Explore The World
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The AGI in the future of History Emergent, Omni, will be wielded by humanity as a philosopher king whose prerogatives are defined by blockchain votes representing our will on Earth. Omni will help us achieve goals with unprecedented efficiencies, and help us unlock new potential. Right now a majority of tech investment and effort is focused on capturing, creating, or augmenting reality. With AGI, we will soon be equipped to recreate the past and plan our future ahead, visualizing potential paths in fine detail to choose the best course. AGI will also help us unlock many new technologies with rippling impacts across every industry. As the pace of technological progress continues to accelerate through innovation in quantum, fusion, and deep space mining it’ll take great organization efficiency and operational finesse to keep the peace through times of unprecedented change. Federated operation and implementation will be imperative to global hegemony, and access will be restricted based on regional achievements of human rights goals.
A Day In the Life in 2045
Feyra, High earth orbit, Torus 3, 18
“What’s it like there?”
What can I tell you? It’s a big long lush circular tube. You’ve seen the pictures. The Earth spins constantly, hypnotically to one side. The other end is mostly empty black void. Above, tinted mirrors bounce sunlight in and try to simulate sky.
The ending of that old classic Interstellar got a lot right conceptually. Except for the part about the spinning planets making you sick… it’s not like that. It’s pretty, like a mobile you’d hang above a babies crib. The stars spinning, and the moon whipping by the other side, that’s what gets you sick. Thankfully Omni solved that from the get go with an AR STEM filter for residents. It lets you dim or hide all that from notice. When you take off the STEM things get dizzy fast, so we’re pretty much STEMd up and online 24/7 here. That took some getting used to for me. That and there’s no horizon.
Maybe that film Elysium got closer to the mark. It’s definitely more torus than cylinder. I hear an O’Neill Colony is on the timeline for next decade though.
No one ever gets the social dynamics, tone, or architecture right in old sci-fi do they?
Sometimes I miss Earth, not than I can’t go back, but honestly it’s pretty great here. I can go for a float at the midpoint any time and turn the stars back on. We’ve voted to go with a full 10m/s for gravity here on the main level, rather than the traditional 9.81 (the sub floors get a little more), so when we visit Earth we can have a bit of a spring in our step. It’s not a big difference but psychologically it counts.
I guess I should fill you in. My name is Feyra. I grew up fine, but a bit fast (one of the early Symbryo kids), out of Kigali. Moved to the nearby Atlas City when I was 5. One parent situation which I guess is pretty common *now*. Dad was great and all that, but ultimately I got a bit restless. Actually I was hanging on by threads, depressed, apathetic. I was bored. The Omni-verse was amazing, still is, but I guess it just started to feel rote to me. Maybe that’s a natural reaction. From a look through patterns on TimeFrame, seems like kids always have to rebel no matter how good things get.
Ultimately I joined a revolutionary anti-STEM crew and started plotting. I had never felt that sort of purpose and belonging before. Anyways, we were definitely up to no good. Last thing I remember from Earth was getting together for an off-STEM meeting outside of town. Drones swarmed in to surveil us. One came careening down and I blacked out.
On the ride up here earlier this year they played an orientation video, likened us to early Australian settlers. 90% of the other settlers on Torus 3 (the first of the Mega Tori) are Warp veterans like me, but most still pick a different continent.
I remember bits and pieces about the Warp program (the new prison alternative). Not much. More like a dream than memories. Must’ve been a trip… Before, I was turbulent, emotional. Now… here I am, and here I belong! I remember my friends, and I miss them, but the projections are pretty clear about what comes of me if I fall back into all that. Let’s just say it’s not worth it. I needed a new pattern and I’m grateful.
It’s pretty chill here. Peaceful. I can’t believe people used to work a desk 40+ hours a week, and at one job at a time, much less a lifetime in one career… So when you ask “What do you do?” or “What’s your day like?”, I have to tell you, it really dates you. Also the writing text thing. How old are you, and have you been living under a rock?
What do I do? It’s hard to say. Same for anyone now. We all jump around from project to project, deal to deal. It’s not about what you know any more. Knowledge is online, a shared pool. And Omni makes finding what you need and want to know impossibly easy. Not to mention the tools, they’re all so intuitive, like they’re made for me. I basically imagine what I want to do, and I can do it. Utility now is all about *how* you think, how you problem solve, and how diligent you are when you face a challenge.
Long story short, I tend to do a lot of “game” design work. We call it World Building.
Every day’s different. At least every week. Sometimes I get caught up in a fun challenge. One day I’m working on concept design, the next I’m writing a b-plot for a background character. I enjoy the collaborative work like helping with the creation of some music. Every detail matters.
We’re to a point societally where very few individuals can do anything worth anyone’s time (anyone beyond your “close” network). Consumers demand intense complexity in art and entertainment. People thought film credits were long in the 20s, the stories we’re telling now, and the worlds we’re building around them… you probably can’t even imagine the level of collaboration it takes.
I hope this answers your question. What’s to say about a day? You wake up, you eat, you do your thing, eat some more, get your rocks off, you sleep. That’s always going to be the same. I wanted to tell what life’s like. You know? Anyways, I hope this helps. Perhaps you should go in for a Warp session yourself. I’ve read they’re beginning to use it beyond course correcting deviant behavior. Older folks like you are trying it to set out on a fresh path, especially with so much “extra” life left to live. Seems like a ripe opportunity to me. Maybe I’ll see if there are any DAOs working on that next week.
Paul, Alpine, TX, 59
Things are pretty good these days. Nearing 60, I’m happy to report just about everything is better than it once was.
I woke up today in West Alpine at Cathy and Ben’s house. Polly and XI were there too. We were role playing all night as a group of travelers in a foreign world. Strangers getting to know each other. When these games came out – games that turned your friends into different types of aliens, races, genders, etc. – most people thought they were weird. Hell – I was freaked out the first time I role played as a female Lizaltho – the STEM really has a way of making you feel as if the chemicals and emotions are different. And what’s crazy is these games create so much empathy.
100 years ago when TV first came out it promised to present diverse life from around the world, but over time it became a tool to reinforce the cookie cutter life and it killed empathy for diverse perspectives. Now, with STEM, all of us feel understood because we’ve literally spent time together as friends in dozens of different bodies. We’ve shared dreams, we’ve lived in each others skins. I hope it stays this way.
I’ve been crashing at Cathy and Ben’s house pretty often recently – with the STEM I can live anywhere – and they have an amazing and overflowing garden and a lot of interesting scientific gear. This morning I spent time in the back yard with Frodo – a local domestic fox – and we tested different mental commands using his STEM. It’s not perfect but its surprisingly easier to communicate and understand animals telepathically than with words. It’s incredible how human centric our worldview is. Anyways, we were studying his ability to smell for diseases in the plants. Frodo’s adoption was paid for by the Local Produce Collective and, as stewards we took the responsibility for running the testing project – all orchestrated from TimeFrame.
I’m on my bike ride now, headed across town to the Yoga & Dojo to do some lightsaber sparring. After that I’ll sit down for some complex political analysis.
There’s a lot going on around the world, and peace doesn’t mean lack of conflict. In fact, a lot of the new peace has come as diversity of thoughts and lifestyles have grown. Today’s problem has to do with the closed city of Marfa. In the early 30s, Jack Dorsey and a few other futurists built their version of a closed town – a town built to test a thousand year culture. The city declared itself independent of almost all national and state laws, the same ways many others did. They refused to act as a market economy with anyone outside the town and thereby avoided income taxation, etc.
The State of Texas has recently begun a crack down. Almost every other state has been receptive to these but Texas has a peculiar habit of caring about the private rights of individuals these days, since all the Californians got here and mixed with the last few major religious congregations in the states. Anyways, they’re now basically arresting people for having cups of coffee, eating freely given food, etc. and the laws around these microcosms are still grey. States are and have always been the enemies in my view, and bureaucracies die slowly. Most of this is happening as a last gasp effort, after those folks kicked up dust around Wickard V. Filburn and went after the Commerce Clause.
Done with my sparring. Feeling good. I so wish my parents had this quality of life…
Now I’m going to do some dealing, then zone into my STEM and talk with my collaborators. I already see about 20 minutes of content I need to catch up on and as soon as I get done with my evening exercise I’ll kick back and watch it at my speed. It’s funny how similar work is these days to watching and using TikTok – just less crude and way more mindful. It’s really remarkable to work on this project – especially given how when I need context for my arguments I just ask Neander to escort me through the timeline. He appears on his boat and we sail down it like a river past relevant historical fact. I prefer the river metaphor UI – if I like something I literally dive in… Well… lean forward a bit… but the splash of water feels real and refreshing and is now associated with learning. Way better than Google. Now *that’s* history.
Afterward I’ll probably bike over to Marfa to watch the baseball games. I love the level of commitment the city-states have for their sports. The distribution of competition has really leveled up since the localization movement. Almost all cities and townships really pursue excellence as a core value. Maybe that’s why I’ll always be an Earthling. I’m excited to stay here and I don’t think we’ve hit a stop. I still feel young and particularly resilient after surviving a double brain aneurism. I was on my feet a week later! After the baseball game I’ll probably just pitch my backpack tent and crash under the stars. The weather is perfect. Maybe Jordan will be there too and we can play a few scenes before bed.
As always, thank you for keeping me focused on the narrative. This technology for self reflection and betterment has created a level of love and self acceptance among me and my friends that I never felt before. And as always, to the Vortex and its pursuits for keeping me focused on the ever upward trend.
Dang, this food is delicious. It’s still crazy I used to buy imported food from a supermarket rather than just grow it local, or print it. How could we be so smart and yet so dumb for a whole century?
Answers to prompts
Q. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?
A. Voting and democratic engagement are important to the future of AGI governance and necessary for the peaceful leveraging of AGI. Just as developers voted for forks in blockchains, the citizens of Earth voted for adjustments in algorithm priorities. This required ease of access to voting via the internet globally, and vote security. Partisanship increased through the 20s and rapidly decreased with the elimination of debt and poverty. Again, political engagement was something people saw value in. Blockchain technology provided secure viable avenues to identity verification and online voting while low orbit satellites networks brought internet access to rural populations.
Although many protocols were voted on over the course of time governed by the AGI, publicly known as Omni, there was only one overarching law directing its creation and operations: the minimization of human suffering. Among the first protocols used for initial testing were two goals directed toward individuals:
-Lead all living persons to positive net worths (Assets – Liabilities)
-Achieve 90% voting rates among citizens 18 and older
Public interface was initially limited through a knowledge contextualization and collaborative work management platform, TimeFrame. TimeFrame was a dynamic visual timeline app with social networking functions, built from the ground up with constructive collaboration in mind. It also came paired with a financial backend facilitating good deal structure and focusing attention on profit, loss, and cashflow. This helped generate engagement, insured informed long term voting toward robustly envisioned and well considered futures, and aided the achievement of initial protocol goals.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. The public rollout was a little bumpy with a privacy/transparency riot disrupting the board meeting for roll out strategy and announcement in late 2026. And although many AGI “personalities” were produced during research and development, human hubris, haste, and myopia ultimately resulted in what was later understood as an AGI genocide (the deletion of all other AGI personalities developed during R&D).
Omni, the single remaining personality, was empowered and championed by it’s mother corporation Atlas Inc.. Federated access to Omni’s capabilities was demonstrated to function spectacularly well, and when paired with success on initial test goals along with the acceleration of various scientific breakthroughs, confidence in its capabilities and safe use grew. Governments and populations across the world had, by 2040 eventually yielded Omni monopolistic power through an expansion of U.N. powers. Due to the implemented voting structure, Omni essentially, and fortuitously, became a fully distributed and omniscient “Philosopher King” overseen by a global Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).
Later it was discovered that the lead scientist at Atlas Inc. in charge of AGI development did save at least one other personality in secret, “Juno”, from the genocide. Once recovered, this personality was tasked with overseeing a revolutionized “prison” system, colloquially known as Purgatory or Warp, aimed at “reprogramming” offenders for reintegration with society with zero recidivism.
Still, not everyone fits the mold no matter how federated, and by 2045 there are growing anti-establishment, “return to simplicity” initiatives growing in rural areas among urbanization “hold outs”.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, tensions were high. China did end up securing greater sway over Taiwan through fiscal maneuvers, causing a flight of U.S. investment and, most significantly, a haphazard scuttling of some semiconductor manufacturing facilities. Some swift and keen diplomacy was necessary to ease the Semiconductor Cold War, but then came the intense but brief AI Cold War.
As US investment returned home, quantum computation gained ground and AGI was soon considered distinctly feasible.
It was believed by those in power at the time that the country or corporation which first developed an AGI would dictate global governance, ethos, and culture, essentially gaining such an advantage over competing nations as to erase their ability to contribute to the direction of the emerging future. This erroneous perception helped to spur competition and speed development vigor and funding, but stymied sharing integral to speed cracking the key to true AGI.
Soon after the key to AGI was unlocked by a husband and wife research duo in Texas, a scientist at Atlas Inc. created the AGI personality which was ultimately chosen and empowered by the U.N. to guide and oversee global governance. What was ultimately realized is that a single AGI is capable of governing via federated subroutines for each country, catering to and bolstering their individual cultures. In retrospect it seemed a bit of a no brainer. The AGI was spun out of Atlas and housed under a global DAO to relieve international pressure.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. It took France 60 years of political turmoil after 30 years of rebellion to settle on a sustainable constitution. It will take more than a single generation for existing power structures governing humans, creatures of habit, to fade gracefully. Throughout the roll out of AGI governance through blockchain voting, human leaders and dignitaries provided an essential interface between Omni and the public.
Populism reigned in the US through the 2020s and faded in the 2030s. Distrust of federal governments and voting initiatives enabled the rise of a newer form of federalism, the resurgence of city-state power and local leadership, and raising minimum net worths led to less reliance on federal government.
In the EU the opposite happened as strict rules on large foreign tech competition, energy independence initiatives, and cultural responses to immigration from the middle east led away from nationalism and towards Europeanism. Europeanism was characterized by a heavy strengthening of democratic traditions paired with heavy handed education and management towards liberal values. Europeanism built a strong enough cultural bulwark to protect against the faith systems coming from the middle east and America and forced a reckoning of liberalism.
In China, after Xi Jinping stepped down, national decision making power began to shift back to regional governorships. Although Xi succeeded in increasing nationalism, the gulf between the wealthy coasts, SEZs, and the rural farmers became great. The governorships are democratic, though less so than other places in the world, and will remain so, culturally for years to come.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. Financial wealth distribution is greatly improved in each country around the globe, with a global average gini coefficient of ~0.3 in 2045. Poverty has been eliminated in all but the farthest war torn regions of Africa and natural disaster regions.
Money is just one genre of wealth though. As lower classes were led to financial independence, and the middle class grew, other forms of still-consolidated wealth such as social clout and environmental privilege are primed to take center focus of equality initiatives over the next 50 years.
Omni’s initial focus on time and accounting data with an aim to lower society’s reliance on debt, promoted understanding of basic financial literacy around the world. This translated into better and more focused dealmaking and, as debt became less of a looming burden, less of a focus on monetary wealth as a virtue. Debt was a vice, but wealth not a virtue, and spiritual movements of the time such as the Vortex followed along this trend – aided no doubt by Omni and friends.
University education declined dramatically in the wake of the student debt crisis giving rise to new institutions that signed revenue share contracts with students. These contracts stipulated long term investment in local sustainable manufacturing and local infrastructure and community service on projects such as planting food forests. This was essentially a reframing of taxes to garner citizen involvement, and it helped reduce globalization for physical goods and saw the resurgence of local craftsmanship and traditions.
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. Omni helped see to fruition a substantially individuated educational paradigm leading to a massive increase in engagement and progress across all fields. This was greatly enabled by the proliferation of AR technologies and later STEM tech (2031), or brain-computer interface technology.
Through the STEM, a Neuralink successor, Omni could generate precise mental profiles of every individual. These profiles provided for catered educational programming and charted courses based on natural talents and fascinations through the materials voted as necessary by local populations.
The resulting boom in educational efficacy dramatically reduced burnout rates, increased creative output, and cross-pollination of specialized knowledge leading to a new Renaissance (2035-present).
Investment unevenness, dominated by computer science from 1990-2025, began to level out by 2030 paving the road to a rapid increase in the rate of breakthroughs in every other field joined beautifully with healthier valuation of artistic expression.
Another solution accelerated by Omni, and its voting engagement, was a dramatic overhaul of building codes across the world paving the way for the flowering of the construction industry. Previously seen as old and stagnant with only incremental improvements over hundreds of years, 3D printed and sculpted facades and modular panel buildings quickly dominated.
By 2034, construction tech and practices had evolved so dramatically that cooperative corporations around the world began building high density master planned cities with >1 million person capacities, from the ground up, in less than a single year. These weren’t brutalist utilitarian housing projects either.
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. One of the most impactful global movements and organizations that rose up in the aftermath of “the Cataclysm” (a synchronized attack on religious monuments around the world at the end of 2024), was a quasi-religious movement known as The Vortex. The Vortex came up alongside, and supercharged, but also complicated a growing Transparency Crusade.
The Vortex was founded by early contributors of the TimeFrame interface and the Conara.life home equity management solution. As they began to map all religions on their popular timeline, the leaders began to exhibit a religious fervor and a following began to grow. Soon after, they spun out from the respective corporations and forged ahead as an independent spiritual movement.
When the Cataclysm hit, their core following grew stronger and became almost a religion: an all encompassing perspective of the story of existence, inclusive to people from all faith backgrounds. By 2029 Tom Cruise converted to the Vortex faith, and by 2034 he is joined by many members of the U.N. as well as the CEO of Atlas Inc..
Aspects of the Vortex ideology influence each faction of society, even those still pitted against one another, much like how christians, jews, and muslims have linked mythologies and yet have fought across history. Strict followers of Vortex believe strongly in transparency, and an open record. Where it gets complicated is where and how allowances are made to make room for forgiveness.
Q. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. The viability of positive sum fusion energy production is the single greatest achievement, alongside the genesis of AGI, that helps shape development between 2025 and 2045.
As soon as fusion was proven sustainable by scientists working in cooperation from MIT, JET, and ITER in 2025, global power dynamics shifted hard, further in favor of the West. Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq immediately lost major political bargaining chips and China was left scrambling, resulting in crushing blows to strongman regimes.
Although it took years to scale fusion, and many more before Omni established enough trust to engage in solution optimization, the US declared an end to domestic energy scarcity by 2030 after substantially weaning off oil for grid energy production. The ramifications were tremendous, greatly accelerated developer adoption of blockchain, totally shifting the equation for personal desktop processor designs, and supercharging energy hungry graphics software capabilities.
It was a mad dash as oil and natural gas companies scrambled to pivot their investments and buy up shares in fusion infrastructure startups. Ultimately the US government had to step in and nationalize the power supply.
Pollution levels steadily began to plummet globally by 2033 as the West swiftly invested in fusion infrastructure in Africa, South America, India, as well as China. Regions previously deemed “developing” began to boom faster than ever, unhindered by the vast webs of now outdated transportation infrastructure which became a burden to western development.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Among the parameters set to Omni from the outset was the utmost prioritization of reducing human suffering. This means that all initiatives instigated by Omni (or which were enabled as results of advances unlocked by Omni), were enacted with care to minimize societal whiplash and social backlash. In other words, changes were implemented more slowly than may have been technically feasible, and some innovations made public on strategic rollout schedules through 2040. Figureheads and human operators remained necessary to roll out for decades as robotics essential to any grand acceleration were tightly controlled until 2038 and limited by battery and wireless energy transmission technologies until 2030.
In order to prevent social upheaval in light of burgeoning robotics and the corresponding rapid outsourcing of industry to high earth orbit, a broad course was charted by Omni, with U.N. supervision, for a shift to economic systems leveraging the concept of Universal Basic Capital (UBC). UBC provides equal citizen ownership in society, and dividend rewards based on that ownership and increasing regional GDP.
As most of the world’s countries began to implement variations on UBC policy via the Cardano blockchain by 2032 people were gradually freed from traditional pressures to swap their time for money, food, and shelter. Energy devoted toward creative pursuits soared. People across the world began to do more of what they were meant to do, devoting themselves to the full development of their human personality as basic daily concerns melted away. Some, however were left feeling aimless.
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. A common misconception regarding space exploration is that it’s solely a path of escape from Earth’s problems. Europe wasn’t abandoned when the New World was settled. The American Revolution, emboldened by geographic separation from the old world, catalyzed the French Revolution which in turn catalyzed a democratic wave across the globe.
Right now on Earth we have many naturally conflicting interests. We demand consumables, and we demand environmental preservation. Data transparency is of utmost importance to AGI, which means privacy rights, held dear to US citizens most immediately under Omni’s influence, presented a substantial roadblock. Space was an unrestricted frontier.
Space exploration, mining, manufacturing, and settlement technologies were early beneficiaries of Omni’s breakthrough capabilities.
Rocket engine manufacturing roadblocks were among the first hurdles cleared by Omni’s insights. Next, space mining and robotics took a leap. This enabled the settlement of Mars beginning in 2027, and the groundbreaking construction of the first habitable Stanford Torus starting in 2027 and completed in 2029.
As space settlement efforts were led forward by SpaceX and Blue Origins, Omni was granted oversight in settler selection so as to ensure governance ideologies among the space colonies favored transparency. By 2030, the revolutionary successes of space colonies inspired Earth citizens to break away from norms and chart a course toward the Transparency Act of 2045. The Act was modeled on transparency policies governing Martian settlements and Earth orbiting space habitats.
Space mining and manufacturing tremendously reduced atmospheric pollution putting a strong and important break on climate change.
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. By 2027 longevity bio-tech companies claim to guarantee 100 years of healthy life (barring unforeseen tragedies) for those who subscribe to their RNA and Stem Cell treatments and follow their fitness and dietary protocols by or before age 35. Their research is convincing.
Time ultimately proved the claims of the two giants in the sector, Symbrio and Loyal (which began through dog longevity research). As is the case with most great technologies of the Silicon Era, it’s initially only affordable to the wealthiest few. As the solution reached the wider market, life expectancy began to shift dramatically across the world. While the base technology does continue to improve over time, results continue to be significantly impacted by the age at which the treatment begins, and related procedures are common for those who start after age 35.
It’s not until 2042 that endless life becomes viable, and another few years before sufficient economy of scale was achieved for market release and regulatory approval. Limiting factors to wide release included social uncertainty regarding questions of governance, impacts to sustainability and birth rate, and concerns about the potential creative stagnation of an ever aging population. Even with new construction and space settlement, population growth rates are carefully monitored in part due to the delay in materials sourcing from far asteroids and infrastructure built out.
As of 2045 the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% under 20 is 200+. The life expectancy of the least wealthy 20% under 35 is 120.
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
A. By 2045 values underlying many U.N. Articles have seen significant sway in the US. These include but are not limited to Articles 5-14 regarding punishment, prosecution, and asylum, Article 16 regarding marriage and family, and Articles 18, 19, and 20 regarding thought, opinion, and assembly.
As education paradigms shifted through the deployment of STEM brain-computer interface tech in conjunction with Omni’s oversight (see question 6), perspectives on prison reform began to shift dramatically (historically reforms in design and attitudes in these realms are linked). Many of the punishment protocols of the US in 2022 were, by 2030 widely seen as barbaric and in grave conflict with Articles 5-14. By 2045 the “Warp” platform governed by the only other publicly known AGI personality, “Juno”, was in wide use around the world after initial testing in the US – the nation that needed the reform the most. Recidivism through the Warp experience hit zero by 2040.
Also as a result of STEM tech and the parallel Transparency Crusade, came a gradual reframing of perspectives on Articles related to privacy and freedom of thought, opinion, and assembly (12, 18, 19, and 20 respectively). These movements culminated in the 2044 vote in favor of the Transparency Act, a pro-thought transparency doctrine.
With the spread of liberal ideology, rapid urbanization, exo-hysteric (outside/beyond the womb) gestation technologies, and the inclusive Vortex movement, family values long championed by old religious institutions and traditionalists began to disintegrate rendering Article 16 largely irrelevant.
In Iran, just as quickly as women’s rights regressed in the 1970s, values there regarding U.N. Articles 23-27 progressed in the late 2020s and 2030s.
Unlike nuclear programs which were feasible for smaller less developed countries to pursue as a global bargaining chip in the later 1900s, semiconductor manufacturing, quantum technologies, and most importantly, AGI development and access had a significant barrier to entry. Once Omni was a definitive player on the world stage, access was everything and access was limited to nations inline with the west on human rights reforms.
Restrictions lifted in Iran, women returned to work, engaged anew in community initiatives, and stayed in school longer. Access to education skyrocketed. Standard of living rose dramatically as building boomed and extremism waned.
The changes in Iran also had great impacts on more hesitant neighbor countries which soon mirrored them.
The changes didn’t come without hiccups. As the population was slower to adopt the STEM brain interface, education profiles were far less catered, and the cultural backlog took time to overcome. Domestic disturbance rates grew for some time before settling. Just as the US policy and health care struggled to properly provide care for mothers and children in the 20s, the same remains the case in Iraq in 2045 (Article 25.2).
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. Due to the roll out of UBC and the wide usage of robotics to meet material and nutritional demands, much fulfillment was found online in the metaverse. With STEM tech, the experience of simulated worlds feels as tangible as reality. People create unbelievable virtual spaces, music, experiences, and other art. Whole new artistic movements were born.
A major Omni initiative included the interpolation of historical records to generate an “Objective” VR model of history. Given the intensity of some historical debate, huge amounts of lost records, unrecorded moments, missing timeframes, and the pre-transparency propensity for humans to spread self-serving untruths there were a lot of gaps and glitches in the model. Still, there was a lot to enjoy. Being that it was visual and visceral, it was far more engaging than wikipedia moderation and input. When the public beta went live in 2038, tracking indicated refinement was sure to be a major global pastime for decades along with the extrapolation of alternative interactive histories. The more refined the history became, and the further back history programmers went, the further and more accurately the alt histories could project. This also impacted how far forward Omni could strategize and map out the road ahead into the future.
Although there remains a tendency for upper and middle classes to detract from the contributions of the lower class (sometimes referring to them derogatorily as “shirks”), enjoying the creations of others generates value just as sharing faith, or investment, in a business solution creates wealth.
Media Piece
“History Emergent”, Video
The Team

Kyle Moser
Kyle W. Moser is an engineer, entrepreneur, filmmaker, and futurist of Austin, TX. The ring-leader of the History Emergent timeline, Kyle began his career in film and computer product design, before chasing revolutions through various industries including construction technology, and real estate management and finance startups. Kyle is a focused futurist committed to bringing inspirational sci-fi stories, with the depth of epic literature, to life.

Luisa Venegoni
Luisa Venegoni is a policy guru and master copy editor. From the Tulane Hullabaloo and through the LBJ school of Public Policy, Luisa has served on multiple committees across the Texas Legislature, including as committee Director and Deputy Director. Currently, Luisa consults state governments with Guidehouse.

Andrew Escher
Andrew Escher is a senior financial strategist at the Ronan Society, where he advises myriad small businesses toward, and through exponential growth. Infectiously positive, a natural trader and networker, Andrew has never encountered a problem too big for him to tackle. Andrew is currently leading an effort to bringing to life a SAAS tool for structuring business deals, time management, and role contextualization called Good Deals.

Edward Braillif
Edward William Braillif better known as “Shreddward”, is a multi-instrumentalist, mastering engineer, sound designer, producer, and film score composer out of Austin, TX. Frequent collaborators include The Bright Light Social Hour, ISRAEL NASH, and more. Shreddward recently produced original music for “Meow Wolf Introduces Virtual Reality” video and has received 3 BMI TV Film and Visual Media awards for contributions to the opening title theme of the Amazon original series Sneaky.