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A Day In the Life in 2045
Vasquo, Dar es Salaam, Songhai Region, 38
When Dusk Turned into Dawn
There he was, tormented to despair. The night deepened with each hour, yet his mind’s light continued to flicker, denying him sleep. It was not a malady that kept him awake for he was in good health, he thought. Nor was it any external disturbance, for that part of Dar es Salaam was so pleasantly quiet that he could discern the faint roar of the ocean from the comfort of his bed. It was the dread of his recent actions – a little click of a button – that assailed him.
As he has always done since childhood, whether on a peaceful summer morn or on a freezing evening as a storm pelted the earth with bullets of ice, Vasquo resolved to take a walk to dampen the ferment of his mind. Many who have seen him sauntering through the streets, oblivious of the elements, have thought him mad. He would sway from path to path if he was lost in a dream from which he could not awake. But soon, touched by the miraculous tranquillity that solitude brings, his mind would clear, his spirits would settle, and eventually, his feet would lead him back home. And so, in search of his cure, he jumped out of his bed with patent distress, threw a coat hastily over his shoulders and without any thought about laying his course, plunged into the darkness of the night. Like clockwork, his retinal eyepiece roared to life, projecting the layout of the paths ahead of him with sharp clarity, illuminating any difficulties that may beset his path.
The sparse raindrops that were carried from the ocean fell like diamonds from the sky, coloured to a brilliant shimmer by Dar es Salaam’s scintillating lights. He steadied his step on the slippery pavements, exhaled, and allowed his mind to wander. He looked upward towards the majestic web of the Starlink network and then cast his eyes around. The low hum of autonomous vehicles was music to his ears, drawing his mind away from his distress. He saw their drunk occupants laughing and kissing their way towards some festal indulgence that befits the cold, Friday night, and suddenly he remembered his loss. The light rain, he smirked, was not as soothing as Adira’s warm kisses. Ah, Adira! Unwilling to accept the momentary distraction, his mind thrust Adira into the world around him, reminding him that it was a friendship he was unable to preserve that had denied him sleep.
With science, humanity had created the world in the image of its gods. Many maladies could now be dispelled with the rapidity of a miracle, hypersonic transport systems put the winged sandals of Hermes to shame, and the counsel of pedestrian AGIs was often far wiser than the musings of King Solomon. However, despite humanity’s earnest efforts, mortality remained unconquered. No matter how transhuman, no matter how long life was lengthened, death was inevitable. And with every remembrance of our dead, our hearts die anew, with distractions offering us merely a second of respite before remembrance forces us to die again. As he wandered throughout the night, he must have died a few thousand times. And with each step, his mind replayed Adira’s beautiful voice that was untainted by pain even on her deathbed, as she whispered “If it will make you happy, ReCreate me”.
ReCreate had emerged not long ago from Nairobi’s silicon savannah. It was a powerful multi-modal media generation tool that ran using an implementation of a generality measure 7 AGI agent. As soon as ReCreate had been announced, he had quickly acquired a beta subscription, training it to generate texts, images, videos and voices of his favourite historical thinkers for his amusement. When supplied with a sufficiently representative dataset, say Einstein’s complete audio-visual and text catalogue, ReCreate could generate new media that would mimic Einstein’s original’s cadence, physical form, voice, and wit with uncanny precision. Even his jolly and womanising nature and the swiss-Germanic affectations of his accent emerged from the ReCreation. Although ReCreate was largely an amusing indulgence, often referred to as the ‘deeper fake’ in the Metaverse, it was not lost on him that maybe, just maybe, ReCreate could do so much more…
And so, after Adira’s death, armed with both her permission and her passwords, he had compiled Adira’s total digital footprint: every picture and video that she had ever captured, every message and tweet that she had ever penned, from her childhood pictures posted by her parents to the remote comments that she had littered across every corner of the web and the metaverses. In total, just 1.5 terabytes of data, yet encompassing every single bit and qubit that her lovely soul had ever created.
With tears running down his eyes, he had logged into his ReCreate account and submitted the data, and now the seemingly endless wait had kept him awake for 4 days straight. All he wanted was to see her again, to hear her sweet, angelic voice in its full authenticity. He wanted to cheat death and bring her back to life, even if for a single moment. Moving on would be settling for too little, especially when science could let him chance at a miracle that could not have been offered to someone who needed it more woefully.
Suddenly, his eyepiece came to life with the notification “Training complete” in his visual field. Ignoring the cold chill that ran down his spine, he turned around and bolted at full speed back to his house, slammed the door shut behind him and initiated his Neuralink. “Nod to continue”, the eyepiece showed. Hesitating, he turned and looked outside. The sky was still dark. But soon, when dusk turned into dawn, he felt the heaviness lift from his heart with each ray of light that brightened the sky. Then he nodded. And alas, there she was, as vivid as the morning sun, standing in front of him as if she had never left.
Javan, Nairobi, Sonhai Region, 24
Songhai, Formerly the Federation of East African Republics,
Javan rushed past the street market into the train station, late as usual. The Maglevs would get him to the university in time. Sweaty, he boarded the train and put his thumb on the fingerprint scanner. The next passenger regarded him with suspicion as she put her finger on the scanner. Since the Great Corona Pandemic of ‘19, people had an acquired taste for a modicum of public hygiene.
The train soon left. The next stop is the University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus. Javan alighted the train and rushed to the AI department. No time to stop and chitchat with the robots guarding the gate and tending the lush Chiromo gardens. The lift opened just as he entered, taking him directly to his floor.
“Nice of you to join us, Javan.” Professor Rosso winked as he took his seat. “So, as I was saying, fractals are very interesting architectures.” She held up her hand enthusiastically as the class watched. “Imagine other hands protruded from each of my fingertips.” Smiling, Javan put up the “gag-reflexor”. The faces of students squirmed as they looked at the slide.
“That’s why we call it the gag-reflexor,” said Professor Rosso, chuckling. “Think of my five hands as ministries of government which have various departments under them. These departments also have various smaller departments. An individual finger can move up or down the arms, or across them with great flexibility. An individual bureaucrat, say in procurement, can function with relative ease in the bureaucracy.”
Javan sat up and looked on, fascinated.
“That’s the power of fractal architectures! Out of single monotonal building block units, we can achieve generality and hierarchy. Generality is achieved by different finger streams acting on different tasks. Hierarchy is achieved by high-level tasks being translated into smaller tasks upstream.”
“I heard that this is how we cracked generality…” offered a back-benching student. “Yes, that’s correct. Once fractal architectures were accepted as a robust means of getting to AGI, we made significant progress in building generality 3 through 10 agents with relative ease. Anyway class, that’s all we have for today.”
In the timeless tradition of classes everywhere, the students rushed out of the class, but a few lingered behind for conversation with Javan and Prof. Rosso. Rosso had also invited Javan to coffee in Nairobi’s Westlands area. They took the electric hoverboards that littering the campus and headed out.
The cold March weather had already set in. Shivering, Javan settled at the furthest table from the door. Rosso immediately and uncharacteristically started, “I have been working on something. You won’t believe it.” Expectantly, Javan looked up from his coffee, clasping his East African Chapati. “Fractals have become prisons of computer science. We need to find a bigger gilded cage.” This was going to be interesting, Javan thought and took a huge bite.
“I created a digital ecosystem of 1,123,000 generality measure 5 agents,” Rosso continued. “I had them interact over five hundred generations in a resource-constrained environment. The protocols used were slight modifications of standard genetic algorithms. I was just playing around honestly! Guess what happened?”
Javan, responded with some chapati in his mouth, “Tribes?” Squirming, Rosso responded, “Yes precisely, I think we recreated the African Savannah!” Rosso now looked enthusiastic. “You do realize that at their level of intelligence, formation of groups could be because of TOM”
“No,” Javan announced.
“Well not necessarily yes, but it is a possibility. The agents must be aware that they need to group to thrive in their environment. To cooperate they also must have an idea of the state of mind of other agents. This makes it easier to predict the behaviour of compatriots and adversaries. Theory of mind.”
“Where did you get the compute though? 1 million-odd agents over 500 generations must not have been kind on our University cluster.”
As they walked out of the coffee restaurant, Rosso explained that he had linked the University of Nairobi cluster to the GAIA Songhai Supercluster in Dar es Salaam. He was able to run the 500 generations in two hours and was able to create tribes by the hundredth generation. Identifying different communication protocols over spatially and temporally isolated tribes was trivial. Javan’s interest was officially piqued, this was very good.
It was almost noon as Javan and Rosso approached the gates of Chiromo. While Rosso hovered off towards his administrative meeting, Javan contemplated the implications of what could be the most important conversation of his career. Genetic or Evolutionary algorithms had fallen out of favour since the advent of converging models using entangled representations in the early 30s. He settled into his office and asked his agent 3 model to process his mail and read the synthesis out for him. The most recent mail, of course, was Rosso’s. “See me at 4 pm, I have more.”
As Javan entered the lab, he saw Rosso intently staring at his holographic terminal screen. He inched closer, hoping to peek at the screen before he was noticed. When he saw the terminal reading, “Generation 199992”, his jaw dropped. Rosso quickly swiped open a new holographic window and fired up the GAIA Generality Metric program. After feeding the architecture to his program, it quickly spat out: “Generality Measure 10”. Javan looked at her, flummoxed. “Wait, agents have never been able to improve their generality measure.”
“I relaxed layered programming protocols.” Rosso declared.
“You did what!”
“With permission, of course. We have added extra ringfencing protocols just for safety. Now, watch this.”
The program soon stopped running. Rosso quickly rushed the result into the metric program. It returned: “No Generality Measure taken.”
Excited, Rosso switched to an agent booter and loaded his creation.
“Good evening,” Javan said.
“Good evening, Professor Rosso and Dr Javan,” the agent responded. “And good luck on your thesis Javan, it is excellent.”
Stunned, Javan sank to the floor.
“What is your Generality Measure?” Rosso continued.
“Generality Measure 11.”
Answers to prompts
Q. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?
A. International best practices in AGI research and development have been in place for at least 20 years. Most researchers and governments have settled on the “layered programming protocol”. There are 3 layers of architecture: the core, the plastic periphery, and the elastic interface. The elastic interface is an extremely adaptable layer of neural networks in which a client/agent is completely free to restructure and adapt according to contextual demands. The plastic periphery is more tasking to edit compared to the elastic layer. It involves the use of architectures with deliberately long convergence times, which consume significant amounts of energy. The core comprises the most critical components and is impossible to edit. It consists of risk-averse functional moral systems trained into the AGI system at development. For a client/agent to edit the core, they would have to solve the halting problem.
Regional bodies, corporations, nation-states, and even individuals can set up local infrastructure to access the elastic interphase, however, critical developments and amendments to the plastic interface are only allowed in exceptional circumstances. While the elastic interface is nodular and has a decentralized infrastructure, the core and plastic peripheries are maintained by a special branch of the Global Artificial Intelligence Alliance (GAIA), which is composed of representatives from all signatory member states of the AGI Non-Weaponization Treaty (ANT). GAIA, an international organization established by treaty, seeks to promote the peaceful use of AGI technologies and to inhibit their use for any military purposes.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. Companies developed AGIs first, leading to a widespread emergence of intelligent systems classifiable by their abilities using a Generality Measure (GM). Primitive networks like CNNs and RNNs, have a GM=0 and perceivers have a GM=1. Combining these limited systems created agents have a GM=2-7, which quickly became ubiquitous from home service agents to large-scale industrial operators. Leveraging on better formal properties, better hardware and through strong collaborations with governments, super-companies became the first to run intelligent agents with a GM=8-10.
As the dangers of owning disparate AGIs and the benefits of collating global AGI capacities became clear, conferences and treaties led to a collectively owned GM=10 agent, secured by a robust multi-layered protocol as the standard global ‘immune system’. This agent quickly became much safer and more powerful than all others. The technical resources required for replicating such a safe and powerful multi-nodular AGI became too significant for ubiquitous emulation, and therefore most nations agreed to become national nodes in this global AGI network.
This resource merger was also precipitated by international political pressure towards collective ownership, transparency and non-weaponization, without which it would be almost impossible to guarantee collective control and non-militarization. 98% of countries signed the ANT by 2045, making GAIA’s multi-nodular AGI agent the only legally recognized ethical GM=10 agent in the world. All other GM= 8-10 systems are declared illegal to own, develop or maintain under ANT and international law.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. The signing of the AGI Non-weaponization Treaty (ANT) by all permanent members of the UN Security Council and the increasing number of ANT signatories each year sought to emulate the long-lasting success of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. As an arms control treaty, it categorized AGIs as weapons of mass destruction, distinguished the use of AGIs from conventional tools of cyberwarfare and banned Nations from secretly developing GM=8-10 systems.
The ANT, which formed the template for future treaties, was developed as a 3-pillar system:
i. collective ownership (all critical infrastructure must be owned collectively through GAIA and de-centralized in a multi-nodular network),
ii. transparency (GAIA Technical Committee members can view all developments in the systems network in an open-access fashion and within the legal restraints of the ANT framework for oversight), and
iii. non-weaponization (no ANT signatories may develop or deploy any AGI software or hardware for any military purposes)
By slowly evolving from a unipolar (one great superpower) to a multipolar world (multiple superpowers), nations have also grown more reluctant to engage in wars over-seas. This multi-polarity has been precipitated by the rise of the new eastern alliance between India, China and Russia during the Ukraine war, and the emergence of large economic blocks in the global south. The multipolarity has encouraged nations to deploy realist international policies and discard hegemonic, domineering and expansionist policies, thus withdrawing their vast military bases from foreign countries and reducing global tensions.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. National politics has remained within the province of nations and their elected governments. However, increased productivity through AI and other technologies has encouraged regionalism as relatively smaller economies catch up with larger regional economies. India, for example, has fully caught up with China and the Indochina region has become the largest economic region in the world, with 45 trillion dollars GDP.
Enhanced trade and communication between neighboring nations has also inspired a gradual shift towards strengthening multi-national organizations for the strategic control of sectors of the global economy. China, India, Russia, and other Asian countries have restructured their national economic policies in favor of a international coordinated economic plan, forming a new economic institution to balance out the EU. With multiple institutions controlling roughly similar regions of the global economy, multiple reserve currencies have emerged, establishing a new financial status quo and promoting the formation of new allies across the globe.
As all members of the UN Security Council are signatories of the ANT, all these states have given away decision-making control of their AGI technologies to GAIA, which drafted the ANT. As a civilian-run organization, GAIA also harmonizes global activities in AGI development within its multimodal network. GAIA also helps smaller countries to access collated AGI resources and shapes the peaceful deployment trajectories of AGI by member states. No government has an AGI as head of state or head of government.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. While the rapid deployment of AGI technologies in the global economy has led to the emergence of dollar trillionaires, gini coefficients within most countries has reduced, reducing slightly in high-income countries but falling drastically within low-income countries. In high-income countries, productivity has been almost completely decoupled from human labour and this decoupling is also accelerating in low-income countries. GM=2-7 systems are increasingly being deployed across industries to ensure universal access to food, shelter, clothing, education, electricity, and health with kind of rapidity seen in the mobilephone penetration of the African market in the early 21st century.
As many low-income countries start to maximize their revenue collection from large extractive corporations, there is rapid introduction of social contracts between such companies and respective local and national governments mandating that significant proportions of the profits are committed to community development. The rapid growth of an AI-assisted manufacturing industry has also allowed low-income countries to approach their economic potential, converting their import-heavy economies into net exporters of manufactured goods for the first time in their histories. A fraction of the government budgets is also being committed to the maintenance of UBI and UCE (Universal Capital Endowment) as the surplus generated by AGI-improved systems has lessened the economic reforms that would be needed to fund UBI & UCE. Millions of people are being extracted from abject poverty every year.
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. Energy efficiency
AI has been deployed across both regional, national, and private electric grids to maximize the efficiency of energy generation and consumption. Because of the complex dynamism of demand, environmental conditions, and the growth, development and incorporation of renewables, AIs have taken up the complex task of optimizing the decarbonization of electric grids, a task that standard programs were not smart enough to handle. On the national and regional scales, GM=4-7 AGIs have been deployed to predict the optimal renewable energy options and times to be integrated into the clean energy grid as carbon emitters are phased out. The ability of AI systems to learn from hundreds of thousands of new multimodal data points across the grids, predict how parameter variances blunt the resilience of the electric grids, and how these are intertwined with customer demand, market prices and more, has allowed an almost seamless transition from a centralized to a decentralized grid architecture and has also initiated the era of international electric grids in other regions.
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Participatory socialism
Initially proposed by economists in the early 2010s and 2020s, it involves the entrenchment of communal and collective egalitarian development over national or individual development through a better sharing of wealth and power. While gathering popularity slowly across European countries, similar ideas started springing up in low-income countriesm that are seeking a more sustainable development path that avoids the pitfalls of untethered capitalism.
These ideas started being implemented in extractive super-companies companies, where new co-management systems enforced by new laws gave employees and local communities minority stakes in the capital, protecting local interests without stifling business growth. In multiple communities, there have also emerged community councils inspired by the Rwandan “ingando” whose main duties are to collate local development mandates. These are then communicated by the government and super-companies who have minority presence in these councils. Through these councils, companies are structurally sensitive to the development of the communities that they are embedded in while under indirect governmental oversight. The success of these policies in Songhai countries has started leading to novel tax and inheritance system reforms such as a minimum inheritance for all (a universal capital endowment (UCE)), which has been proposed in Kenya as an additional solution to resolve the extreme wealth disparity created by uber-rich political dynasties in the country.
Q. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. The internet of things
The much-discussed 4th industrial revolution was realized in the 2020s and 2030s and now almost completely dominates the global economy. Inspired by the pioneering work of the East African Company Synnefa, global agricultural farms are now completely controlled by automatic monitoring systems which deploy sensors GM=2-4 in the control of the temperature, humidity, and soil fertility of farms with little human supervision. AGI-optimized farming networks have enabled the removal of food shortages as a global problem, and across almost all areas of the African continent.
The internet of things has also made significant improvements in healthcare, with wearables being gradually replaced by insertable and injectable technologies (nanobots, magnetic biogels etc..), which are generating new datasets for health and disease surveillance. Smart-phones have been replaced with mod-phones: modular hand-held devices what can be embedded with thousands of types of unique peripheral modules, such as micro-haemocytometres and micro-MRIs, all with 6G enabled by default. All new houses, even in low-income countries, are also becoming smart with some form of embedded automation, especially to monitor health-specific parameters such as vector influx, temperature fluctuations and air quality. There has also been significant debate amongst techno-political economists regarding whether these IoT expansions have been more impactful than AI in development of the new global economy, but it is undisputed even by common men that both technologies have worked in tandem to pull billions of people out of poverty and boost their quality of life.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A. A consensus-based on the philosophy of “balance” has emerged in the global public conscience, where critical innovations must be balanced against public safety. To maintain this balance, regionalism and globalism has replaced nationalism within discourses of public safety, and the global centralization of access and control of AGI technology has become the bastion of sustained peace and mutual development across the world, laying the framework for other future technologies.
Internationally regulated innovation ecosystems are being developed where active weaponization of any novel technology in secret is illegal under international law. Punitive measures are enforced regionally through economic and technological isolation, with catastrophic consequences for rogue states. In addition, the management of computational, biological and physical technologies is now appraised with regard to their impact on society and environment rather than on their profitability, and countries no longer issue license renewals to companies whose technologies have a net negative impact on local environments and communities. The successful institutionalization of innovation around local communities, universities and research institutions has further steered the development of new technologies driven towards addressing local concerns. Standard and virtual social media platforms have also been optimized for positive impact in local communities rather than via public approval: a video celebrating the building of a hi-tech community library is now likely to get you more “likes” than pointless fashion trends.
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. Healthcare
AGI agents accelerated the rate at which complex scientific questions could be solved, especially in biology. Leveraging on implementations of GM=8-10 systems to map the complex biological systems led to the open publication of the comprehensive and complete annotation of the human genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, virome, bacteriome and archeome. This has enabled rapid advancements in understanding diseases of complex aetiologies, and the deployment of next-generation disease control programmes.
GM 9 agents have been used to develop synthetic adversarial microbes that can target potential pathogens in the wild, within vectorial and host organisms, and thus eliminating them in the absence of active outbreaks. With a simple spectral scan of a drop of blood or saliva using mod-phones, almost every communicable disease is now easily diagnosable at fractions of modern-day costs. Anyone with a MRI-plugged mode-phone running GM=2 & 4 agents can wave it over their ailing organs and receive a preliminary diagnostic result within a few seconds that leverages from the collective interpretation of a database of trillions of previous scans. The tandem improvement of 3D printing has also made mod-phones and other healthcare technologies far more accessible than before. Communicable, neonatal, maternal & nutritional diseases now account for only 60 million DALY’s lost by 2045, and non-communicable diseases remain the last and now receding frontier.
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. While global life expectancy at birth increased from 66.8 to 73.3 years between 2000 and 2019, the next two decades saw an increase to 85.1 years by 2045. Healthy life expectancy has also increased from 63.7 years to 72.9 years. This
trends points towards accelerated progress in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries. Communicable diseases and undernutrition are also decreasing globally and are no longer leading causes of mortality anywhere in the globe.
Low-income groups have seen the biggest gains in life expectancy: the wealthiest 1% and least wealthy 20% differ in their life expectancy by only 10 years in 2045. Although life expectancy was greatly influenced by national income status and geographical location in 2022, being ~18.1 years lower in low-income countries than in high-income countries, this gap has been narrowed significantly by 2045 to 9.8 years. The geographic and economic convergence of life expectancy is accelerating as UBI, UCE & UHC (Universal Health Coverage) programmes boost access to food and healthcare across many countries. The deployment of AGIs in the optimization of national medical supply distribution networks has also lowered delivery times by weeks in most remote and inaccessible regions, and 3D printed drones have become the routine supply delivery vehicle: there is no longer a village that is too far away from some form of modern medical equipment. Experimental forays into longevity therapies have also become popular, entering Phase 2 clinical trials for the first time in human history.
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
A. Race and gender relations continue to be strained due to the diversity crisis in AI and the predominant Male Whiteness of AI systems that intermittently perpetuate harmful stereotypes of other groups. This has led to a system-wide crisis regarding the Article 2 of the UDHR as AI systems, not yet regarded legally as persons, perpetuate bias and discrimination. Newer iterations of non-GAIA AIs are also yielding new biases, leading to discrimination based on nationality, social origin, wealth, and other factors that emerge inherently within training datasets.
In 2022, Kenya (and many countries in the Songhai region) was still a young democracy recovering from severe colonial exploitation and sabotage in an unequal global economic landscape. These fragile structures were thus unable to fulfil Article 28 of the UDHR, as the democracy was prone to external subversion and internal misuse by despots and kleptocrats. This led to repeated violations of Article 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 17, 19 and 21 of the UDHR, and the persistence of multiple pockets of internal armed conflict in the South-eastern region of the country as in other regions of the African continent.
By 2045, the social re-stratification of the country by the canonization of UBI into law and the streamlining of economic processes by AI eliminated the pool of desperate youth who would have been targeted for radicalization. UBI-enabled equitable access to education also shifted civic participation away from tribal survival politics towards issue-based developmental politics, accelerating the development of inclusive political parties. This bolstered the national protection of Article 21 of the UDHR, codifying civic participation into all subsequent national policies as the country seeks to maximize benefits from the new pool of well-educated youth who are no longer clambering for survival. Kenya becomes the first nation to pass UCE into law. Across the Songhai nation, a large pool of African billionaires who are enterprising technologists have also emerged, and all African dictatorships have been overthrown.
Individual property rights have also come under significant pressure. While trillionaires now exist, and still have their property rights protected under the law, these property right structures are mostly moribund because almost nobody challenges property rights anymore. Challenging property rights takes roughly 6 months to a year and may even cost over 200,000$ in legal fees in some cases. Building a small, portable house by current 3D technology takes 6 hours and costs around 300 $. Homelessness is therefore completely eradicated in the United States.
The emergence of AGI has inspired voluntary repatriation of migrants from the US back into their home countries. Sensing a potential crisis following a rapidly ageing population and a low birth-rate, the US has bolstered its protection of article 5 of UNDR, becoming more attractive for migrants. Vast improvements in health technologies have also saved the people of the United States from profit-centered healthcare, which has now been reduced to a minority share of the market.
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. AI and automation have freed almost all unskilled laborers from drudgery. The hyper-efficiency of AGI agents and subsequent institutionalization of various forms of Universal programs (UBI, UHC, UCE etc) has allowed 95% of humanity to live above the poverty line and to access their basic needs. This has led to the development of community sanctuaries where citizens can explore curiosities and develop their crafts. The human touch has also become a primary source of value in manufactured goods and services, priced not only for their beautiful imperfections but also for their rarity in a world permeated by automated manufacturing. This has led to the explosion of demand for ‘hand-skilled’ labour.
This demand for ‘hand-skilled’ labour has revived artisanship as the primary source of fulfilment for most people. As most people no longer rely on their vocations as their primary source of income, more and more people are experimenting with ideas, skills and activities that are typically less financially competitive but more intellectually and spiritually satisfying: blacksmiths, jewellers, generative painters, kling’on poets, jongleurs, welders and other similar professionals dominate the new workforce, driven not by financial interests but by curiosity, inclinations and interests. While industries relying on modern technologies are far more successful at these tasks, there is still considerable financial success for many people in the new ‘hand-skilled’ fields. There is therefore an emergence of large communities around these activities, creating greater social wellbeing than ever before. A renaissance of artistry blooms.
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The Team

Martin Wagah
Wagah is a 1st year PhD student from Kenya pursuing Genomics at the University of Cambridge, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK. He has an over-arching interest in malaria, one of the most dangerous infectious diseases. He has previously worked on developing spectroscopic techniques for detecting malaria parasites in mosquitoes and molecular techniques for detecting insecticide and endectocide resistance. During his Master of Philosophy degree at Cambridge, Wagah examined mosquito genomes for signatures of selection related to insecticides. He is currently pursuing his 3rd PhD rotation project at the Lawniczak Group, where he is studying the elusive Y chromosome.
Wagah is deeply interested in Philosophy, Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity, and he is incapable of turning down a friendly invitation to debate about science.

Carringtone Kinyanjui
Carringtone is a 1st year PhD student from Kenya at the University of Manchester, UK, studying Databases in Science Diplomacy. He holds a Master of Philosophy from the University of Manchester, where he studied the Development of radio astronomy in Kenya and South Africa. He also holds a Master of Physics from the University of Nairobi and a Bachelor of Science degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the same university.
Kinyanjui is interested in various aspects of Astronomy, Physics and Artificial intelligence. This includes both the technical aspects of these fields and the policy structures, politics and ethics.