are still a fact for humanity, and it is less thought of to use money for oneself instead of helping the poorest.
Concerning the least wealthy 20% (mainly Africans), life expectancy rose from 60 years to 80 years with the drop of neonatal deaths and the access to common healthcare for a majority of the population.
Globally, notable trends have improved life expectancy:
People know better how to eat well (less obesity, less meat) thanks to education
Less stress and better education have led people to smoke less tobacco, drink less and take less drugs.
The drop of air pollution with less fossil fuels has considerably lowered respiratory diseases.
The drop of pesticides use with biological agriculture transition has lead to less cancers.
The improvement of water quality thanks to nanotechnologies for cheap desalinization and water treatments.
The pandemic emergence rate has lowered thanks to biodiversity protection and less intensive farming
Healthcare improvements (see last question).
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
A. Rights improved:
– Articles 7 to 12: The rights to justice from UN declaration articles 7 to 12 are now better because AI gave justice a huge amount of ressources. Indeed people are granted a minimal governmental AGI help along with with a lawyer to represent them for free. Lawyers and juges also dispose of efficient AI assistance to dig in legal precedents or anticipate issues of lawsuits.
The legal arsenal against internet crimes and assaults has greatly improved as well, dramatically decreasing cyber harassment, gratuitous hate and defamation compared to 2020. The law making process also benefits from AI assisting to make new laws faster and socially fairer with automatic grievance analysis.
Article 3: right to security has improved with better police technology like fast drone calling (see A day in the life 1).
– Article 21: participation to democracy has improved with better citizen education, more involvement with the easy to do blockchain voting, and automatic grievance analysis that allow any one to have their ideas taken into account.
– Articles 22 and 23, 25: working conditions have improved a lot, with less hours of work and more social help. USA have become a social democracy, so people benefit of major social assistance such as free minimal healthcare.
– Article 26: Education has improved a lot as mentioned in 9.
Rights worsened:
– Article 19: the right of free expression is worse in the US because AI helps filtering out the hateful contents on the web and hate speeches are not tolerated anymore.
In China
Rights improved :
– Articles 22 to 25: Working conditions have improved a lot, especially for the poorer. Indeed the country has strongly acted since 2025 to kill off poverty and has also radically changed the system since 2038 (see timeline for both dates) in order to give more power to workers at the expense of capitalist owners.
Article 26: Education has improved a lot in China as well.
Rights worsened:
Article 17: very rich people have been arbitrarily deprived of their property in 2038 when the state proceeded to massive nationalisations in order to quell the riots of complaint against inequalities.
Articles 18 to 21 didn’t change very much as right of expression is still nonexistent. Fondamental rights of freedom and justice (1 to 16) unfortunately didn’t improve as well, but as the middle class is bigger than ever and the poor class is getting educated, people are less and less accepting this situation.
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. People need less to work and care for their material well-being as life has become easier with massive labor automation and social progress. They can therefore focus more on their social, emotional and spiritual lives.
Ecology has brought people around the world closer to nature and to themselves as living beings. It also brought cultures together as it reminded them of their similarities as human beings, and as many nations cooperated for the ecological transition.
These new knowledge about nature has inspired a new, globally shared, spirituality, reuniting both believers and atheists.
For the atheists becoming more numerous, eco-spiritual temples have appeared, allowing them to gather and have celebrations.
Children learn the importance of nature at school, and they value a lot life, well-being, and therefore peace and tolerance.
The global internet interconnection, despite some inconveniences, has also contributed to spread a new common mentality of social progress, tolerance, empathy and philanthropy. Cultural richness is prioritized over material richness, people consuming less and trying more to reuse and share their goods. Rich people acquire a better social status by being philanthropic and sharing rather than by being egocentric and spending for themselves.
Improvement of democracy, the decrease of inequalities and the better education have lead to more public involvement of citizens and more solidarity across the nation.
In the cities, new local networks of neighbors have emerged, linking people with mutual assistance and diminishing loneliness, particularly for elders.
Media Piece
“To The Stars”, Art-Visual Presentation Piece
Please click HERE for a link to the slide presentation.

The Team

Cressot Loic
I am a French engineer with a degree in computer science and applied mathematics, with a specialty in machine learning. I am located in Paris and I am currently working as a freelance blockchain developer and entrepreneur. I’ve always been a science and philosophy enthusiast, with a particular interest in the brain, the mind and artificial intelligence. I am also a big fan of design and photography.