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A Day In the Life in 2045
Zoe, Colombia, 15
I felt the warmth of the light beaming through my window and realized it was time to get up. I was excited about the day ahead as it marked a milestone in my life – my Passion Exploration Journey had begun. I just ended middle school and was beginning Life School, an exciting new aspect of my life that I was embarking on. So far, my education had been focusing on developing a strong relationship to self and expanding my cognitive skills, so a new challenge was much needed. I was going to embark on an experiential learning adventure and learn how to relate, collaborate, and become an actor to drive change to maintain balance, sustainability, and peace in our world.
Even though I was a bit scared to be on my own aboard the Zeppelin for the first time without the physical companionship of my parents, it was reassuring to have their holograms by my side – just by saying their names. “How long will it take to arrive at the Island of Zepfrika?” – Their hologram blipped into existence next to me, taking the form of my parent in their morning wear, holding a cup of coffee. They gave me a kind, reassuring smile, and whispered: “Enjoy the ride – time does not define your trip, but rather the way you experience it.” Their voice sounded just like them, and their words eased the stress building up inside me.
I loved riding on the Zep, since it was powered by solar energy in the day and wind energy at night. The silence of its engine as it swiftly and graciously penetrated the clouds allowed me to feel aloof from my past and inspired and excited about my journey. The Zepellin was so spacious inside, so comfortable, as all of us onboard were basically taking just ourselves. Most of us had a selection of our AGI wearables, each one strategically implanted in a chakra point of our body. AGI´s magnified and complemented the function and purpose of the chakra for our inner balance. Many of us carried the crown chip which is the control center of all the wearables: This chip replaced the technology previously contained in handheld devices – which limited humans in so many ways always occupying one of their hands, ruining their spines and necks. – and most importantly, disconnecting them from other humans by unstimulating eye contact for interaction and communication. Several of us had the third eye chip, which with four consecutive blinks of the eyelids, activate the handkerchip. This digital device provided visual content in a flexiscreen that lightly adhered to any part of our body, simply snaped out with our touch, and slipped back on, anywhere we touch. It was light, comfortable, and wore on like clothes. The throat chip is one I needed to carry, as it allowed me to verbally communicate in the language spoken at every destination of my journey. When I spoke, this chip automatically translated my words into the language of the destination I was exploring. This made my interactions so much easier and fluent. The most important chip I took along was the heart chip which activated an empathy and caring sensor to ensure our interactions with our world were always guided by a moral compass – reminding us that we are individuals that exist as a part of a whole. The wonderful attribute of the AGI wearables is that we had free will to decide when and if we need them – and we had the control to program their functionalities aligned to our life goals.
Zepfrika was a special destination, my first stop in my new adventure. This Zeppelin landing isle was the first one established midway in the Atlantic between South America and South East Asia– enabling a direct line flight from Bogotá, Colombia directly to the island city state of Singapore. On these islands, most of the inhabitants were non-binary – as this place was where the transition of humanity began, to identify our race as one humankind, not a race defined by our biological sexual functions, or by our gender expression or gender roles. Our potential as humans should have never been defined by how we look on the outside to others. Without a doubt, our potential is defined by what we observe within and how we express our talent and abilities through our actions and interactions with the world that surrounds us.
This was the purpose of my Passion Exploration Journey – and at Zepfrika I would enroll in the Research University with the goal to find my true essence and authentic self. I think that being away from my family, school, friends I grew up with, away from my neighborhood and town, would certainly allow me to, at my young age of 14, find a truer purpose for my own life. Teenagers before my time were placed like dough in cookie cutters, where society and social norms determined their paths, their expected contributions, their structure for success – unfortunately always measured by material gain and power. My life opportunity would be different and I felt very grateful for it. Humanity`s evolution happens through the transformation of societies composed of individuals, like me, who become inspired and drive change for the common good.
As I was imagining my arrival to Zepfrika, I suddenly felt my root chip trigger the signal it was time to eat. I stretched out from the seat, looked out the window to see the beautiful clouds in the sky above, and glanced below, to see the majestic Andes mountains below, covered with patches of at least ten varieties of green, swiveling dirt roads, and crystal-clear rivers bringing life and joy to every corner of earth they touched. I felt blessed that the Climate Change Policy and Global Coalition to Stop Global warming established a quarter of a century ago allowed me to contemplate the beauty of our earth and our humanity today, September 12, 2045.
Susan, Canada, Colombia, Vietnam, 27
It was 7 o’clock in the morning at the building where Susan was living after her first Zeppelin travel abroad experience in South Asia. Her body watch bio-sensor was making a soft massage in her back, so she could start the day in a good manner. The curtain of her room started to move automatically and the light of the sun peeked through, waking her up. As she got out of bed, her bed-body-weight sensor sent a message to her kitchen, where her hologram, Liron, started making her breakfast. Today, she was being helped by Liron, since Tom, her emotional-partner, was preparing the atmospheric trip he promised her to celebrate her one-year anniversary of her first Zeppelin-travel and self-contemplation experience.
Susan had to go fast to her part-time job to leave everything organized. She was a designer and her hologram Liron was going to support her during her 4-day trip to the atmosphere with Tom. She was in charge of designing the illustrations on the top of upcycled skateboards, hybrid-propelled ones. Her company, that produced skateboards, has been in the market in several continents for more than 15 years, upcycling parts from deconstructed obsolete cars—particularly, the doors, plus bamboo slices from Vietnam—which explains why she went for two years to do her travel-abroad experience. Mobile manufacturing plants have been very successful since 2037 thanks to 3D nano-materials, so her team can move the whole plant to Vietnam in just a container.
Susan called Tom, just by saying ‘call boyfriend’. Her bio-chip inserted below the earring recognized her action, and did the call. Smartphones disappeared more than 20 years ago, and 10 years ago wearables were a rare exception only from people that did not want to have bio-sensors embedded in their bodies. The only wearable that was mainstream were nano-quantum-textile screens. Susan touch her jean and pushed her fingers twice on the side of her thigh and ‘magically’ the screen appeared and she handled it and spoke with Tom—seeing him on the screen. After hanging up Susan decided to put her NQT into her jacket. It mimics every fabric the user want it too.
Tom getting everything ready for the surprise he had been working on the last week. Tom want it to be a lovely surprise, although he knew that Susan was difficult to surprise, since at her after-Middle School Zeppelin traveling self-exploration epoch, Susan found that her naturalistic intelligence was highly evolved. Thus, Tom decided to rent a car—instead of with a travel agency, and drive it himself to the atmosphere, so Susan would be able to open the door and do a space-walking for 3 hours, and touch some small asteroid parts floating close to the Latin American Space Station. However, Tom continues to be very afraid. Although Liron had been helping him to embrace uncertainty, still he knows he has to work more on that. And even worse, Tom knew Susan had a very evolved immaterial communication sense, so she could ‘read’ his energy—uneasiness with the surprise.
Later on, Susan was finishing her work at noon, so she tuned on Liron, Susan & Tom’s AGI-humanoid-hologram to continue that afternoon and the next two days with her duties at work. Susan was having a meeting with her 5 teammates around a new design. Two teammates where present in Vancouver, where the offices where located for the next 3 years. One team member was not present, but their hologram was present, and the other two were one from Colombia and the other from Vietnam, using her holographic bio-presence. Colombia and Vietnam are two moving-hybrid manufacture sites that the company has, where their workers can go to have their zeppelin-working abroad experiences. Susan’s company helped Canada reduce their tariffs in their international market thanks to the knowledge she is sharing with their Colombian and Vietnamese’s counterparts.
At that particular moment, Siane, Susan’s sister called her telling that the CyberNurse of their great-grand mother has just called her to tell Siane that her Nurse was advising them to go to the mind-trainer to be ready for her 117 year birthday. Science has found 20-years ago that the mind had to be healed, trained, and connected to other human beings’ minds to be in a state of harmony, something very important to achieve fulfillment and a flourish life.
Liron told Susan: “Hurry up, your boyfriend is waiting for you”
Susan: “Yes, yes, I know…I need to hurry up. Sorry, bye everyone. Say hello to your Vietnamese Cat..bye”
Liron “Remember, you need to go to first to customs in order to do your space-atmosphere travel. Do you want that I help you pack? …. You haven’t allowed me. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody”
Susan: “Yes, Liron, please. Did you confirm our tickets in the Zeppelin were we will be going to the atmosphere station to travel from there to the near space?”
Liron: “Yes, everything is ready.”
Susan “Thanks Liron, you made my life easier. And don’t worry, I’ll talk with Tom about my personal issue with my past, that I didn’t solve it in my ‘Exploration stage’. Don’t worry, I am sure you I’ll do it”
Liron “Yes, Susan, you know that you need to do that in order to have a more fulfilling life. And every time I use my bio-coherence sensor, I get the signal that you still struggle with that”
Susan “yes….The good thing is that Tom knows it, that I am working to be a more flourished human being, as it is the trend in year 2045 all over the world.”
Answers to prompts
A. A civil society that is finding fulfillment in their lives [exploration phase after Middle-School], political parties that are not fighting for power [China+USA+EU understood their leadership roles], and nation-states that are more intertwined are helping our world to be safe and aspirational [Zeppelin explorations + non-migration nation-states connectedness]. Augmented intelligence has been fully achieved, were humans are searching for flourishment as the main goal in synergy with AGI-biochips, AGI-humanoids-holograms, and AGI-harmonized global economy. One of the problems with 2022 education and socialization was that it was based on male-chauvinism, patriarchalism, and elitism. People in power in that year were ‘fighting’ for maintaining that power: be it a President, a more developed nation-state, a father, a CEO, and so forth. Thanks to the changes we envision in several social institutions, being ‘successful’ was not tied to ‘endless accumulation of power’ but in producing fulfillment and flourishing through the social institutions and mediated by deep-relationships [where AGI, using bio coherence and immaterial communication, was key to this social transformation]. UBI was very important in achieving this, since allow people to have time to flourish, thanks to the part-time done by AGI-humanoids-holograms.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. The co-centers of power continues to be USA+EU+China. However, the way that those powerful nations exert their power shifted 180º. They achieved grandness using the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ and Zeppelin-exploration lives, where ‘great minds’ of these co-centers of power had 3 or 4 journeys through their lives where they live in sub-centers of powers like Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and South-Asia. By having these 2-4 years periods-of-life outside their home-based lives helped in several ways: more development in the sub-centers of power; stop migration to the co-centers of power; more fulfilling lives; mindset of slowness reduce jungle-type competition that was all over the place in year 2022. Hence, AI patents continue to be mainly done in multinationals (now social big-entrepreneurship) in USA+EU+China, but with the collaboration of great developers in Latin America, Africa, South Asia, and Eastern Europe [in year 2037 Rusia became a ‘collaborating nation’ of EU]. Tensions continues to arise, but polarization has been highly reduced, as well as solitude. Co-centers of power were inspired by two books written in 2011 and 2020 by the Humanistic Management Network, where multinationals were more competitive, productive, and workers had more fulfilling lives thanks to: distribution of power, controlling processes and not workers, educating their workers into how to have true and deep dialogue within the workspace, and reducing family-work conflicts to almost non-existent.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. Successful psychopaths that achieved powerful positions plummeted in the last 20 years, thanks to a wise use of AI, later AGI, and by changes in social institutions, mainly education, family and the workplace, which impacted on other social institutions like the media and government (policy, law and regulations). The solitude crisis in so-called developed but undercivilzed nation-states at the end of the 20s, created a social pressure so high, that the world started to shift toward new social arrangements: based on fulfillment, flourishing, and deep-relations. AI and later AGI, was regarded at the 2029 United Nations meeting, as a key tool to help achieve flourishment in global citizens. Developers at the BIG-9 multinationals, that controlled the patent-creation in AI/ML/DL did a massive strike in 2030 to stop producing autonomous arms. United Nations created a regulation that only non-profit companies could continue producing autonomous arms. Big tensions arise during the 30s between Russia, China and USA, but the shift done on those years were key to reduce possible major arms races. Nation-states that didnt want to be part of the Zepellin-exploration non-migration global arrangements had some minor wars with bordering countries, but they were managed through a harmonious emerging co-center of power arrangement.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. US+EU+China as evolved and conscious co-centers of power of the global AGI-order is a harmonious one in 2045, but with a lot of tensions. The sub-centers of power LA+Afrk+SAsia, however, want more voice on the AGI-patent-making process. The year 2045 tension is centered around that structural reality. Although United Nations in year 2035 pushed for a regulation within the WTO-World Trade Organization to give special tariffs to those co-centers of powers that exchange more knowledge and include more developers from the sub-centers of power in their AGI-patent creation. Also, tariffs reduction in the globalized economy, AI-monitored, were given to co-centers of power that had more Zeppelin-explorations exchange to sub-centers of power.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. More than the Gini coefficient, we focused on Oxfam’s ‘1%’ indicator. The positive changes within the 1% indicator, to say, more number of families within the 1%, is a better predictor of reducing to zero the Gini coefficient. The 1%-indicator is an ‘umbrella’ of the Gini [or Gini close to 1 is a by-product of a bad 1%-indicator]. Since the market is being facilitated by AI-algorithms to avoid unlimited accumulation and men are less prone to be the alpha.man, plus the educational changes, successful are not trying to accumulate more material things. Instead, a balanced life is more embraced by the 1% of the wealthy, that by year 2045 23,000 families are part of the indicador, compared to 6 in year 2022—with a huge spike between year 2038 where 9,000 were the ‘1%’. However, inequality is still present in the world, specially in the so-called underdeveloped nation-states. But the development on new businesses thanks to the Zeppelin-exploration travels of 2-4 years of people from so-called developed nation-states has make a huge difference for these excluded countries. Still there are few dictatorships in small countries, where inequality is rampant.
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. Solitude, or the low-social skills developed by humans for having deep-relationships [that peaked in year 2030]. And also, reducing the likelihood of having a speculative-economic market.
SOLITUDE: by developing IRL, later PRL (purposeful-reinforcement-learning) to develop AI-tools (sensors) that were able to measure immaterial interactions, mainly energy and human-bio-fields. In year 2022 humans, the majority, were highly ignorant on those social skills that humans have—an evolution from spacial and emotional intelligence, plus the capacity of mammals to communicate energetically. In year 2022 society were reluctant to accept the last 40 years of research by Noetic Institute about humans social skills like immaterial communication. Social institutions were drastically changed because of these sensors that were part of the AGI-humanoids-holograms, and also part of the bio-chips that humans voluntarily installed in their bodies. Teaching, parenting, schooling, management, health, and so forth were drastically changed thanks to this AGI-tools: biosensors.
NON-SPECULATIVE-MARKET: since Nobel winners (Stiglitz, Sen) stablished that the market is asymmetric, AI algorithms were legally ingrained in the markets (Wall Street, etc) to avoid as much as possible. Supply and demand forces were humanly manipulated under the ‘lye’ of the ‘invisible hand’. The reality behind that was speculation for more profits. They learned the story of a small bank in Boston, Wainwright: in 20 years nobody stop paying their debts—challenging the economic mantra of ‘market-stages’].
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Immaterial Communication Global Governance-ICGG: It is an independent agency but it is funded by governments and it adhere to the United Nations Human Rights and Neo-human rights principles. Within nation-states are differences in how they manage it. In some it is part of the Minister of Solitude, and in some it is part of the sociological studies, but does not reside explicitly in some agency. However, it is accepted as other social institutions, like the Family or Education.
The ICGG has three main objectives: 1. To create and maintain the body of knowledge that it is used in schools about what it is IC and how it is part of our living existence; 2. To fund new research; 3. To be vigilant about the Neo-human rights that comes with IC; 4. To create the legal framework to stop invasive marketing campaigns based on holographic sensors in shops and elsewhere.
Immaterial communication—or the biocoherence sense that humans have—has changed they way governments understand well-being, for a more instrumentalized version of reality to a more existentialist one. Since bio-energy fields, from Heisenberg principle, cannot be measured and it is uncertain, all we can have as humans and as humanoids is an approximation of reality—verosimilitud.
. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Hybrid energy for Zeppelins. Nanotechnology has been very instrumental in this change. Since there is the need of long travel with Zeppelins, and the size of the zeppelins are very different, society needed to increase the productivity of solar panels in the top of zeppelins and to convert also the slow speed of zeppelins in wind-power energy. Also, the weight of these panels has been reduced dramatically to be able to have them operational. This hybrid energy plus the molecular-growth synthetic beef has been very important in the reduction of global warmth. Cattle industry as well as chicken and pork has been transformed thanks to this revolutionary technology of ‘growing beef’. The high demand on the earth for beef [cattle, chicken, & pork] had been supplied in 63% thanks to synthetic beef. This had a positive spillover effect, since the Amazons, as a big lung for the earth, has been stabilized, and for the first time in history, the year 2042 had positive net effect on new forests.
Zeppelins also help create the imagery that slowness was possible, and that a huge part of the workers from the car industry went to the zeppelin one. Suburbs became more interesting to have a well-being, so cities became less crowded. Small towns became another way of living, with high standards for humans. Sub-centers of power’s nations had also the ability to construct low-price family zeppelins, so mobility from far places in Africa and the Andeans is now possible.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Tariffs to co-centers of power’s nation-states about the percentage of human-brain from sub-centers of power’s nation-states in AI/ML/DL [later AGI] patent creation and monetization helped to really ‘democratize’ the production of emerging technologies, including family-size zeppelins. United Nations was in charge of creating the incentives to the co-centers of power nation-states to create in sub-centers of power industries and factories that had a mix of workers nationalities—thanks in part by the zeppelin-exploration of Middle-Schoolers, and zeppelin slowness by families from co-centers of power. The concentration of power, an elitist imagery and reality at year-2022, was change by a dynamic and fluid power emergence. Knowledge was concentrated in best-research universities, since the ones that were not ready to produce patents, shifted to long-life-learning approaches, that in synergy with corporations and SMEs were able to transfer the skills needed for this changing environment. Holographic possibilities and zeppelin travels also were instrumental in delivering the needs of knowledge transfer and creation in sub-center of power’s nation-states.
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. Social relations and education was immensely transformed by AI and AGI, particularly with the emergence of the biosensors and holographic portable technology. If the ‘grand-epochs’ that some 19th Century philosophers used to refer to 500-years or longer epochs in history is a good way to describe big changes, quantum mechanics helped changed the imagery of how people see themselves. From the Middle-Ages to Modernity, in year 2033—after the strikes of AI-developers—society ‘entered’ the Quantum-Ages. A 500-year or more new epoch, until year 2,700 approximately were non-rational epistemologies and ontologies emerged. Thanks to this, or in parallel, relations now had a new element to be considered: immaterial communication, or energy reading—what Rupert Sheldrake called Morphic resonance or Morphic fields. Humans now ‘started’ to perceive beyond the 8 senses—including the 3 hidden ones, proprioceptive, vestibule a tactile—and to believe that that was real. Having AGI-holographic-humanoids helping humans improve their relations totally change society, but we need to ‘prepare’ younger generations of living more experiential, contemplative, humble, conscious life. Adults of year 2022 were not prepared, as was the case with the Inner Development Goals initiative that didnt have the reception that founders had in year 2022. So children in school learned, using their bio-AI-implants, their holographic-AI-tools, and in the 30s, they were ‘ready’ to embrace their vulnerability—what Brené Brown told society in year 2010.
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. 1%: 120
-20%: 80
Mainly because of advances in bio-implants that using AI were able to ‘read’ the health of the ‘patient’ and release synthetic chemicals that balanced the harmony of the body-mind relationship within human beings. Remember that energy was now being accepted as a reality, so mind-body became central to health. Alternative medicines, thus, were introduced into social subsidies around the world—like homeopathy, bioenergetic. Clinics, hospitals and doctors were able, with the decision by patients, to receive in realtime the results of bio-impacts and bio-sensors.
Another element was the reduction of unemployment and work-stress, the high coverages of the UBI social institution, and the high levels of flourishing in society. All that created better stances towards life and helped to have better aging. Suicide rates dropped dramatically, as well as addictions.
Finally, quantum biology helped improve the research of challenging diseases and new global viruses were quickly stopped.
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
Article 1, 6 & 7 are better respected, since with the use of AI-humanoid-holograms, neodiverse population are now more included into the daily life. Some of them are not endowed with reason, rather with neodiverse intelligences. Similarly, they have neodiverse consciences, so AI-tools have help the ‘bystanders’ of their existence to be more involved with them.
Article 13 is better respected since with the post-Middle-School exploratory stage and the Zeppelin-working-abroad, global mobility has increased and is highly interior by citizens.
Article 22 is better respected since with the ubiquotous existence of the UBI-Universal Basic Income people have better social security protection, and at the end, better lives.
Article 23 is better respected since with the reduction of unemployment thanks to AI-facilitated market, the UBI existence, and the AI-humanoids working part-time, almost everybody has a decent and dignifying employment around the world. In consequence, Article 24 is better respected, since people have more time to leisure, family, self-knowledge, contemplation, and self-realization.
Article 15 is less respected. However it is not about respecting it, it is more about Neo-nationalities. With the zepeling-working abroad approach, people start reducing the importance of the ‘nationality at birth’, with the ‘nationality-at-living’, so neo-nation-states are being created within countries.
Article 12 is less respected since AI-datasets on the cloud are at risk of attacks. In the Neo-rights UN-Assembly, new rights were created because of this one:
. Neo-Rights that were included in 2037
. Rights to be forgotten (by ML/DL/AI datasets)
. Right to disconnect their bio-impacts from the global wi-fi
. Right to limit the persons connected to ones AGI-humanoid-hologram
. Right to stop her/his/their AGI-humanoid-hologram sending signals or analyzing ones state.
The Caribbean countries became relevant worldwide since they put a lot of pressure to the UN-Assembly to create a new right: the slowness right in living. This new article is being highly respected in Colombia and in sub-centers of power countries. Since productivity has been on the rise on the workplace, and consumption has been more conscious, the negative impact of the slowness movement has been small.
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. The seven-year period of purpose-exploration after Middle-School radically changed the way people see life. Based on the research done by Bronnie Ware—popularized in the 20s—youngsters and GenZers wanted something more fulfilling, so Hughes embrace the 7-purpose period in life. Besides this, society were organized to make living abroad for periods of 2-4 years accesible and cultural integration between co-centers and sub-centers of power nation-states was a reality. This cultural integration and Zeppelin traveling gave people more fulfillment in life. The imagery of zeppelins traveling slow gave power to the slowness movement, and was hugely embraced by the population living on earth. Jungle-type competition, which was the iconic symbol of capitalism, was changed to relational-co-ompetition, were soft-skills and flourishing were regarded as the most valuable element on the market to ‘exchange’. At the end, corporations were made to ‘produce’ human growth, having as an ‘excuse’ manufacturing ‘things’ or selling services
Media Piece
“Zep 2045”, Video
The Team

Carlos Largacha-Martinez

Maria Isabela Gomez
Maria Isabela has maximized her creative potential and communication skills, immersing and evolving through graphic design, audiovisual production, and social media. Her dream of becoming a writer, comes to life today – with Zoe, thanks to FLI. She is an alumna and executive @cng.edu, an innovative, progressive thinking, and highly diverse k4-12 school in Bogota, Colombia.
John W. Murphy
Daniela Chavez

Jonathan Tavssberger
A world-renowned futurist and catalyst bringing a greater vision into the world’s systems, technology and humanity to drive profound growth, Jonathan Tavssberger triggers societal realignment to alleviate suffering. At his core, he is a connector – literally and figuratively – between the realities of today and the sustainable possibilities of tomorrow.