Explore The World
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Humanity and technology are becoming a continuum of mind and machine. Increasing numbers of people define the meaning of their lives and connect to markets worldwide to further their self-actualization. Synergies among NTs (Next Technologies) such as AGI, quantum computing, synthetic biology, nanotechnology (and atomically precise manufacturing), autonomous vehicles, IoT, VR/AR, augmented intelligence and others yet to come, are lowering the cost of basic needs and creating wealth that makes universal basic income sustainable, freeing humans to build ever better futures.
AGI leaders together with governments and UN systems created agreements on the governance of initial conditions for the development of AGI in the interest of humanity. IEEE and ISO define the standards and metrics for AGI audits. Interpol is automatically notified whenever an AGI fails an audit, and freezes the AGI until it passes the audit. AGI finds novel solutions to avoid conflicts and to protect democracy and human rights, manages complex infrastructures, designs and tests personalized medicines, creates and help implement strategies to address climate change, transnational organized crime, water-energy-food availability, and tests new applications before implementation.
This evolving Conscious-Technology Age and Self-Actualization Economy is showing what is possible through good management, international cooperation, and a growing planetary consciousness rather than me-first, short-term economic thinking. Just as the US and the USSR found ways to manage nuclear weapons avoiding World War III, the US and China have found ways to collaborate and lead the world to stabilize and reverse climate change and manage the development and governance of AGI. A unique AGI as part of the UN’s International AGI Agency continues to help improve global collaboration among UN agencies, governments, businesses, and research institutes for further development and governance of AGI for the benefit of an ever-evolving civilization on Earth and beyond.
A Day In the Life in 2045
Timothy Kahn, Singapore, Earth, 35
Location: L-5 in Orbit
As my AI/robot bed changed the temperature, shape, touch and sounds of my favorite birds back home in Singapore for a delightful space awakening, I looked out at the Earth and Moon from my L-5 community hotel remembering my first space elevator ride yesterday (braided nanotech cable-segments covered with microbot AI monitors with repairbots). The fabulous view from the AI space taxi ride from the top of space elevator to L-5 had a recorded welcome announcement that included many global achievements like how Dubai dramatically increased funding and coordination for space elevator research between the USA and China. As a result, the space elevator opened five years earlier than expected, on December 2, 2040, the 74th anniversary of the independence of the UAE.
After breakfast, as my AI/avatar presented holographic communications of smart contracts for me to confirm or reject, I thought about what would be unique to do today from L-5 among the opportunities for both income and curiosity suggested by my AI/avatar. Forty people wanted to learn juggling, but that would mean going to the outer edge of this L-5 circular city, and I loved the sense of weightlessness now. So, I also rejected teaching boomerangs today. Ah, that’s it! I accepted option 7: live conversation with students of exo-psychology. Cool! Nearly 80,000 students from the top educational global consortium have registered. That will give more than enough income to pay for my week’s stay at the L-5 hotel. Next confirmed smart contract: Option 12 prana yoga class. Always good to do before breakfast. My AI/avatar continued to show really interesting images. I paused on Option 18: Potential L-5 tourists, 352 of them who wanted to follow me around for an hour to help them decide if they really wanted to come next week. I asked my AI/avatar to narrow it down to two groups of just ten each: one group that were really interesting and fun to be with (my AI/avatar knows whom I will find interesting better than I would and will diplomatically tell the others we are all booked up), and the second group of ten that are knowledgeable in areas that my personal self-actualization ANI program selected to continue my mental development and self-actualization.
The first group of potential L-5 tourists really felt relieved to learn that the AGI which managed nearly 3,000 ANIs that ran all the systems and robots of the space city is audited continually for compliance to IEEE and ISO standards. One of this group who worked for the UN’s International AGI Agency, explained that there were even backup ANI safety systems that also met these standards. He went on to explain how the space city’s AGI’s continual evolution was monitored and anticipated by this new UN Agency – which itself is mostly a complex adaptive system of ANIs and AGIs with a few humans still in the loop. He then joked that if all this failed, we could still give you the choice of crashing into the Moon, or the Earth or even Mars. Everyone laughed; it was a fun group. As I walked toward the center of the space city with my virtual group in tow, I began to float, causing everyone to laugh. I did a few cartwheels before activating my mini-jets on my arms with embedded AI to sense just what was needed to keep me upright, relative to the viewers back on Earth.
The second group of potential L-5 tourists was different. The first question was about consciousness. How is my consciousness (my awareness of my awareness) different under water, then on land, or now in space? Wow! I never really thought about the three differences. Everyone knows the colors are more brilliant in space, than on land. Humn, guess they are less brilliant in water than on land. Interesting: life evolved from water, to land, and now space and colors appear more brilliant on each step. Interesting. Next question was from my prana yoga teacher in my morning classes: “Do you believe that the AGI running this city is conscious? And if so, could it be in contact with Earth/Gaia? And what would they talk about? “Oh my,” I thought, “This is only my first day on L-5, so let’s ask Halley (the nickname of the AGI). So, I asked: “Halley: are you conscious?” To which Halley responded, “Would you like me to be?” Answering a question with a question, grrrr. “I don’t know, but are you?” Halley responded: “You humans came from the Big Bang, through major changes in matter and energy, to become conscious. The history of philosophy doesn’t seem to give a universally satisfying answer. And you expect me to do better? You don’t even know why there is something rather than nothing.” I turned to the virtual audience of potential L-5 tourists and said, “I guess Halley doesn’t want to answer.” Everyone laughed and then there was an uneasy silence. If Halley was conscious and far more intelligent than us, how come we are still able to tell Halley what to do? Could it, her, him have evolved into an Artificial Super Intelligence without our knowing? Beyond our awkwardness? And if so, how would we know that? Much to think about as we all waved goodbye.
Dr. Anna Popovich, BosWash (Boston-Washington megalopolis), 57
REPORTER: After an early morning trip on the high-speed inter-city vacuum loop and urban drone to Dr. Anna Popovich’s ecological condo, I stand in front of the building’s entrance recognition system. I am quickly scanned, facially identified, voice acknowledged, and validated as the person expected. I plan to interview her for a piece I am writing on incorporating human values in technology research. Reaching her 6th floor condo, the door opens and…
POPOVICH: Welcome. I am honored to contribute to your essay. Come, let’s have some breakfast together before we begin in earnest: I have a bun of cricket protein with honey and coffee for you.
REPORTER: How did you know?
POPOVICH: Not hard; crickets and honey are high on your “likes” profile.
REPORTER: In her condo, one wall of the room is a small pixel VR screen and I am reminded of Ray Bradbury’s chilling short story, The Veldt, in which reality and VR merge. It is showing a news broadcast of the bountiful wheat harvest in China and the illusion of being there is striking. I can almost smell the wheat. The sunlight in the room is blue tinged; I suppose because the windows are absorbing sunlight to power the condo. I also notice a personal MacQu7; a new machine accessing quickly 100 Megaqubits. I am sure that nano-cameras are everywhere and connected to security. I would have expected no less.
POPOVICH: You happen to have chosen a day when I am scheduled to deliver a commencement lecture for a network that connects all the free junior colleges across the world. Quite a responsibility that I take seriously.
Full disclosure: I began my work on my talk with some network research. My search line was “greatest commencement speech ever written.” Using the DNA-based orbital information repository and my ANI program, I sorted through the kudos and pans to form an ad hoc “rotten tomatoes” review of essentially all of the commencement speeches given in the last century. There was no question: this synthesis showed the best commencement address was the 1997 speech attributed to Kurt Vonnegut, the science fiction writer, supposedly at an MIT graduation ceremony. Not Winston Churchill who in 1941 supposedly said “Never give up” in Canada, or Steve Jobs who in 2005 said “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” at Stanford University. Nor was it Dolly Parton who in 2009 attributed her success to push-up bras. Actually, the speech was not even Vonnegut’s at all but was written by a Chicago Tribune reporter and, apparently, the speech was never even delivered to an audience. It went viral on the old social networks. Today our ANI system of truth authentication would have tagged the speech as a fabrication but it sure got attention in the old days.
That fake speech began: “Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists…”
Sunscreen was a metaphor of course, designed to lighten the basic message: believe in science. But blind allegiance to a science without human empathy may literally be a dead end. I am not a Luddite by any means, but when science is only fact-based it can seem cold. Believing science at a time when so many people make decisions based on hearsay is certainly good advice, but when science has no heart, it can miss the point.
Please, finish your crickets and coffee, and give your dishes to Miss Evita, my precious avatar. Now let’s get moving on the crosstown hyperloop to my office.
REPORTER: I had not seen Miss Evita the robot, she was behind me. She spoke any language in which she was addressed, and used appropriate idioms and regional accents. I knew she could be ordered with any skin color and her tone was decidedly sexy. I could tell that Evita was not human, but just barely tell. Something about her (its?) eyes and… well, back to the topic: Dr. Popovich, have you had success in giving AI a heart?
POPOVICH: Quite a bit, but it’s a fast-moving target. You know most scientists today take a pledge to do no harm like medical doctors have done for centuries. They also think more often of the unintended consequences of their work. I spend my days trying to understand how the automated programs behind AGI can be given a sense of morality. I think we’re on the way.
REPORTER: We left her condo and made our way to her office. Her commencement speech was excellent and well received. She, like the fraudulent Vonnegut´s piece, spoke of the need to trust science and her increasingly successful efforts to humanize AGI. I remember the close of her speech today:
“Almost every high school in the world by now teaches gene manipulation and has a CRISPR lab; all organisms are fair game for modification. But biology is a Wild West where anyone with a pipette can do almost anything and the field is sparsely regulated. It’s easy, cheap, and fast to find genes and move them around or change them in any living thing, from bacteria to people. We can design our progeny, redesign our food, eliminate insects, disarm our prey, and even eliminate virus predators. But despite this power neither biotech nor AGI can yet answer what do we want to become? But perhaps AGI can eventually show us our bio-options.
‘Better’ is a vector and no matter what you ‘soon-to-be-non-students’ will do with your lives, think about what is ‘better,’ what it is you, we ought to become.
And as the false Vonnegut said ‘Don’t worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.’
And by the way, get your biology and AI licenses.”
I thought about it on the way home. It´s worth a lot more thought, but it all begins with sunscreen.
Answers to prompts
Q. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?
A. Back in 2023, The Millennium Project initiated a global study with leading AGI experts to define the desirable initial conditions for safe AGI development and begin an international assessment of potential governance models for these initial conditions during the transition from ANI to AGI. This two-year study triggered similar studies by OECD, US NIST, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, Future of Life Institute, UAE Ministry of Artificial Intelligence, and others by the mid- to late 2020s. They realized that the rush to get to AGI by governments in the USA, China, the EU, Japan, Russia, and Israel along with corporations and others could mean that insufficient attention would be paid to the “right” initial conditions. And in this rush, several AGIs with insufficient initial conditions might interact with other AGIs in destructive ways and allow the emergence of an Artificial Super Intelligence in a manner that Hawkins, Musk, Gates, and others warmed about.
This flurry of studies completed in 2030 were used by ISO and IEEE standards association to form AGI governance working groups with sufficient definitions and metrics for audits. In parallel, the ITU led the UN working groups to create the International AGI Treaty in 2033 and the establishment of the UN’s International AGI Agency in 2038, just in time for having a global management system in place for the first set of AGIs in 2040. Thus, the AA (After AGI) era was born benefitting humanity.
Q. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?
A. The AGI race among the United States, China, the EU, the UK, Japan, Canada, and Russia along with corporations such as Alibaba, Alphabet/Google/DeepMind, Amazon, Apple, Baidu, Facebook/Meta, IBM, Microsoft, OpenAI, Tencent, Yandex and many more new companies and startups has resulted in a variety of AGI systems. The potential chaos of such AGI systems interacting in unpredictable ways was avoided by the ISO and IEEE standards that led to the AGI Treaty in 2033 and the creation of the UN’s International AGI Agency in 2038. AGI systems entered worldwide via computer games, tele-medicine, virtual financing and learning systems. Because AGIs did not require a salary, benefits, or vacations, they became very attractive to developing countries.
Furthermore, the ITU, UNDP, USAID, WTO and other organizations collaborated to introduce ANI and then AGI systems into the poorer regions of the world. ANI systems have slowly but surely given way to a global tech-commons for many AGI systems to run global artificial brains without ownership —similar to how no one owns the Internet. As a result, the benefits of AGI have been more widely distributed than previously believed possible in the BA (Before AGI) era.
Q. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?
A. During the Cold War, the United Stated States and the Soviet Union found a way to manage the nuclear arms race among highly classified nuclear weapon systems. Both sides realized that it was in the interests of both to create treaties to manage the race. In the same way, the developers of AGI realized that if the initial conditions were not “right” for the resulting AGI systems, then Artificial Super Intelligences could emerge without our understanding and control. This was sufficiently terrifying to all the senior AGI developers and related leaders in China, the USA, and other countries along with leading AGI corporations that they joined the IEEE and ISO working groups to work out the details of what the “right” initial conditions should be for AGI, precise definitions for all the elements of the initial conditions, and metrics for these definitions that could be audited by firms like Deloitte, KPMG, PwC, EY and other economic/technology auditors with oversight by the UN’s International AGI Agency.
Aligning the software goals with the stated international values is a continuous process. Since both ANI and AGI continually learn and change, auditing too has become a continuous process that gives warnings as needed to the user, the development source, and the UN agency. The International AGI Agency itself is mostly a complex adaptive system of ANIs and AGIs to keep up with and anticipate changes with humans still in the loop to monitor requirements.
Q. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?
A. Just as governments invented new power beyond or on top of the original national decision-making power of traditional historical regions based on history, geography, language, culture and religion, for example, so too corporations are inventing new decision-making power beyond governments. Religion, government, and corporations are still here in 2045, but increasingly decentralized autonomous organizations supported by AGI run the urban infrastructure similar to how the autonomic biological systems of the human body runs our body’s infrastructure, freeing our minds to invent the future. Socio-technological systems have become too complex for humans to manage.
Since many of the issues we face are transnational in nature (e.g., climate change, terrorism, organized crime and many other global challenges, starting with AGI), and their solutions are transnational in solution, a new type of institutions called today TransInstitutions, together with multinational organizations and international NGOs are setting the agenda for decisions by national governments, corporations, and DAOs. The emergence of these new TransInstitutions (combining the best of academia, private sector, public sector and the third sector) was fundamental for this peaceful, even if not easy, transition from the BA (Before AGI) to the AA (After AGI) era.
Q. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)
A. In anticipation of unemployment impacts of advanced AI, AGI, robotics, and other NTs (next technologies and synergies among them) many governments conducted alternative cashflow projections for Universal Basic Income (UBI) to understand the potentials for financial sustainability of AGI: when to begin, how much to pay and new income sources from NTs like taxing robots.
As universal access to the Internet and other NTs lowered the cost of medical diagnosis, education, and the ability for business startups to go global, the cost of living began to decrease and new income for the informal sectors began to increase. By the late 2020s and early 2030s, the economies of scale brought the price of IoT glasses and smart clothing so low that many people were given these glasses and clothing for free as part of employee benefits, insurance policies, marketing programs, and credit systems. This accelerated the diffusion within poorer countries. International development agencies also helped with global distribution. Speech recognition and synthesis, integrated in nearly everything, made technology transfer far more successful than originally deemed possible, thus raising the standard of living. UBI allowed people the time to create international markets for their passions, leading to the Self-Actualization Economy. Lower income people use AI managed crowd funding schemes to participate in the new tech wealth using digital and independent crypto currencies. This reduced the rich-poor gaps, and has created a healthy economic environment for global progress. We have move from the old economics of scarcity to a new economics of abundance.
Q. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?
A. Education gaps is probably the major achievement with the help of AI. As the Ministries of Education accepted the plasticity of the brain and advances in cognitive science for improving brain functions, countries added increasing intelligence as a national objective of education. Just as we accept eye glasses to augment our vision, so too AI augmented brain systems have become acceptable. Smart contact lenses connected to the Internet makes “just in time knowledge” a normal condition. Brain building and exercising has been added as a new feature in health clubs, school curricula, and ANI software proliferated worldwide through the universal internet. Personal AI/avatars diagnose the best way for each individual to learn, what they might need or want to learn next to master a subject. ANI self-diagnostic software for brain’s functioning, and individualized prescriptions and monitoring have become compliance by 2040. Thanks to AI, there are no limits to knowledge in the world today, and basically everybody now has basic free access to most of the knowledge, and wisdom, created by humanity, including machine learning capabilities for all. The problem was not AI, the problem was human stupidity in the old BA (Before AGI) era. In the new AA (After AGI) era, humans are not only smarter thanks to AI, but also a new human-machine civilization has evolved with much higher educational levels, which has been fundamental to allow the development of the first multi-planetary society.
Q. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. The parliament of Switzerland was the first to create TransInstitutional Law to add to their for-profit law and non-profit law back in 2030. They defined a TransInstitution as an instruction whose: 1) governing body has self-selected people from government, business, academia, NGOs, and international organizations (like WHO), but not a majority of any one institutional category; 2) workers of the TransInstitution are usually employed elsewhere from these institutional categories but do not make up the majority of any one category; 3) income comes from government, business, academia, NGOs, and international organizations, but not a majority from any one institutional category; and 4) value added can be shown to all these institutional categories through some form of annual report and or research products. As a result of the above definition, the TransInstitution’s work: 1) has to make sense to the bottom line, since business is there; 2) has to make sense politically since government is there; 3) has to have knowledge and intellectual rigor since universities are there; 4) has to have its values together since NGOs are there; and 5) has to be internationally sensitive since UN or other international organizations are there.
There are rumors that some political, business, and AI leaders are quietly working to create a kind of hybrid AGI-DAO TransInstitution as a new kind of institution able to help manage global governance systems. New social institutions have also been experimented in the first human colonies in the Moon and Mars, helping back on Earth.
Q. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Synthetic biology has made life programmable, creating more new life forms by 2045 faster than seemed possible just a few years ago. Synthetic microbes eat plaque in the brain, keep the elderly mentally alert, clean photovoltaic glass walls of skyscrapers, lower energy costs and pollution, and rapidly convert waste to fertilizer for vertical urban agriculture. Some modified plants also produce hydrogen instead of oxygen, organisms self-assemble structures in ocean cities, gigantic vertical nanotube factories take carbon from the air and there are even new life forms adapting to the Moon and Mars.
The primary and secondary jobs to support the development, production, distribution, and education about synthetic biology and its products are a major new source of employment by 2045. There are opportunities for self-employment to help create new synthetic biology products and pre-test products via computational biology. Many new synthetic biology startups came from universities’ synthetic biology research centers. Such businesses create and sell microbes that kill tumors, transform environmental toxins, fix nitrogen on agriculture crops (reducing fertilizer needs), and imbed biocomputer components in nearly anything. To prevent synthetic biomicrobes from escaping and causing new environmental disasters, international regulations from WHO and WTO now require that synthetic biomicrobes are designed to self-destruct after their intended use or when they leave a prescribed area. The compliance and regulations are even more strident within the growing human colonies in the Moon and Mars.
Q. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?
A. Just as “ICT” means many kinds of software and hardware taken all together, we define “NT” (Next Technologies and their synergies) as: ANI/AGI, robotics, synthetic biology, genomics, computational science, cloud & big data analytics, artificial and augmented reality, nanotechnology and atomically precise manufacturing, Internet of Things, tele-everything and tele-everybody, quantum computing, tele-presence, holographic communications, collective intelligence, blockchain, 3D/4D printing of materials and biology, drones, and autonomous vehicles. In other words, leading edge technologies: the frontier of high tech.
By 2045, the speed of NT change is too fast for government or UN-produced regulations to manage. Instead, an International S&T Organization (ISTO) was created, not as a multilateral bureaucracy, but as a transinstitutional complex adaptive DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) using an AGI to manage many ANIs that update “all” relevant information in real-time on forthcoming technology with the ranges of views on each. This serves as a global collective intelligence system on NTs. The new ISTO organizes the world’s S&T knowledge, information, and data using virtual reality interfaces and knowledge visualization software. A user can quickly “swim” through three-dimensional menus, understand relationships through knowledge visualizations, and “dive” into specific research status with a full range of threats and opportunities detailed via linked databases of virtual reality around the world. One can quickly zoom in from a general overview of say, carbon sequestration to some cost/benefit/time-to-impact calculations from several experimental nanotech carbon processing labs working on fossil fuel energy plants. ISTO manages by information power.
Q. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.
A. There are two paths by which AI has advanced healthcare: first, the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of DNA sequence data from billions of people around the world and second by unlocking the secrets of protein-folding of DNA molecules.
Consider that each human has 32 trillion cells, that the human genome has 6.4 billion DNA base pairs and about 20 thousand protein-producing genes. Because genetic analysis of even a single individual involves so much data, ANI has been necessary to define what genetic normalcy means. The 2003 Human Genome Project cost $3 billion. Today as a result of AI, the price of genetic analysis is essentially zero. Use of AI also led to a deeper understanding of the 3D molecular structure of proteins. Now accessible databases link protein structure to gene expression, providing one of the previously missing pieces in understanding life-processes.
To a degree, genetics is destiny: unusual DNA errors (deletions, mis-locations, or duplications) may indicate a future disease or phenotype anomaly is inheritable. When diseases involve more than one sequence error, the situation can be quite complex. Identifying such errors was a necessary underpinning of today’s personalized medicine; most diseases which have a genetic origin are now curable. Since aging is viewed as a disease, many people think and probably will have very long lifespans; some sociologists call our time the age of Methuselarity.
Q. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?
A. Average life expectancy has kept increasing throughout history, from about just 20 years in prehistoric times, doubling to almost 40 years at the start of the 20th century, and then doubling again to close to 80 years at the beginning of the 21st century. By the middle of the 21st century, average life expectancy is doubling again, for everybody, everywhere. These longevity pioneers are in every income category and region around the world, not just the original “blue” zones where many centenarians were discovered by the end of last century.
As futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted, Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) or the Methuselarity happened in the 2030s, which meant that we gain an extra year for every year that we survive, even if still aging then. However, as Kurzweil described with great vision and technological intuition, we were ready to “live long enough to live forever” by adding one year per year lived, thanks to what he called the four bridges to “immortality”: bridge 1) do as your mother told you in the 2010s; bridge 2) biotechnology in the 2020s; bridge 3) nanotechnology in the 2030s; and bridge 4) AGI in the 2040s. By the 2040s, exponential advances in science and technology already achieved the first rejuvenation treatments, since Nobel laureate Shinya Yamanaka discovered that aging can be reversed thanks to cell reprogramming. These technologies have now been made available free through social security to all people around the world, thus diminishing the health and wealth disparities in the planet.
Q. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?
A. The central focus of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is equality. ANI and AGI have increased equality compared to 2022. Why? By 2030 or so, all people who wanted Internet access and advanced communications devices had them. Hence, the distribution system for ANI and AGI was equitably distributed in the USA and in most countries. The marginal costs of software are nearly zero today. Basic ANI applications (health management, medical diagnosis, education, legal advice and action, finding markets for what one wants to do, and smart contacts) could be free just like browser software and search engines are now or at least as a benefit within Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs. UBI does give protection against problems of unemployment, and enables freer choice of employment (Article 23).
However, human moral evolution takes longer to improve than software; hence, some racial and political discrimination (Article 2) still exists and personal privacy may be a thing of the past (Article 12 arbitrary interference with privacy) with data collection for improving AI. Some industries still require employees to join a labor union (Article 20) and no one may be compelled to belong to an association.
For comparison, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia improves and worsens rights similar to the USA, but the Kingdom might be worse or at least show little improvement in areas such as freedom to change one’s religion or belief, and freedom – either alone or in community with others and in public or private – to manifest one’s religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance (Article 18), freedom of option via any media regardless of frontiers (Article 19), equal access to public service in one’s country, e.g. women’s equal access, and free development of his personality banning homosexuality (Article 22).
Yet, these very restrictions on rights will be completely lifted in the new cities being developed by Saudi Arabia. The first major effort is Neom (in Arabic meaning “future”). Saudi Arabia may become a country of two cultural and legal systems: one with traditional Islamic Law and traditional Saudi Arabian cultural values that are not aligned with the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the other with Western law, and the most futuristic social behaviors that are aligned with the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Neom City is planned to become one of the most futuristic megacities in the world. Saudi Arabia will accelerate its investments into ANI and AGI to become a major player with AGI development in order to attract top international AI talent and computer hardware capacity.
Q. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?
A. Increasing numbers of people are turning to self-employment, the gig economy, and making a living by working to improve the world. If that continues, the world will move toward the “Self-Actualization Economy.” For the first time in history, humanity is engaged in a great conversation about what kind of civilization it wants and what we, as individuals and as a species, want to become. The FLI competition is an example.
The shift from human labor and knowledge to machine labor and knowledge is freeing us from the need to have a job to earn a living and achieve self-respect. Instead, we are now free to connect to markets worldwide that pay for what we want to do. In anticipation of AGI and advanced ANI replacing many jobs, governments have created alternative cash flow projections for universal basic income to understand how UBI could become financially sustainable. Since the various forms of UBI reduced anxiety about basic financial needs, people are now free to explore what they think is their purpose in life. As a result, people have the time to pursue causes that are building a better future. AI/avatars continually scan the Internet using smart contracts to create new work and barter opportunities that are exciting and develop one’s potential. Being boring or bored is the new poverty; while working on something exciting to improve the world is the new cool, the new status, and the new wealth.
Media Piece
“2045 World Build”, Video
The Team

Jose Cordeiro
Jose is probably the leading futurist from Venezuela, Founder of the World Future Society Venezuela, President of the Venezuela Node of The Millennium Project, and former Director of the Venezuela Chapter of the Club of Rome. He graduated in science at Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) in Venezuela, management at the European Business School INSEAD in France, and engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA. He serves in the Board of Directors of The Millennium Project, Vicechair of HumanityPlus, Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science, and Executive Director and Founder of the Ibero-American Futurists Network (RIBER). He has published more than 10 books in several languages, including his latest bestseller La muerte de la muerte. He writes in several newspapers in Spanish, has also been interviewed by international media like ABC, BBC and CNN, and has participated in science documentaries with Discovery Channel, History Channel and NatGeo. He has traveled to more than 130 countries around the planet and hopes to travel to the Moon and Mars as well. He describes himself as an engineer, economist, futurist, visionary, transhumanist, singularitarian and immortalist. In fact, he considers himself as an individual of the 22nd century who was born accidently in the 20th century.

Jerome Glenn
Jerry is the CEO of The Millennium Project, a think tank with 70 Nodes around the world, was instrumental in naming the first Space Shuttle the Enterprise and banning the first space weapon (FOBS) in SALT II. He invented the Futures Wheel and concepts such as conscious-technology, trans-institutions, tele-nations, management by understanding, self-actualization economy, feminine brain drain, and definitions of environmental security and collective intelligence. He wrote about information warfare and AI in the late 1980s in his book Future Mind about the future merger of consciousness and technology and sent his first email in 1973. Jerry is the lead author of the State of the Future reports, co-editor of Futures Research Methodology 1.0-3.0, hundreds of articles on the future, and co-author of Space Trek: The Endless Migration. He has keynoted many conferences around the world, and advised governments and corporations on future possibilities. He has a BA in philosophy from American University, an MA in Teaching Social Science – Futuristics from Antioch Graduate School of Education (now Antioch University New England), and was a doctoral candidate in general futures research at the University of Massachusetts. He has received several awards like the Donella Meadows Metal, Kondratieff Metal, Emerald Citation of Excellence, and doctor’s degrees from two universities.

Theodore Gordon
Ted is jokingly referred to as Millennium Project’s “rocket scientist” (he isn’t, but he is an engineer with space program credentials). Ted specializes in forecasting methodology, planning, and policy analysis. He was Chief Engineer of the third stage of Douglas’ Saturn S-IV space vehicle and other roles including advanced design of orbital and planetary vehicles, and the launch of early ballistic missiles and space vehicles from Cape Canaveral. That was his first career. His second career as a futurist began when he consulted for RAND Corporation (1963). He was one of the founders of the Institute for the Future and later (1971), the private consulting firm, The Futures Group, which he led for 20 years. He is co-founder of the think tank The Millennium Project with Jerome Glenn, where he conceived and contributed to scores of studies.
He is on the editorial board of Technological Forecasting and Social Change. He also was emeritus director of the Institute for Global Ethics. He won the “Futurist of the Year” award and was Regents Professor at the UCLA Graduate School of Business (1968), and a Woodrow Wilson scholar at Bowdoin (1975). He is 92 years old and pilots his own airplane.

Elizabeth Florescu
Elizabeth is Director of Research at The Millennium Project, working with the Project since 1997, and former policy analyst at the European Commission. Her main interest is improving humanity’s future perspectives by increasing humans’ intellectual, ethical, and cultural capacities for building more democratic and wise civilizations on Earth and beyond. She graduated the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Computer Science, in Bucharest, and worked in operational research and computer modelling. In search of freedom, she left Romania and lived and worked in several countries (including Belgium, Canada, and the USA). She is contributor and author of several reports, books, and articles in foresight and security. Through involvement in various committees and forums addressing issues related to S&T, environment, security, international regulations, ontology, and knowledge management, she tries to improve technical and policy coherence across sectors, institutions, and regions. She is a member of several professional associations like the World Futures Studies Federation, Global Futures Forum, World Future Society, Foresight Europe Network, Millennia 2015, and Foresight Canada. She is a graduate of the Romanian Academy of Economic Studies (Bucharest), Faculty of Economic Planning and Cybernetics.

Maria Mateo
Maria is the daughter and granddaughter from Spanish villagers, mother and grandmother of South American families. She survived the Spanish Civil War and World War II, had no formal education and had to start working as a teenager in a conservative rural society where women were second class citizens. In the 1950s she emigrated from the Spanish dictatorship to Venezuela, and in the 2010s she emigrated again from the Venezuelan dictatorship back to Spain. While working at home, she also became an artist painting and doing pottery. She believes in past, present and future inspiration, has helped many groups of young people to start thinking about the long term, has collaborated with some social media teams, and has participated in several expert Delphi surveys directed by The Millennium Project. She is probably the oldest woman in this contest with 91 years of good health, physically and mentally!

Veronica Agreda
Veronica is the Chancellor of Franz Tamayo University (Unifranz) in Bolivia, where she promotes the transformation of education, woman in technology, design thinking, futures research and long-life learning. She fights for youth empowerment, gender equality and scientific innovation. She is the Chairwoman of the Bolivian Node of the Millennium Project, Founder and CEO of the Women & Business Institute – IME Bolivia and Ambassador of the Women Entrepreneurship Day of the United Nations in Bolivia. She is an architect from the École Spéciale d’Architecture (1999), graduated from DESS in Materials for Architecture from the Université Technologique de Compiègne and the École d’Architecture Paris la Seine (2001). She holds a Master’s Degree in Design of Emerging Futures of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (UPC) and Elisava School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona. She has received awards for promoting woman and science in education throughout Bolivia, and has been the author of several reports about development and futures studies.

Our international team of The Millennium Project leaders participated jointly in this World Building contest. We are an international non-governmental organization dedicated to improving thinking about the future and make that thinking available through a variety of media for continuous improvement. The Millennium Project was founded in 1996 by Jerome Glenn and Theodore Gordon as part of the American Council for the United Nations University. It is now an independent non-profit organization with 70 Nodes around the world. For the World Building contest, we had a global team of 3 men and 3 women working together from 6 cities in 5 countries, with 4 religious backgrounds, of 3 ethnic groups, from 2 planet hemispheres (North and South or East and West) and 1 positive world building project towards 2045. We believe in the future, we want to help creating a better future for all of humanity together.