Explore The World
Is this a future you would want to live in? This is a featured application from our Youth section. See what our younger generations have to say about the future.
A Day In the Life in 2045
Kya Andrews, London, 11
Kids gasp at the brilliant marine life outside the submarine’s windows. I sit towards the back, happy that we get to skip a day of classes, even if it is to be dragged onto an island in the middle of the ocean.
“Isn’t this such a cool field trip, Kya? I’ve always wanted to see the AGI Headquarters!” My friend Taylor, who sits next to me, exclaims.“Yeah, it’s pretty cool,” I reply, my gaze drifting towards the window.
“We should be there in a couple minutes everyone!” Ms Harrow, my teacher, shouts trying to speak over the excited 6th graders.
The field trip to The International AGI Association Headquarters is the biggest field trip the 6th graders at London International Secondary School get to go on, and the past few months all my classmates have been buzzing about it. I haven’t been as excited as them, particularly because I don’t like being away from home for more than a couple days, but I am still intrigued about the place where all AGI technology comes from. An underwater tunnel built into an island slowly comes into view from the front window of the submarine. The submarine drives through the tunnel. The tunnel turns slowly upward, and eventually the submarine emerges out of the water, into a big round metal room.
“Everyone form a single file line at the front of the submarine!” Ms Harrow says, right before kids stampede to the front of the vessel.
“We’re here!” Taylor squeals.
All the kids exit the submarine through the hatch one by one. Ms Harrow directs all of us towards a big metal door at the end of the room. I watch her approach a holograph of a blonde lady that stands next to the door.
“Welcome to The International AGI Association Headquarters! Please place your Guest keycard to the scanner,” the holographic lady chimes cheerfully. Ms Harrow places a keycard up to the scanner.
“An Academic Trip Keycard! Welcome Students, enjoy your educational experience at the International AGI Association Headquarters!” The holographic lady exclaims after the keycard is scanned.
The door slides open smoothly and Ms. Harrow motions for us to come inside. Oohs and Ahhs escape from all my classmates as we enter the room. The room has the highest ceiling I’ve ever seen, and a massive marble and obsidian sculpture of an AGI robot holding hands with a person stands in the center of it. The sculpture is huge, and almost as tall as the ceiling. Underneath the sculpture is a silver plaque that reads: The International AGI Association Headquarters, Built in 2042.
“Wow! How neat is this?” Taylor whispers next to me in a hushed but excited tone. I stand in awe as I look around the room, which is decorated with modern silver sofas and tables.
“Follow me everyone! And stay in the line!” Ms. Harrow hollers from the front of the group. The class follows her as we go around the massive statue. At the back of the room is a long desk. A tall AGI robot stands behind it, with a pixelated smile on its face.
“Oh hello! Welcome Academic Trip 30962 from London International Secondary School, I will be your tour guide for the International AGI Association Headquarters tour! My name is Cece. I can guarantee you are sure to learn lots about the global center of artificial general intelligence!” Cece speaks melodically as they come out from behind the desk and gesture to a hidden door in the wall which slides open.
Taylor grins at me, and I give her a smile back. Everyone follows Cece through the door, which leads to a balcony, which overlooks another giant room, filled with comfy chairs and tables. Scientists and technicians sit all over the room, working intensely. Holographic diagrams fill the room, each showing different AGI technologies. The scientists discuss and display all sorts of interesting diagrams.
“Wow,” I whisper. The hundreds of holograms filling the room look beautiful seen altogether from above.
“This is one of our many Discussion rooms, where scientists and AGI engineers all come together and discuss the big new ideas of AGI!” Cece chirps excitedly. They lead us down a flight of stairs, all the while talking about the history of the Headquarters.
“The International AGI Association was founded in 2037, during the Phoenix Influenza Pandemic, so world leaders could utilize AGI to end the pandemic. The Association allowed data and information to be seamlessly shared globally, and allowed people all over the world to collaborate. So, when the overpopulation crisis of 2040 occurred, and massive land reclamation happened all over the world, a new island specifically for the Association was created,” We passed through several hallways and staircases, and Cece continued on.
“The new island located in the Atlantic Ocean became the new Headquarters for the International AGI Association. All the AGI tech that exists is produced here and transported all over the world!” Cece droned on some more, but I lost focus. So many unique technologies, it was amazing. The class was shown tons of different rooms, such as, The Engineering room, The Programming room, another Discussion Room, The AGI Testing room, The AGI Ethics room and finally the AGI Storage Warehouse. Cece explains to us as we pass through all the rooms, “and that’s all the rooms that I can show you on the tour in the main building, but there are 126 more on this island! All to help AGI production and development!”
Later during the day the class heads to the guest center, where people who visit the Headquarters can stay. The room I stay in has the most beautiful view of the island. Tall skyscrapers with a myriad of colourful lights cover the island. Bridges and tunnels connect all the buildings to the sleek dome in the center of the island. I’m stunned by all this brilliant technology that is revolutionizing the world! I wonder what it will be like in the future.
Dr. Oliver Maxwell, Australia, 33
2045 March 11th 3:54 AM
I can’t sleep. Too many nerves. I still can’t believe I’m doing this tomorrow. I gotta get up in a couple hours, but I can’t fall asleep! What if I screw up? No, it’ll go fine. I’ve done all the training necessary for this. Crazy to think that me, Dr. Oliver Maxwell, will either ruin or save someone’s life tomorrow. Oh gosh, I hope I don’t fail. I can’t mess this up. If I do…. I don’t even want to think about the consequences.
March 11th 8:36 AM
Last night’s entry was a bit messy. I was a nervous wreck, but managed to eventually fall asleep. My old professor used to always tell me that nerves are to be expected when preparing for these types of things. I miss him terribly. I could really use his support for this operation. My first time performing a consciousness transferral. How exciting. In med school we were taught the procedure and practiced through simulation, but operating on a child’s brain will be quite different. Shoot, I’m running late. I gotta leave now! Will write another entry soon.
March 11th 8:55 AM
Currently I’m on the public hovercraft, heading to the transferral clinic. People keep staring at me for writing in this old journal. Most people don’t use these anymore, but I find it refreshing to use non-technology items, as our world is so consumed by screens. Not that technology isn’t useful, it totally is. Anyways, I’m quite excited about the operation. Transferring a human mind into a robotic vessel? So amazing. Even though this technology is still fairly recent, I can’t believe people survived without it. It would be awful to have a severe medical condition back in my parent’s day. Gotta go, the hovercraft is almost at the transferral clinic!
March 11th 9:15 AM
Okay, I’m at the transferral clinic and have made sure everything is all set up for the operation. I met the 2 other medical professionals I’ll be working with, one of them is older, the other is probably a couple years post residency, like me. Usually there’s only zero or one human surgeon for this kind of operation, but this operation on a child’s brain hasn’t been done before. Protocol says humans need to be involved first in new operations before it’s handed over to AGI. I can’t even imagine performing an operation like this without the help of AGI. It would be a nightmare! Crazy how surgeons decades ago didn’t use the help of any AI technology. Just shows really how far the medical industry has come. The patient is here! Will update you soon!
March 11th 9:44 AM
The patient is a five year old girl who has an inoperable brain tumor. Luckily it hasn’t done too much damage to her memories and personality, but it will soon unless we operate. I spoke with the patient’s mother and filled her in on the details of the operation. It is always such a shame to see parents whose children are suffering. It affects them tremendously. I explained to the mother that in a nutshell, we will give her daughter anaesthesia which will leave her unconscious, and the AGI surgeon will then scan her brain to replicate it using artificial neurons. Then we will upload her consciousness into the artificial “brain” that we will put inside her new robotic body, which she chose prior to today. I told her that is a very oversimplified rundown of the process. She asked a few questions and now Mia is laying on the operating table, and we’re about to begin. Wish me luck!
March 11th 2:35 PM
I’m currently in the bathroom, taking a short break from the operation. I just had to get out of there, the stress was killing me. We had a minor problem when replicating the brain with the artificial neurons, but it’s solved now. But we are also having more problems uploading the consciousness. I’m quite nervous. What if I fail this? What if I kill her? No, no, no. I can do this. I hope.
March 11th 6:43 PM
Wow. I did it. The surgery went fantastic. All the stress was worth seeing Mia’s mother’s face full of joy. I’m so thrilled! Mia was so happy she was able to run and jump with her new robotic body. I explained to Mia and her mother that since she’s still a growing child, we’ll upgrade her new body as sees fit. I’m filled with so much relief that this procedure went well, at some points I really thought it was going to fail. But it didn’t, which is so great! I’m so grateful that all this technology is benefiting thousands of people around the world. And that doctors can collaborate with AGI robots and technology to save lives. It’s mind blowing. But right now, I’m pretty exhausted, and I can’t wait to get home!
March 11th 11:38 PM
I’m currently laying in bed with a huge grin on my face, thinking about how I changed someone’s life for the better.
Answers to prompts
Q. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?
A. In 2045, there is one group that is responsible for the production of all AGI, this is to make sure that people aren’t creating AGI technology that could be used for criminal purposes. The International AGI Association is the one group that produces all the world’s AGI technology. That might sound a bit risky, but actually, the group is run by vast amounts of scientists, leaders, and professionals from all over the world. The Association is run at one location and transports AGI tech all over the world. Every single piece of artificial intelligence technology has to go through multiple tests before it can be used. All the AGI that is produced has an easy to use override button or code, so if the AGI gets out of control. The Association has also made sure all artificially intelligent technology is required to be programmed with ethics and empathy. This can ensure that AGI won’t try to create harm. The buyers of AGI technology are given a background check, by one of the Association’s vast number of employees. The Association does not allow any buyer that has a significant criminal record or has been part of a criminal organisation to purchase AGI technology, for safety purposes.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. The International Artificial General Intelligence Association is how AGI is produced and managed in 2045. To keep the power balance in check, there are several branches that run under the Association. Each branch is responsible for producing a different aspect of creating AGI. One branch programs the ethics of AGI, another branch is responsible for AGI’s software, another branch is responsible for checking the technology to make sure it hasn’t been misprogrammed, and the last branch is for transporting the AGI technology all over the world. The International AGI Association is run by leaders and scientists from all over the world, and makes sure AGI is properly handled. The International AGI Association Headquarters exist on a reclaimed island, in the Atlantic Ocean. This is where all the AGI production and management happens. The island has high security and keeps the knowledge of Artificial General Intelligence secure. Every shipment of AGI technology is also inspected before it leaves the island, to make sure it is secure.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. Collaboration is the most effective way that arms races and wars have been prevented. The International AGI Association has allowed all countries to have a fair role in the creation of artificial intelligence technology. In order for AGI to be truly global, it needs access to each country’s information and by ensuring each country controls their own data, no country can dominate AGI and start a dispute.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. Surprisingly, the way those countries are being controlled and governed, hasn’t changed much since 2022. Why? This is because The International AGI Association created a list of set rules for AGI to prevent it from getting out of hand. One of these rules was that AGI must remain out of politics. The International AGI Association feared that if AGI technology took part in politics and governing, the AGI would become corrupted. Governments are only allowed to use AGI technology for information and data, but all artificially intelligent technology must remain out of politics and governing.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. In 2031 there was a great wealth inequality which led to social instability. To solve this, governments reallocated digital assets to the less wealthy. This reduced social instability and wealth inequality. In 2045, the worldwide gini coefficient is estimated to be at 0.35, which is quite an improvement from 2022’s gini coefficient.
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. Artificial Intelligence has helped achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3; Good Health and Wellbeing for all. Healthcare in the current world isn’t accessible for everyone, but with the use of Artificial Intelligence, healthcare in 2045 has become much more connected and allows medical information to be shared easily between healthcare centres. With the use of Artificial General Intelligence as well, less medical staff are needed, as AGI is capable of treating patients. This has allowed more healthcare centres to be created around the world, the best quality of healthcare, and for treatments to have lower costs. How did it become this way? In the year 2034, An Influenza Pandemic broke out, labelled the “Phoenix Flu”. That same year, the first foolproof AGI technology was created. AGI technology was immediately rushed into hospitals and was able to find treatments for the patients quicker than any healthcare professional could. It was also extremely beneficial as it allowed hospitals to connect and easily share medical data with one another. More AGI technology was created specifically to be used in the medical field, as the Phoenix Flu Pandemic was having a severe impact on the world. Once the pandemic ended, AGI stuck around in healthcare as it was so useful.
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. World mental wellbeing has been a top priority and an important factor in the development in my world. Services to help people with their mental health are much more common and accessible to all. Mental health is no longer a taboo topic and people taking days off work and school for mental health is much more accepted in society. AI has also been a big help for people who want to go to therapy, but don’t feel comfortable talking to another person. This has reduced anxiety, depression, which has led to less suicide rates, shootings, bullying, domestic abuse, and violent crimes. Overall leading to a happier and more stable world.
Q. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. In 2040, the first successful consciousness transferral happened, which allowed a paralysed man to experience life through a robotic body. This process soon became a common practice around the world by 2045 and benefited so many individuals worldwide, offering them better quality of life. This has been extremely beneficial to those with disabilities and medical problems, allowing them to experience life in a way they thought they would never be able to. These consciousness transferrals take place in “transferral clinics”, where one may go to and choose a robotic body that functions just as well as a human one to live their life in. This has also helped those who are transgender, and those who feel uncomfortable in their bodies. However, the cost to have a consciousness transferral for those who don’t need it for medical reasons is higher than the people who do. This technology allows more people to help out in the community, and to live happier lives, which has a strong beneficial impact on the world.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Since the creation of AGI, countries have come together and collaborated more. Since all AGI production is through the International AGI Association, not one country has all the power, and all countries get a fair opportunity. This is beneficial because countries come together to make AGI instead of making it independently, which allows even small countries to get a fair share of power. This has led to countries collaborating on other matters as well, which has led to less wars.
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. Healthcare has been the most transformed in my world. Both mental and physical healthcare have improved significantly due to AI. Advanced AI and AGI technology helped end the “Phoenix Flu” Pandemic in 2037. This is because AGI can search for the best treatments worldwide and treat patients efficiently without any human error. Hospitals have become more interconnected and easily share data and records to each other, allowing for all hospitals to be fully equipped with information. With AGI being able to be used in the medical field, medical staff are less overworked, benefitting their wellbeing. AGI therapy is also widely available to those struggling with their mental wellbeing, as much people feel more comfortable sharing to an AGI robot than to a person. This overall leads to a happier and safer world
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. As mentioned in previous sections, better healthcare has led to increased life expectancy worldwide. The most wealthy 1% life expectancy is at 110, and the least wealthy 20% of the world life expectancy is 95. The global life expectancy has increased massively since 2022 due to a massive amount of AGI technology being used in the medical field. The new technology has allowed better diagnoses, shared medical data, and hospitals to connect worldwide. This naturally leads to higher life expectancy.
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
A. In the US, the right to equal pay for equal work is better respected than in 2022. The pay gap between men and women has decreased massively, which is a huge improvement. This is because women, people of colour, and minorities have spoken up and will not stand for unequal pay. To promote equality, all employers pay their workers fairly, without any discrimination. Due to the development of technology, the right to privacy is worse respected than in 2022 worldwide. How? Personal data and information can be shared much more easily globally. When healthcare centres began sharing personal medical data through AGI, oftentimes people couldn’t keep their medical records personal any more.
In India, the right to work in just and favourable conditions is better respected in 2045. In our current world, many people are forced to work in dangerous and injust places to earn money, but since the development of AGI, the AGI do those dangerous and cruel jobs. As with the US, the right to privacy is also worse respected. People’s private information is being digitally shared much more easily than in 2022 with the development of AI.
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. “5D movies” have allowed many people to escape into their own realities. The 5D movies were introduced to the public in 2033, and were instantly popular among many individuals. In a 5D movie, viewers are placed into a booth with a virtual reality headset. The headset allows viewers to become a part of the movie storyline, being able to explore their fictional surroundings and sometimes interact with the characters. Viewers also experience sensations, tastes and smells when they happen in the movie. The 5D movie experience allows many people who may be tired of reality to be completely immersed in a whole new reality. Much like reading a really good book, but it feels so much more real.
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Zoe Anzman
While Zoe was born on the East Coast of the Untied States she has primarily spent most of her life in Asia. She currently is in 7th grade at a Hong Kong international school. Zoe has many interests such as space, nature, and art. With her ever-expanding thirst for knowledge, she loves taking on new challenges and trying new things. In her free time, she enjoys painting, reading, and spending time with her family and friends. She dreams of one day traveling the world with her pet cat. An extra special thank you to her Dad, Nick Anzman, for being her designated 18+ person in order to join the contest and in helping her with some of the data points.