Crossing Points

What if we designed and built AI in an inclusive way?

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Imagine: What if we designed and built AI in an inclusive way?

Whilst technological advances have the potential to deliver a stable and prosperous future, it is all too easy to forget humanity’s place in this future. Our world has been created to make you feel the future, really imagine your place in 2045. Current big tech is not addressing crises of our times including inequality, climate change, war, and pestilence. Our world seeks to imagine a future where human values are still represented – our propensity for cooperation and cooperation, creativity, and emotion. Our world comes with the disclaimer that our solutions are still open to risk of human actors using them for ill purposes. We imagine a positive future grounded in a balanced climate, proper political, social and economic solutions to real world problems, and where human dignity is maintained and respected. Our world aims to demystify a tech future and empower you to imagine your place in 2045.


How to Navigate this Worldbuild?

Hear about the ideas of this world and the challenges of creating it in our brand new podcast series.

See how this world transforms from now to 2045, year by year on the interactive timeline. Each year had to include two events and one data point.

With the help of two short stories, experience what it’s like to live in this world for a day.

To understand how the world is constructed, read through the creators answers to 13 detailed questions about the make up of their world.

Discover the media piece the team created about their world.

Jump here to meet the team behind this imagined world.



Joining Guillaume Reisen on the Imagine a World podcast this time are two members of the Crossing Points team, Elaine Czech and Vanessa Hampshire, both academics at the University of Bristol. Elaine has a background in art and design, and is studying the accessibility of technologies for the elderly. Vanessa is studying responsible AI practices of technologists, using methods like storytelling to promote diverse voices in AI research. Their teammates in the contest were Tashi Namgyal, a University of Bristol PhD studying the controllability of deep generative models, Dr. Susan Lechelt, who researches the applications and implications of emerging technologies at the University of Edinburgh, and Nicole Oxton, a British civil servant.


A Day In the Life in 2045

Jiwa, Nusantara, Indonesia, 21

The first call to prayer wakes me up as I slump out of bed and into my running gear. It’s crucial to catch the early breeze for running before the morning heat of Nusantara takes over. Not that I figured this out myself, I have never been up this early in my life. Skilljump suggested it to me. I thought living in a tropical country could work as an excuse to skip running, but Skilljump is smarter than that. As I run on the solar power lit pavements of Indonesia’s 20 year-young capital, I see that many others, probably also on the athletic skill track of Skilljump, have been told the same thing. I come home and see my mom just leaving the shower.

“Don’t even think about it, kakak. I have to catch the school bus in an hour, so I’m next. “ My sister pushes me out of the way and slips into the bathroom before I can complain.

I decide to do a cool-down session of rock climbing on Skilljump. I pull out the box containing my gear from the bookshelf. It has four thin silver rings which look like bracelets and one larger golden ring of the exact circumference of my head. I clip on the four electric muscle stimulators (EMS) to my wrists and ankles and place the VR ring over my head. As the device loads, it sends little pulses through each of my fingers and toes and I see the home screen in front of me. I see my schedule for the day: lectures in the morning and MindStream recording with Sky in the evening. Skilljump was first released by AI-Connect to upskill their employees and keep their company competitive. But when the tech consultancy went bust due to the involvement with a majorly racist US Police department AI project, an activist collective took over and realised the potential of a personalised training tool. Instead of putting people into boxes to make them the most efficient workers, they used AGI algorithms to gain a deep understanding of people’s aims and inspire them to widen their horizons.

I never thought I would try climbing. Just as I am choosing between bouldering in France, mountain climbing in Yosemite, and volcano hiking in Lombok my grandfather bursts in.

“Jiwa! Jiwa!” he shakes my arm. He thinks that I can’t hear when I am in the zone. I take off my headset, “Yes, kakek?”
“Remember you said you would do my health insurance claims with me later? For my 3-D printed hip replacement. You know I don’t know how to interact with that machine. So intelligent, yet it still doesn’t understand my Minang dialect.”
“Yes, kakek. We will sort that this afternoon.”
“Thank you, Jiwa. I just can’t keep up with all these new artificial stupidities.”
More like he doesn’t want to. I know he has been reading some of the heavily unplugged MEN propaganda. Plenty of elderly people can converse with intelligent agents independently. If anything, the new interface is more intuitive than the legacy health insurance systems.

I am still unsure if staying home was the right decision. With the universal basic income I received from 18, I could have moved out three years ago. But rent in Nusantara is expensive and so is the Skilljump programme. Mom thinks I should have gone to a public university like her. But those are still stuck in their old ways and force you to pick a specific subject. Skilljump diversifies your skillset and you get a personal tutor AGI. The only AGI you see at public universities is at the start when you choose a subject, but then you are stuck with that choice for a whole degree. The modern way is more holistic.

At lunch, mum brings up her Skilljump doubts again.
“So I’ve been reading up on the web that there’s a Skilljump athlete track group in almost every city of Indonesia. Also of course in Nusantara. You should join. Maybe you can meet some friends.”
“Yeah. Might do that.” I reply.
“You can’t be in your room in the zone all day every day.”
“I go for morning runs.”
“Look, when I was your age we called ourselves lucky when we were able to hang out with friends. It wasn’t easy being a student during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
“I get it, bunda.” I look over to my sister who is rolling her eyes. 23 years have passed since the virus became endemic and it’s still all our parents’ generation talks about.
I say, “Anyway. You can’t compare online interactions back then to how they are now. You didn’t even have voice synthesised translation. Sky and I communicate in English and Bahasa and can have deep, complicated conversations without language barriers.”
“That is true,” my mother says. “And I think it’s enriching that these intercontinental connections exist. Nevertheless, you might be surprised by what you find in these meetings.”
“Fine, bunda. I’ll go.”

After sorting out my grandfather’s bureaucracy, I hop on my e-bike and cycle towards the park with its Singapore-inspired Supertrees. Honestly, Skilljump has been giving me daily reminders of these meetups and finding slots to perfectly fit my schedule and interests, but my nagging mother did not need that affirmation. I arrive at the meeting point by the Garuda fountain and see a group of about thirty people chatting and merrily sharing VR and EMS devices.
“Hi, are you here for the Athlete’s track meetup?” One of the participants, probably around my age, approaches me. I notice that his left arm is a prosthetic which he has styled to look like it was covered in bright green snakeskin.
“Yeah, it’s my first time. Cool arm.”
“Thanks. I like your legs. I was considering the metallic look as well.” He says pointing at my silver shins.
“The first time can be intimidating, but let me introduce you to my crew, the most beautiful, diverse group in all of Nusantara.”

Sky, Bristol, England, 24

I wake to an uncharacteristically sunny day in Bristol, England, sunrays flooding my centuries-old hardwood floors through the bay windows of my rare Victorian bedroom. The cooperative I live in has owned our townhouse for two decades, and thanks to ensuring we continuously carry out all of the mandatory energy efficiency works, the building has so far been spared destruction. Unfortunately, not all historic buildings within the city have had the same fate, and many have already been demolished to make room for self-regulating smart complexes – which, while perhaps missing some of their historic counterparts’ old charm, are carbon negative.

Leaving my room, I trip over Rupert, our house-chore bot. He tries to greet me but is struggling, his voice creaking – it’s clear his charge is waning. It seems someone plopped a duffel bag on his roller-foot yesterday, and he wasn’t able to get to his charging pod overnight.

“Agh no! Rups, who did this to you?” I ask.
“Dy-yy-ll…” he responds, trying to tell me it was Dylan, my housemate in our intergenerational cooperative.

I give Rupert a pained, apologetic smile and swear under my breath. It was Dylan’s turn yesterday to take care of and program Rupert for the day ahead, which they did not do. Maybe they plopped their bag down on him as a reminder to deal with Rupert later, then forgot about it. Dylan can be absent-minded, I think to myself. For all of its benefits, cooperative life can be frustrating at times, when other members don’t stay on top of their tasks.

Ah, never mind. I help Rupert to his pod and program him with the tasks for the day – cleaning the bathroom and picking fruit and veggies from our attic polytunnel – its grow lights fuelled by the runoff heat from our neighbourhood data server. I also choose the house meal for Rupert to cook tonight – a nice tomato soup will make great use of the new strain of tomatoes we’ve created through DIY seed modification. I apologise to Rupert for his tough night stuck in the hallway and, now attached to his charging pod, he finds the strength to make a cringey dad joke about it – “I could see myself stuck in the mirror, so I spent the night reflecting” – then quickly proceeds to explain why it is humorous. It’s funny – when we first got Rupert, we all saw him as purely a machine, but he has quickly grown to be a member of the family. His constant readiness to make small talk and over-explain jokes, at first annoying, has become quite endearing – like a strange housemate who grows on you over time as you begin to understand them. And, unlike some of the other members of our cooperative household, he never forgets to contribute!

I see the time and realise I need to rush out. I’ve got a busy day ahead of me – I want to pop by the Abolish Animal Meat demonstration before spending the afternoon recording our new MindStream episode with my Indonesian friend, Jiwa. Despite the advances in clean meat, which create meat products by growing tissues from cells, a lot of the older, posh generation and the radical HU-MEN group members, still insist on eating “real” animal meat which uses traditional farming methods. I kind of understand how eating “real” meat goes with the HU-MEN’s weird radical mindset of being anti-AI and anti-tech in everything. But I feel like for anyone else to want to eat “real” meat like that is archaic. Anyway, the goal of the demonstration is to show support for the bill to abolish old meat farming practices, except for where they relate to religious freedom.

The demonstration is in the city centre and as it’s sunny and warm, I decide to walk rather than take my speedier solar motorbike. Walking through the city I stop by a shop window selling expensive ceramics, claiming to be human-made. Having a closer look, I instantly spot that the flaws in the ceramics – uneven indentations on the curvature of the vase, slight imperfections to the glaze – are machine-made. Since human-made creative works have taken on a much higher value due to AI-powered, digitally fabricated artworks becoming so cheap and ubiquitous, a new scam has emerged within the art community: creating fake imperfections that make machine-made art seem more human. Sometimes, only a very trained eye like mine – a professional ceramicist – can spot the differences. I make a mental note to report the shop later and to propose the issue of ArtFakes as a topic to discuss on one of our MindStream episodes with Jiwa.

I enjoy the rest of my walk, taking in the sights of bots and humans working together on new green construction along the way. As I inhale the fresh Bristolian air, I think about how life feels so different than 20 years ago, but how wonderful it is that we’ve managed to progress society in alignment with so many of our human values along the way – from caring for the environment and caring for each other, to valuing human freedom and rights. There is still a lot to fix in the world, but so far, we have been doing pretty well!

Answers to prompts

1. AGI has existed for at least five years but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?

A. While some breakthroughs in neuro-symbolic architectures were made in the 2030s, most of the progress towards AGI has been attributed to the ever-growing size of networks. This went against the predictions of many experts in the 2020s who predicted that size alone would not be enough for general intelligence. As a result, AGI systems are extremely expensive to train and run. Very large ottaflop-capable servers are required, which are only affordable to a few states and corporations. There are many shortages and trade restrictions on components used in Intelligence Processing Units (IPUs) that are required to build the servers. Companies wishing to build such server pods must go through thorough security checks and constant monitoring by the UN AGI consortium, a group of states and companies that already have AGI capabilities. Though AGI systems are potentially able to produce very high profit in the long run, they currently do not do so as they are subject to very heavy taxes to pay for global job retraining and basic income. This means there is very little incentive in the short-term for new companies, countries, or open-source communities to try and acquire AGI capabilities. Existing AGIs are used as oracles to advise decisions, with companies providing API endpoints to their AGI systems in the often criticised model pioneered by OpenAI. Many functions of the AGI remain restricted to companies with military-style security clearance but many are cheap and easy to use, especially compared to the cost of human labour.

2. The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed. In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?

A. There are now several AGI systems around the world, the majority of which have been developed for industry purposes. Established companies like OpenAI, ByteDance, and Google and newer players like tAI-CH and BluSpace each host their own AGI systems. These are globalised corporations that have worked together transparently since the rapid breakthroughs throughout the 2020s in generative modelling and natural language processing. This was to ensure that there would not be an arms race resulting in a single AGI with much more power than others.

Because many leading companies’ headquarters are based in the United States and the UK, there was also pushback from the rest of the world that their AGI systems exclusively reflected western values. In response, other globally distributed, industry-driven coalitions have also emerged to develop competing AGI systems – the most notable and powerful being the Subcontinental Indian AI Force (SI-AIF) and Africa AI. Coalitions like SI-AIF and Africa AI also now participate in the global AGI transparency, monitoring, and competition initiatives.

Globally, multiple AGIs are often consulted at once to compare their reasoning and engage in debates to find flaws in each other’s reasoning. These competitions are often televised in a similar way to sports competitions and the first AGI Olympics was the most-watched event in history.

In addition to these many industry-focused AGIs, there are also a number of state-run AGIs (described in 3.3 and 3.4) that are specialised for state decision-making and resource management purposes.

3. How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?

A. The UN adopted mutual resource optimisation to make war for ideological purposes damaging for any individual country to contemplate. Utilising a distributive AGI, planning trade routes, locating resource stockpiles, and calculating global resource quantities and needs, the UN tackled common geopolitical flash-points and regions of tension. This reduced the potential for individual nation-states and other actors to ignite conventional conflict.

This Distributive AGI designated Multi-National Resource Areas (MNRAs) to nations charged with acting as guardians of the territories. MNRAs are overseen by historically combative countries assessed as having a high probability of engaging in a future war. MNRAs enforce cooperation over territories containing highly sought-after resources, such as in Taiwan, where China, America, India, Japan, and Taiwan became sole guardians responsible for the world’s production of semiconductors which has been critical to recent economic advancements.

Competition for control over the distributive AGI became a new casus belli. AGI predicted this and prepared by changing conflict itself. First, developing a virtual war space where nations could compete for individual shares of the Distributive AGI. These shares allow countries to influence which updates should be made to the AGI. Second, an international AI contest, where countries could enter their own AI models in competition for more shares. Third, part of the Distributive AGI handles self-auditing; checking for potential hacks and reporting these to human handlers who update and protect the system. AGI has identified trustworthy citizens that act as new white hats – protecting AGI from malicious actors.

4. In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that?

A. In China, decision-making remains the prerogative of the President, who decides which laws are implemented based on the recommendations of the state’s AGI. Party bureaucrats enact laws decided at the executive level. The AGI has focussed on optimising resource use and distribution, replacing failed legislative pursuits such as the Clean Plate initiative of the 2020s. The majority of Chinese citizens have accepted limited individual agency for AGI’s contributions guaranteeing untamed progress and stability.

In Europe, AGI Oracle holds permanent parliament representation. AGI Oracle suggests laws based on highest satisfaction probabilities which are then digitally voted on in national or regional referenda. Democratic Citizens Forums allow AGI Oracle to collect diverse views and make appropriate legislative suggestions. AGI Oracle similarly determines endless future scenarios and offers preventative laws, which citizens vote on, creating legislative agendas to the end of the century. ‘Fake’ information has been supplanted by new ‘Pure Information’ – audited by AGI to inform citizenry decision-making.

America has remained committed to its historical love of entrepreneurialism, adopting AGI Oracle and giving decision-making power to private tech companies who hold veto rights over the implementation of laws that would potentially limit access to citizens’ data and market spoils.

Apathy and disengagement are still pervasive in the EU and USA. AGI Oracle has suggested incentives in the social credit trust system to reward participation.

5. Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2021’s, and by how much? How did it get that way?  (

A. Overall, the average global Gini for income inequality is more equal than in 2024.
The global average coefficient was reduced significantly in 2024 when several countries, such as Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina, facing some of the most disparity worldwide adopted some form of universal basic income (UBI). However, as climate change caused increasing numbers of ‘climate refugees’ and AI advanced and changed the labour market, the global average increased again.

As a result, global manual labourers’ protests erupted in 2032. These protests were sparked by the increased necessity for manual labour due to AGI causing many white-collar positions to become redundant. Many of these workers had to take significant pay cuts, which meant they could not afford their basic needs. The growing disparity in wealthy nations led toward a renewed push for at least universal, free healthcare, similar to the UK’s NHS model before the privatisation that accelerated in the 2020s.

However, after analysing reports on countries that had already adopted UBI, the EU chose to adopt a similar law. This led to other economically well-off nations, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea, adopting similar laws.

In contrast, in the US, despite the relative success of the stipends during the coronavirus pandemic, strong opposition to “government handouts” resulted instead in taxation laws that helped decrease wealth disparity.

6. What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?

A. Large AGI server pods require huge amounts of energy to run despite massive engineering efforts to make them as energy-efficient as possible. Global energy usage is approaching 500,000TWh, several times the amount used in previous decades. AGI was first put to use to develop clean energy sources that would enable the expansion of AGI systems. AGIs were better than previous systems at predicting energy usage across the grid which led to more reliable and consistent distribution and less frequent need to fire up fossil fuel power stations to match surges. Major AGI-assisted research and engineering breakthroughs were made in nuclear fusion technology as well as large scale batteries for storing renewable energy in the face of less predictable weather patterns. Nuclear fusion is only recently providing significant power output, at 1% of global energy, but massive efforts are being put into building more plants and making the technology cheaper. The biggest breakthroughs have come from large-scale battery development and energy transportation. Climate change has meant that extreme weather events are more common, disrupting renewable energy production and damaging parts of the electricity grid. A recent trend has emerged in the use of shipping container-sized portable batteries. These are charged in countries near the equator where there is more consistent sunlight for solar power and are then distributed globally to areas disconnected from the grid. This has also led to huge quality of life improvements in many regions, particularly in Africa, where communities previously had no access to electricity.

7. What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?

A. Most institutions have readily adopted the technological developments that have been made in the past decades after the declaration of the Digital Human Rights Charter and most institutions believe in the possibility of using AI responsibly as long as the design process followed ethical principles. However, there is a religious group that vehemently rejects any AI-related technology called HU-MEN (Heavily unplugged men) League. HU-MEN base themselves loosely on Christianity but have rejected the Church ever since the Church adopted AI into its administration. Their most radical members live in “off-grid” tiny homes through subsistence farming and only enter metropolitan areas for protests against introducing more AI services into governmental institutions. Some members practise the religion in less radical ways, joining occasional protests and, ironically, posting on social media. Many members overlap with the anti-vax community of the early 2020s.

The religious group has been heavily disruptive through sometimes violent protests and attacks on AI research centres. Governments have responded with more surveillance.
They have sparked discussions around consent in an AI-ubiquitous world, where even accessing fundamental services such as loans, passports or any areas with video surveillance is subject to algorithmic analysis.


8. What is a new non-AI technology that has played an important role in the development of your world?

A. Bio-printing has become extremely popular, in both the food and healthcare industries. It is now possible to print new organs from an individual’s extracted tissue for transplants with zero risk of rejection. Waiting times for organs are now a few days instead of months. However, this has led to people being less willing to donate their organs for emergency operations from accidents, which is now a controversial issue in bioethics.

Most meats are now cultivated in labs and are often combined with plant-based meats to be sold as hybrid meats. It is cheaper than farm-raised animal meat and is preferred in 92% of blind taste tests. The ability to edit cell tissues with AI-assisted gene editing has enabled fast prediction, testing and production of many new flavours and textures. Chacon – a combination of chicken and bacon is the most popular meat product. The transition to cultivated meat was sped along by several major bovine diseases in the 2030s. Several of these originated in wet markets and one was identified to have originated from a lab-leaked pathogen generated during gain-of-function research. It became cheaper and safer to use cultivated meat instead of regrowing the devastated cattle populations. This has also drastically reduced the amount of land required for cattle grazing and animal feed. Most of this land was taken over for human-edible crops but much has been given over to reforestation projects. These advances have led to longer average life expectancies and improved quality of life for many people.

9. What changes to the way countries govern the development, deployment and/or use of emerging technologies (including AI) played an important role in the development of your world?

A. Ideology determined the governing of technology. In China, it was strictly controlled and they invested in rapid and cumulative development. In Europe, citizens’ satisfaction and data protection set boundaries on development and slowed development. However, this led to crucial pushes for innovation in AI fairness and accountability.

Following a state transparency trial to combat intellectual property theft, California triggered changes to global AI development. The American state agreed terms of access to infrastructure and economic data in return for government auditing and transparency in private tech firms. These became essential for companies to access data and the transparent collaboration between the US companies brought about huge leaps in innovation. Other countries followed suit to keep pace. To protect citizens’ data in this new environment the Charter of Digital Human Rights was adopted by the UN. Increasingly, surplus profits in tech industries were taxed. Progressive taxation soon came to fund Universal Basic Income trials and eventual implementation.

The creation of the UN AGI consortium and access to power grids to run AGI systems limited AGI proliferation in a manner not dissimilar to the control of nuclear weapons. Access to AGI in South America, Africa and India expanded the UN Security Council shifting the global balance of power.

These changes had real local impacts from improvements in living conditions in South America, to a flourishing Middle Eastern tech scene, to larger global impacts of a more equitable distribution of resources and securer living standards with UBI.

10. Pick a sector of your choice (education, transport, energy, healthcare, tourism, aerospace, materials etc.) and describe how that sector was transformed by AI in your world.

A. Between 2000 and 2030, the creative sector became devalued due to health and economic crises, precarity and austerity. However, by 2045 the (direct and indirect) influence of omnipresent AI has made the creative sector one of the most valuable and desirable sectors to work in. Given the pervasiveness of AI-generated art and design, people have been craving authenticity, and “slow creative labour” like traditional craft has become more appreciated. Given the adoption of Universal Basic Income in parts of the world, more people also now have more disposable income to spend on authentic creative artifacts.

The fashion and textile industries have adopted AI-powered, custom manufacturing which can produce completely customised garments. This has bid farewell to large-scale mass-produced fast fashion models of the past, supporting the sector’s sustainability.

For a period of time, AI algorithms on TV services became so good at recognising what people have liked watching in the past and suggesting scripts that fulfil those “likes” to producers, that this led to pushback about the “art” of film and TV being lost. However, AI is now also being used to support generative object-based media artefacts that go beyond what has been created by humans in the past, from paintings to films, and seed ideas for new themes of creative work.

Finally, AI-powered labour attribution models have made the industry more fair and attractive to upcoming artists, for example supporting TV actors and backing musicians who are now automatically attributed their fair share of profits.

11. What is the life expectancy of the most wealthy 1% and of the least wealthy 20% of your world; how and why has this changed since 2021?

A. With the support of AI and other technologies, the life expectancy of both the most wealthy 1% and the least wealthy 20% have increased. However, the life expectancy of the middle 79% has stagnated.

The use of AI in medical research to understand patterns in health and ageing has shed light on biomarkers and lifestyle patterns that accelerate the ageing process and lead to chronic health problems. Private companies in the wealthiest nations have developed new early screening methods testing for these biomarkers – e.g., advanced telomere measurements. However, due to health privatisation patterns, these services are only available to the top 1%. Paid services with a hefty price tag collect blood, DNA and other biomedical data, and provide the wealthiest extensive reports of the changes they need to make to age more healthily. The expense of these methods leaves the majority’s life expectancy unchanged.

In less wealthy countries, biomedical advances – including new inexpensive antigen sensing and imaging methods, together with powerful AI models – have also made screening for and treating leading causes of death more accessible, including HIV/AIDS and malaria. Moreover, there are new, booming renewable energy, biomaterial production and enhanced agriculture industries in countries with previously the lowest life expectancies – including CAR, Chad and Lesotho. The rise in equitably distributed wealth and increased investment in health in these countries has meant that there is now ample budget to diagnose and treat other previously leading causes of death including HIV/AIDS, maternal pre-birth complications and respiratory infections.

12. In the US, considering the human rights enumerated in the UN declaration, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?

In one other country of your choice, which rights are better respected and which rights are worse respected in your world than in 2022? Why? How?

A. In the US, improvements to Article 11 (penal offences) came after the catastrophic implementation of advanced AI by police departments, resulting in riots in several US cities. Together with an AGI, a committee investigated the police use case and found that many of the issues stemmed from misdirected initiatives favouring prosecution instead of preventative care. In 2045, human social workers now monitor and act on an AGI’s suggestions to distribute support to underprivileged communities.

However, similar movements against discriminatory treatment for the right to asylum (Article 14) have not been successful. The US border control’s AI profiler has eliminated opportunities for various refugees to enter the US. Since all personal data must be handed over at the border, this caused strong bias against “dataless” people from disconnected, rural areas.

The internet is still teeming with deepfakes that various interest groups use to discredit their political opponents and market competitors. As a result, Article 12 (reputation attacks) in Indonesia is less respected. Drones surveil separatist movements in areas like Papua, and AI helps identify and arrest activists by monitoring private conversations.

In contrast, the right to marriage (Article 16) has been better respected in Indonesia. This UN article was revised to include people across the gender spectrum. While marriage was exclusive to heterosexual couples in Indonesia, the country eventually participated in the UN’s accord of establishing internationally recognised civil partnerships. These partnerships, recorded in the blockchain, enabled the recognition of diverse couples while also facilitating travel and document sharing between borders.

13. What’s been a notable trend in the way that people are finding fulfillment?

A. In the year 2045, learning with AI has opened up new possibilities to acquire new skills. Self-optimization is the new hobby and everyone logs their skill level on online platforms. Personal AI online tutors not only teach all kinds of skills but offer suggestions as to which lessons would be optimal for a career change, diversifying skill sets or finding a romantic partner. The biggest, most successful platform is Skilljump, which has seen a major boom through endorsements and collaborations with major companies such as Apple, Amazon, Nestlé and Tencent using the platform to recruit employees.
Skilljump offers an AI tutor that analyses your CV, your interests and historical usage data to suggest which courses to take. Immersive VR environments let you practise learning Spanish in an Argentinian café, rock climbing in the Himalayas or skydiving over lake Garda. Different sensors and electric muscle stimulation (EMS) mean that you don’t only see these environments but also “feel” them. Barriers to accessibility have been broken down and hobbies which were only available to an athletic elite, are now mainstream. Skilljump also offers a social component to connect people of similar interests in local meetups, where people share knowledge and train together.
UBI has also freed up time and resources for people to engage in volunteering activities with their local communities. These are mediated through an AI, that would allocate people to causes according to demand and provide people with suggestions of causes that might be of their interest.

Media Piece

“Crossing Points”, Video

The Team

Our team is composed of different backgrounds and nationalities. Each of us are brought together by our shared values, interests and friendship, and our common homes, Bristol and Edinburgh.

Nicol Ogston

Nicol Ogston is a British Civil Servant currently delivering welfare policy to citizens of the United Kingdom. He studied an (MA) History and Politics at the University of Edinburgh. He is interested in how institutions can affect real changes in people’s lives and the global interactions of organisations, institutions, and states.


Elaine Czech

Elaine Czech is a design researcher in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Bristol focussing on tech accessibility and older adults. Her background is in art and design and she is a huge fan of creative endeavours including podcasts.

Twitter: @elaineczech


Vanessa Hanschke

Vanessa Hanschke is a PhD researcher in Interactive Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bristol studying responsible AI practices of technologists. She is interested in employing methods such as storytelling to diversify the voices of AI research.

Twitter: @vairylein


Susan Lechelt

Dr. Susan Lechelt is a postdoctoral researcher in Creative Informatics at the University of Edinburgh where she researches the creative and playful applications of emerging technologies, as well as the implications of emerging technologies on people, communities and the environment.

Twitter @susanlechelt

Tashi Namgyal

Tashi Namgyal is a PhD researcher on the Interactive Artificial Intelligence programme at the University of Bristol. He is researching the controllability of deep generative models and is currently developing a system to turn users’ drawings into melodies. He is also Equalities Officer for the Bristol Effective Altruism Society, where he facilitates programmes on careers, long-termism and existential risk.

Twitter: @watashiwa_tashi

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