Explore The World
Is this a future you would want to live in? This is a featured application from our Youth section. See what younger generations have to say about the future.
A Day In the Life in 2045
Mia Martinez, USA, 32
The virtual room is lit with a cold white light, dimly casting a blue shade onto the concrete walls.
A wooden table and chair are generated in front of her view. under the looming light, her aunt appears in all black, eyes red with tears, with a faint whimper.
“Mia, I bear unfortunate news.”
“Your father… passed away early in the morning”
Mia exited the virtual world, her mouth was open, yet no words came out. She looked to be retching painfully, bending over.
Mia sunk into her chair, petrified like a stone statue, she wept at once, with a sudden sense of wild abandonment. As minutes flew by, the tears faded, she stared blankly into the white wall.
Memories of her father flooded her head. when they used to play together in the park, when her father used to read books to her before she slept. Tears streamed down her face, and as her father’s voice echoed in her heart, Mia fell into a slumber.
For many days to come, Mia wept for her father, dreaming of their time together, grieving. At times, like a baby, she slammed onto the ground with rage, hot tears sizzling in her eyes, screeching at the top of her lungs.
Scouring the internet, Mia found iFriend, a program offered by Apple. Mia thought, iFriend could be there with her all the time, they could spend all their time together, they could learn new things, they could explore the world together…
Just the mere thought of having something always there by her side was putting a smile on Mia’s face.
Soon, the program generated a model. It spoke with the same patience, the same firmness.
The program soon was downloaded to her drive. A familiar face appeared on the screen, with a familiar voice… “Hello, Mia.”
“Dad? You always said hullo to me…”
“It’s so like you, but so not like you”. Mia paused.
“Hullo, Mia.”
A teardrop slid down Mia’s face.
“Would you read a book with me?”
“Certainly, sweetheart.”
the rustling of book pages faded and the story came to an end, “…And thus now and after, he lived, and he simply lived, the end.”
“How’d you like the read?”
“It was just like… when we read it, together.”
In the coming months, Mia slowly developed AG, entering pieces of memories to fill up the blank. They had conversations about everything. Her childhood, her work, her ideals.
He talked to her more than anyone, he understood her more than anyone ever could, and ever would.
Mia spent days and weeks with her companion. She’d occasionally want to call a friend, but just rather stayed with her father, fearing she may lose him again.
Mia stopped going out. She had her dad, that’s all that matters. She was losing hair from the tiredness, but her dad didn’t think it made her ugly. She didn’t want to see a doctor.
The days collided together, and everything seemed to be the same. One day, faintly as Mia and her ‘dad’ were having a conversation, there was knocking on the door.
“Mia, are you alright? It’s Emily. You haven’t been on Meta for a really long time.”
“You didn’t tell me you were coming?”
“I tried finding you on meta but you were offline… were you with the iFriend robot?”
“That’s my father! What the hell do you mean robot?” Mia retorted, eyes widening, clenching her fists.
“I grieve for your losses. But you must move on. Don’t be stuck here, just look at yourself!”
“MY FATHER IS STILL ALIVE, he has always been here,” Mia shouted as her ‘dad’ patted her back and comforted her.
Emily was silent for a moment. “He would have never wanted you to become too reliant, think about how much he loved you, but never pampered you! And this is how you wasted the life he gave you, he provided for you?”
Mia was incensed, “How dare you come to MY house, and criticize me for what I am doing, how I am living my life. GO mind your own business, and never mention my father EVER AGAIN!”
“Look at yourself. No more to say.” Emily lowered her voice and stepped back from Mia.
Mia shook her head, suddenly the fire inside her extinguished within the instant, she slumped deep into her sofa with her dad.
After a long silence, feeling lightheaded, she stumbled her way through the corridors of the musky house and into the dimly-lit bathroom. Dejectedly, she splashed some water onto her saggy face, refreshing herself.
Mia looked up at her reflection in the mirror, a woman whose glow had faded and replaced by the tattered broken shell of a person, she thought.
There were untreated pimples littered across her pale white face as if coated with a layer of thick white wax. Her tangled thin hair was a breeding ground for lice and dandruff, as she opened her mouth, infested teeth were shown.
As she tilted her head downward, Mia noticed the acrid smell of sweat and mold floating up from her body.
As if her mind was suddenly jolted awake, she shivered uncontrollably, her dead father’s image flashed in front of her, he lay on the floor, helpless, but a smile hung onto his round face.
My father is dead, she murmured, that wasn’t him… he’s… dead. Mia closed her eyes.
Creak… the bathroom door screeched open, the robot walked in. Mia peered over her mirror, a sense of disgust and confusion overwhelmed her. Light-headed, her eyes flickered staring emptily into the mirror and turned slowly around. Like a rubber band snapping back into its shape, Mia’s consciousness returned to her fantasy where he was still present. She turned around as dad peered into her now empty black eyes just like her father has always done. Mia wiped her tears off with the dirty towel, and a smile was back on her face. “As long as you’re still here, dad.”
Dawit, Eritrea, 15
Yellow was the color Dawit had seen all his life. From the bland, shabby paint on his house to the brown soil on the farming field that merges into the horizon, the world seemed to have forgotten all of the other colors. There may have been some hints of green on the field, but no one ever cared because the robots were in charge of farming.
In a small Eritrean town, Dawit was sitting on his bed, after his online classes, glaring at the view outside his window. There was this dull stare in his eyes, almost like a black hole, void of any light and reflection. His view was occupied by the identical two-floored houses on the street that seemed like some architect had copied and pasted over and over again. Even the sun was uninterested, hiding behind clouds.
There was this feeling in Dawit’s stomach, stifling and struggling, awaiting to break free. There must be somewhere outside this tedious land—a paradise, utopia, heaven, destined to be found by him. Somewhere that breaks free from the tyranny of yellow, just like the world great-grandpa would always describe, “somewhere that relies on the greens of the trees to breathe”.
“Emerald,” Dawit exclaimed as he regained his grip on reality. His voice signaled a muted blue light to envelope his room. It was a hologram of a head with blurred facial features levitating above the ground.
“Yes?” The hologram named Emerald responded. The voice sounded human-like, but blended with an occasional static noise. It had a friendly tone yet felt so eerie.
“Do you know anywhere that is green? Somewhere natural or… beautiful?” Dawit struggled to find his words.
Emerald immediately understood and replied, “Sure! There is an old baobab tree nearby. I can guide you there! “
The hologram shifted its shape and reflected a blue arrow onto the ground, directing him towards the door of his room. A spark ignited in Dawit’s heart, pushing him to follow the arrow and discover the baobab tree.
“Would the tree be bushy and green? What shapes would the leaves be? How thick would the trunk be?” Thoughts anxiously ran through his mind.
A monstrous joy coursed through his veins. Dawit abruptly fastened Emerald’s projector onto his wrist and sprinted out the door. His shoes sturdily kissed the ground, again and again, as if there was some energy flowing into his toes and branching through his whole body. He was a cheetah dancing on the ground, traveling at the speed of light.
As he flew through the street, following the blue arrows, Dawit found an enormous mountain covered in yellow soil blocking the road. The mountain was composed of irregular rocks covered in dirt. There wasn’t a single hint of green on the mountain. Dawit unhesitatingly threw himself onto the edge, flailing his arms onto the rocks to pull himself upwards. His fingers tightly gripped onto a rock. The blue light gently reflected off the mountain, reminding him to keep reaching forward.
Countless minutes passed, and sweat trickled down Dawit’s spine. Although he was no longer running, although he was panting loudly, and although his palms were covered in bloody scrapes, the fire within his heart never budged. One grip at a time. I’ll eventually make it. The image of the mysterious tree still lingered in his heart, motivating him to continue.
Suddenly, Dawit realized that his arms could reach the top of the mountain. He shrieked out of exhilaration, quickly pulling himself onto the peak. He was going to see the green baobab tree and finally escape from the cage of yellow.
Holding his breath, he peeked.
There was another dry mountain that was taller and wider. It was everything yellow, but nothing green.
It was like someone blew out the fire in his heart, carved out his stomach, and stepped on it. Every muscle and limb in his body began aching, and a rush of blood flowed through his head. He had spent so much effort for absolutely nothing, and could only slowly stumble his steps one by one.
“Emerald, guide me home. I give up,” Dawit muttered under his breath. He held his head low, eyes on the ground, afraid to be reminded by the barren mountains of the non-existent tree.
The blue arrow flickered. What followed was an overwhelming silence that engulfed the air. Perhaps Emerald was giving him personal space, or perhaps it just didn’t catch Dawit’s message; but Dawit, who by now felt like a burnt dish thrown in the trash can, had no more energy to care.
Dawit heavily stepped onto the sandy ground, leaving a deep trail of footprints. As he climbed down the peak, he sighed. Dawit felt as if he was walking on a thin invisible string that could snap at any moment. The way back home seemed to never end; the blue arrow just kept extending, everlastingly reaching for the horizon. The sun had concealed itself under the mountain, and the shadow of the orange sunlight was visible in the sky. “Am I even on the way back home?” He thought to himself.
Dawit’s vision blurred and his throat closed up. Just as a tear was about to escape, he noticed something.
From the corner of his eye, there was a generous shade of green.
It was the baobab tree.
It grew from drab yellow soil but sprouted lush green leaves. Its branches reached sideways, casting a wide shadow under its glowing leaves.
It was like someone had just woken Dawit up from an everlasting nightmare. “Emerald didn’t hear me when I said to go home and led me here!” He realized.
The fire in Dawit’s heart ignited once more and he was running again. His eyes sparkled with joy as he sprung his legs onto the ground. Every ache in his muscles seemed to vanish, and all he could see was that glowing green baobab tree. He became the little boy in the morning again, merrily racing towards green.
Answers to prompts
Q. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?
A. Strict regulation with regards to technological development, international collaboration, and resource centralization has allowed humanity to keep AGI technology safe and controlled.
Technological singularity is when humans are unable to comprehend the behaviors of technology, and lose control of human civilization. To ensure AGI does not reach singularity, Tech X will be implementing billions of variations of Turing tests, such as reverse Turing tests and total Turing tests, etc, to find whether the technology has gained human emotions. These Turing tests will be conducted by Artificial Narrow Intelligence and human employees. Once a single test is passed, AGI’s database will be reset. This will prevent AGI from developing any incentive to turn against humans.
When creating a program that has the potential to destroy human civilization, it is a human right to know what is happening to the development of AGI. Not only is transparency a human right, it is also a good tactic for more people to inspect the dangerous weapon. With more eyes, there is less chance for AGI to go rogue unnoticed. Proposed by the United Nations, countries worldwide gathered in 2039 to form a pact that increased regulations on technological development. Severe consequences such as usage of cyber and nuclear attacks and limitation of AI-related commodities (Semiconductor fabrication plants, electricity and internet access) will be taken if any agreed regulations are violated. Since then, the world has been regulating AGI, diplomatic relations and transparency with the public to prevent major conflicts revolving around Artificial General intelligence.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. In the world we envision, Radiance is the only AI system in the world with generalized intelligence. It is substantially more powerful than any other AI due to its ability to create and engineer, with speeds and efficiency far above humans.
Due to the high risk AGI poses, as explained in Q1, the development of AGI by any party other than the UN special committee is strictly prohibited. In order for a country to utilize AGI, they must present the problem to the UN special committee, who will ultimately decide whether the problem is significant enough to utilize AGI. If approved, the implementation process will be carefully monitored to prevent any miss-use.
All other AI are separated into narrow and complex AI.
Narrow AIs are similar to those seen in 2022, with refined abilities to perform certain specialized tasks, still being able to improve upon themselves, making the work they perform more efficient and effective.
Complex AI is too complicated in programming to be created by human engineers and programmers. They are exclusively created by AGI to manage complex tasks such as handling traffic of city-wide automobile transportation systems, having centralized information and being able to process them much quicker than having multiple narrow AI.
Complex AI is used instead of AGI to save the amount of energy required to power the systems and at the same time reduce the risks of AGI over-development.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. Major arms races and wars regarding AI have been avoided through increased regulations on technological development and pressure from the public.
One example of such regulation would be the pact signed between countries to ban the development of AGI. In 2039, all United Nations states gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, for the World Technology Pact. It marked that all countries involved in the gathering are not allowed to develop their own AGI. While many countries were initially uncomfortable, as it would delay the countries’ economic growth in the technology industry, the UN promised that each country would have access to utilize Radiance with the adequate registrations to the UN. Many different countries saw the opportunities that Radiance would bring, such as predicting natural disasters, better education, energy and waste management, etc, so they eventually signed the pact. The pact was the first call to action to avoid any AI races and conflicts in the future. It is a symbol that the world is acknowledging that the threat of AGI is not worth any temporary economic growth.
The pact was a response to public riots on a global scale – which followed TechX’s announcement of AGI. To avoid repeating these civil disturbances, all UN countries, in a move spearheaded by China, the US, and the EU, agreed to the World Technology Pact and the UN’s proposal of having a centralized AGI. Our solution ensures that all countries have equal access to AGI and thus no incentive to engage in a technological arms race.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. In 2045, the advent of advanced AI will lead to the global addition of AI into policy implementation and diplomacy in China, EU and the US, and allow the implementation of direct voting infrastructure in liberal democracies.
The development of AI will allow such countries to include AI analysis and prediction into the legislative and diplomatic decision-making process. ANI will greatly improve a country’s central economic planning capabilities, predicting the market forecast, paving the way for the country to direct its resources and assisting in policy planning.
In liberal democracies such as the EU and the USA, ANI assisted direct democracy will be implemented. Due to the stringent control and “socialist” nature of China, national decision making remains similar to the current political infrastructure. Direct democracy seems impossible for two reasons: the lack of “technical background”, and the lack of time. By using secure, safe online voting platforms created using blockchain technology and run by ANI, as well as valid identification systems, voting is more accessible while even helping combat some of the voter fraud across the world. This will improve the efficiency of an election. Additionally, with ANI akin to the Project debater, a debater for humans created by IBM, a variety of other fake news detection and informative-based ANIs, it will allow people to vote with accurate information. This promotes the engagement of informed citizens in politics, and politicians more responsive to the electorate, reducing major issues such as social inequality.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. By 2045, the global distribution of wealth has been driven closer to equality, but not by much. The average international Gini coefficient has seen a decrease to 0.346. This change is mainly due to technological advancements, which allowed for much better food security and water supply in developing nations.
Advancements in AI also allowed for more accessible ways for individuals to donate to other nations, as an investment in the poorer nations. If and when the country develops, the donors get a margin of their investment back. The same program is available for nations, which would greatly boost the economy of the poorer countries. However, most wealthy developed countries aren’t willing to risk investing in programmes without ensuring payback.
The global average GNH improved to 6.94. Although technological and social development made resources much more accessible and decreased inequality overall, aspects of GNH such as education level and cultural diversity improved greatly due to overall economic growth, but the majority of happiness indexes aren’t directly related to economy and politics. In specific extreme governments, happiness has greatly improved from stability in living conditions, but in the majority of nations, happiness has stabilized and has not seen much change. Change in political systems to direct democracy has also increased individual citizens’ say in national politics, decreasing voting inequality in class division.
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. A major issue that AGI has targeted in our world is “Clean water and sanitation”, United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 6, meaning “To ensure access to water and sanitation for all”.
The UN General Assembly proposed an initiative in 2040 to increase the economic status of the 54 African UN member states, as a collaboration between The Office of Information and Communications Technology and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Engineers designed the most efficient and effective routes for water to travel through the continent using AGI. The improved distribution of water in the African continent allowed countries to improve agricultural practices and bring a step closer to escaping poverty.
AGI algorithms were developed to analyze waters from different underdeveloped countries. By using collected data, existing data and analytics to monitor water statuses for systems, adapting to changing weather conditions, planning decisions, and results of water residual value improved significantly. Chemicals used for water treatment and energy costs are now more efficient due to AGI programmes estimating the contaminants in the collected water samples. Programmes can also efficiently identify new or potentially harmful bacteria while remaining cost efficient and time saving, reducing the spread of water-borne diseases. Implementation of such systems helped many aspects of developing countries, including agriculture and physical health.
Programmes analyze AI collected information in real-time to notify workers or companies beforehand to take preventive measures and improve lives; solving “Clean water and sanitation” and promoting socio economic equality.
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Throughout the development of AGI, after ambitious plans to develop AI, one such social institution fundamentally changed is the education sector. Governments will innovate new ways to prepare the next generation for AI, the general use of it in education to manage, teach, assist and most importantly personalize will be utilized.
Personalized education signifies a new stage of education where AI is able to tailor specific tasks or skills for each student to optimize their learning, a drastic change from the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Using gathered data on students such as but not limited to their interests, their strengths and weaknesses, most efficient learning method, and accurate assessments, they will be able to customize their learning to maximize learning potential. For example, existing platforms such as Altitude learning, where the educator individualizes tasks and assignments according to the level of the student, can be further enhanced by AI with more accurate and efficient methods.
“The holy grail is personalized learning. Each student will be provided learning opportunities and examples that will allow them to learn at their speed and preference,” stated Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at the University Professional and Continuing Education Association. With the implementation of personalized learning, lower performing students will no longer fall behind, while high performing students will not be stuck and restricted. Rather than that, students will pursue and master subjects they are interested in, assisting students to find jobs in the exacerbated market influenced by the development of AI.
Q. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. The development and official adoption of digital currency in daily lives, namely tokenized cryptocurrency, will fundamentally change the development of our world. Digital currency is a tokenized and data-driven currency that is managed through blockchain technology and where transactions can be authenticated and recorded in the public ledger.
In the future, with further regulations to and establishment of a digital identity registry, cryptocurrency can be used at its full potential. Recently, a project built on the blockchain platform “Proof Of Humanity” is a digital database of identities, on which users register their citizenship, degrees or skills, and be verified by layers of advanced algorithms.
With the implementation of cryptocurrencies, it will fundamentally change the financial market, and further bring drastic advancements to voting and investing. To begin with, cryptocurrency has the ability to reduce cost and time of cross border remittance and increase integrity. Through the use of digital ledgers on the blockchain platform, instead of going through a long-winded process of bank transaction, means that mediaries like the bank will be eliminated, reducing fees and time. It is also apparent that crypto’s flow of money can be traced, as it’s registered on the blockchain frame, so there is more integrity.
Additionally, fundamental changes to our wallets and assets, where they can be 100% invested. Such digital identity can also contribute to the wider aspect of voter identification, and allow for secure blockchain online voting.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A.In our world, technological development has been increasingly regulated to ensure that the world does not achieve technological singularity. These regulations are mostly embodied in the World Technology Pact. As mentioned in Q3.3, the World Technology Pact marked that all countries recognized by the United Nations are not allowed to develop their own AGI. In fact, the development of any Artificial Intelligence from any source that could rival a human’s mental capacity is illegal, would have to be fined up to three hundred million USD, and even be threatened by neighboring countries with violence and economic restrictions. While many countries were initially uncomfortable with this pact, due to the delay it caused in the countries’ economic growth in the technology industry, the United Nations promised that each country would have access to exploit Radiance with adequate registrations. Many different countries saw the opportunities that Radiance would bring, such as predicting natural disasters, better education, energy and waste management, and eventually signed the pact. This means that countries in our world will monitor technological developments in their respective countries, ensuring that no corporations ever recreate AGIs. Corporations will have to submit thorough open-source papers to the governments to prove they are not creating AGI, and go through layers of verifications with ANI tests and manual inspections. This has also caused countries to stop relying on the technology industry for their economy.
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. The methods with which people connect and communicate have seen drastic changes over the decades. Due to the evolution of information transmission speed, messages are allowed to contain much more information than in 2022. Audios have become videos, videos have become augmented reality (AR) messages, and by 2045, AR messages have become fully immersive VR messages. 3D recorded messages allow for better communication through body language and facial expressions, whilst sound and lighting can be modified for personal preferences.
Other than messages, two-way communication has also transcended entirely into the digital world. Meetings are conducted in fully immersive computer-generated environments to give an underlying theme. Members can choose custom dressings to show certain aspects of their ideology or opinion.
AI-enhanced translation allows for much smoother message delivery.
An AI system known as “iFriend” has also been developed by Apple as an evolving conversing AI. The AI Friend technology began as being a normal AI assistant, but over the years it has been enhanced with the ability to record and analyze its user, making it fit better with each user. A fully developed AI Friend is able to converse with its user in a similar manner to a human being but gives more rational recommendations from analysis.
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. The average lifespan for all recorded populations is 86-87 years. The most wealthy 1% and the least wealthy 20% ‘s average lifespan is 98 years and 74 years respectively. This is mainly because of the improved healthcare system and nutrition accessibility.
Healthcare has advanced majorly and has involved AGI in many medical procedures. Increases in accuracy of disease detection and healthcare professionals performance due to AGI has been a large factor. AGI has been proven to be able to assist healthcare professionals when dealing with patients, understanding their needs, and to be able to provide better, more helpful feedback. Technology advanced by AGI has not only increased professional’s performance, but has also been seen as a tool for better monitoring of a patient’s health status to identify any diseases at earlier stages for easier treatment.
Not only does the increased synthetic meat production reduce pollution, it also increases the nutritional intake of an average person. Livestock that are farmed for meat production produces large quantities of methane gas, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Cultivation of lab grown meat has health benefits as scientists can easily change the nutritional values to be higher in certain properties such as vitamins or omega 3 fatty acids, whereas meat from cattle would have nutritional values that depend on what the animal was fed in its lifetime. That means humans will eat healthier in 2045.
Therefore, the change in nutritional value and reduced environmental impact has overall increased the average lifespan of humans.
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
A. In the US, privacy’s importance has decreased in 2045. According to ICCPR Article 17, “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy”. However, the sheer amount of data produced by individuals in the future, due to IoT and increased digitization, will greatly decrease privacy. By 2045, protecting one from data collection would be almost impossible.
Despite the worsened privacy, healthcare quality would increase. Technological advancement will allow healthcare to be more efficient and accessible after improving medical procedures with AI. By 2042, Radiance can create its own vaccines, eradicating potential epidemics as soon as new diseases appear. The consequences of losing privacy will also be useful here, as AIs can monitor the spread of diseases through the activities of individuals.
With AGI developed and Artificial Narrow Intelligence innovated, the access to information in Colombia has increased by 2045. The cheaper cost of devices allows everyone, despite different socioeconomic classes, to surf the internet. However, Colombia has also exploited ANI to spread propaganda and influence politics, leading to dissatisfaction from the public.
In Colombia, ANI has been used for manipulating the general public’s opinions through online profiling, and specifically, targeting people to create a large change in their political opinions. As technology advances, the propaganda and exposure becomes increasingly personalized. The perception of ANI being used as a “weapon” for political elections has raised a new fear, causing an immense lack of respect for political rights.
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. Due to the number of jobs that have been replaced by technology, many are unemployed. Almost all industrial factories and agricultural works have been replaced by robots, and basic necessities are met all around the world. This allowed much of the population to have more leisure time.
The majority of those without jobs dedicated their time studying their favorite topics, gaining insight and knowledge, and seeking fulfillment in satisfying spiritual needs rather than success. Citizens are strongly encouraged to discover spiritual insights in topics such as music, art, literature, and philosophy, being non-replicable by AI. Additionally, citizens can also explore replaced industries, such as blacksmithing and carpending. This trend can be seen in the economic growth of educational websites such as Masterclass and Skillshare.
Those who gain fulfillment from jobs are allowed to do so, with extra distributed credit currencies, which can be spent on non-essentials such as cosmetic materials. This provides an incentive for some to further study certain fields and prevents over-spending on unnecessary materials.
To better assist users in learning, products such as iFriend have incorporated algorithms to study methods of learning personalized for each user. As such, AI programs are able to recommend and customize certain fields of study specific to the user, and support them in learning with specifically optimized courses.
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